"No one needs an assault weapon," Schoenke said.

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
New group gunning to be NRA alternative
By Lew Freedman
Chicago Tribune

The membership of the National Rifle Association is 4 million and it is rare to hear a hunter or competitive shooter make strong statements against the organization.

That's because the NRA is viewed as the uncompromising, stalwart, shooters' rights defender.

So when Ray Schoenke, former Washington Redskins football player, a life-long gun owner and an avid hunter says, "They don't speak for me," it is an attention-getter.

Schoenke and his partners appeared at a national outdoor writers convention in Lake Charles, La., recently to muster awareness and support for the new American Hunters & Shooters Association, billed as an alternative to the NRA.

The association, said Schoenke, president of the new group, is more middle-of-the-road politically than the NRA.

"We think for most hunters and shooters, that's where they are," he said. "There's a middle ground."

The NRA's position on gun control is best epitomized by former group president Charlton Heston's legendary stance indicating the only way he would give up his gun is if someone pried it from his cold, dead hands.

For the Hunters & Shooters Association, the issues do not have to be black and white.

"No one needs an assault weapon," Schoenke said.

Robert Ricker, the Frederick, Md.-based group's executive director, said there are millions of Americans who are neutral, or who don't have informed opinions about gun ownership, hunting and the shooting sports, and they must be reached by an organization that doesn't seem extremist.

"We want to change the impression of hunting and shooting in the minds of the general public," Ricker said. "The heritage, the fathers and sons, gets forgotten. Instead, 'It's all bad.' What we have to do is teach all these people in the middle."

Not surprisingly, the NRA is attuned to such challenges from competing gun rights groups, hinting that the Hunters & Shooters Association might be a fifth column on the side of gun-possession foes. Though it sounds far-fetched in this case, the NRA says beware of enemy "antis" in sheep's clothing.

The Hunters & Shooters Association might be "trying to market itself as a hunting group," said NRA director of public affairs Andrew Arulanandam. "I would say they do support the (President) Clinton gun ban which encompasses semi-automatic weapons. We have no gray area in our support for hunting."

The NRA is the 800-pound gorilla. The organization has many friends who trust the NRA to head off threats to gun ownership and count on its lobbying muscle.

"We have a presence in Congress," Arulanandam said. "We have a presence in all 50 states. Politicians at all levels pay attention to us. We are the largest hunting organization in the country."

The Hunters & Shooters Association believes there is room for compromise in areas such as assault weapons. But the NRA has an all-or-nothing outlook and that approach has worked for it.

The NRA is well-funded, established, has a powerful voice and is a well-known brand name that resonates even with people who are not hunters and shooters.

The organization isn't welcoming because it doesn't see a need for assistance, certainly not from a group that might water down the NRA's hard-core message.

"If you are a law-abiding American, we don't think your (gun ownership) rights ought to be restricted," Arulanandam said. "We're interested in getting guns out of the hands of criminals. Go after the criminal. Leave the ownership of firearms to those people who aren't a problem."

The Hunters & Shooters Association has no illusions.

The NRA has millions of members and the new association has hundreds. Schoenke and Ricker are convinced that making believers out of the vast numbers of Americans who have no strong opinion about hunting or shooting sports can benefit activities.

Logic says they are right, that there are always many undecideds. But we live in a time when politics is dominated by sound bites, not well-thought-out views. The modern political world is characterized by absolute positions, not middle ground stands. The NRA is right at home with that.

The Hunters & Shooters Association is banking on a willingness to listen that may overestimate its intended audience.

"Part of our job is to bring back the view that hunting is our heritage," Schoenke said. "We don't want the soccer moms out there to be frightened of us. It takes time and it's hard."
I am glad that he enjoys the freedoms the NRA has worked so hard to protect. And I agree with him "No one needs an Assault Weapons", but I want one. And it is my right.

Do you think he would be so angry if I said "No one needs a hunting rifle,"? I mean what is the point?
Sounds like a democratic party funded gun organization or one backed initially by some of the democratic core. This is beginning stage for the next democratic gun control push in order to sell hunters that hunters can support gun control in the interest of crime control without the fear of loosing their hunting rifles. Divide and conquer, one of the oldest military tactics. Remember Bill Clinton said they lost the 2004 presidential race because of hunters and the NRA.

Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
RE: Assault Weapons

Guess no one needed one after Katrina, huh? :evil:

Thats when I bought mine. Schoenke is obviously a left wing ant-gunner and hopefully the NRA (and the GOA et al) devote enough resources to make sure that the word on that gets out.
Compromising our rights?

It sure looks like this organization is willing to "give." Beware, because the antis are certainly willing to "take" - and "take" - and "take." Frankly, I don't give a rat's a$$ about what the soccer moms think about me. They don't want me shooting Bambi either.

Once the camel's nose is under the tent - look out. If we give them our "evil looking guns" then the next logical step for the social engineers is to go after all semi-automatic firearms. And on, and on........:cuss:

You absolutely cannot negotiate with people whose ultimate objective is to disarm you.:banghead:

Well...Nobody needs lasagna or a 10,000 square-foot house or a Ferrari Testerosa either. The question isn't whether we need something or not. The question is: Why should we not be able to have it if we want it?

These people who propose to tell me what I do or don't need...and what I may and may not have make me a little tired. The people who do that AND are in position to make it law make me very nervous with their police state mindset. I can hear Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin cackling from the depths of hell this very minute.
Every time I see or hear about one of these so-called "pro-gun" groups I get a knot in my stomach! Reading about this one was no different!

First of all, most of those groups thinly veil their TRUE agenda....to divide the "pie" of gun owners into at least 3 groups....the hunters, the shooters who own "tame" firearms, and owners of the so-called "assault weapons".

Secondly, most of those groups specify "hunters" before mentioning "shooters". You will never see them turn that around to say "shooters and hunters". Also, note that they do not use the words "gun owners".....for the "evil" people with the so-called "assault weapons" might be looked upon as being "legal".

Thirdly, it is VERY rare for these types of groups to clarify what, in their way of thinking, is an "assault weapon"! They don't want to hear any sort of logic, for they seem to KNOW that the "assault weapons" are.....more DEADLY than other firearms!

Fourthly, I wouldn't put it past these supposedly "pro-gun" organizations to turn on HUNTERS! After all, most "hunting" rifles are very accurate, can drop wild animals at fairly long distances, and could easily be used for "sniper" purposes! Oh, put a "hunting" rifle in a synthetic "tactical" stock and it suddenly becomes a rifle that "only the military and police should own"!

If you ever run into any of the "pro-gun" folks who shun the NRA, ask them what their feelings are about "hunting" rifles and "assault-type" rifles.
Ask them if the "assault-type" rifles are deemed as being such because of the caliber of ammo they shoot or their appearance. If they say "caliber", point out that there are NO "assault weapon" laws that delineate what caliber they shoot....just certain "evil" features, such as pistol grips, bayonet lugs, muzzle brakes (the so-called "flash hiders") and detachable magazines.

If any of you "elderly" folks recall, Colt began advertising their AR-15 rifle as a "Cowboy's Companion", and that it was a great rifle for dispatching varmints that preyed upon cattle! They did NOT advertise it as an "assault" rifle, nor a "civilianized version of a military rifle"!
Not surprisingly, the NRA is attuned to such challenges from competing gun rights groups, hinting that the Hunters & Shooters Association might be a fifth column on the side of gun-possession foes. Though it sounds far-fetched in this case, the NRA says beware of enemy "antis" in sheep's clothing.

I love how the Tribune tries to paint the NRA as a bunch of crackpot conspiracy nuts when the connections between AHSA and a number of extremist antigun organizations are a provable fact.

It's a fact that the president of AHSA, John Rosenthal, was with the Brady Campaign (which he claims to have repudiated) but also responsible for starting a state-level antigun organization called Stop Handgun Violence.

The Executive Director of AHSA, Robert Ricker, is one of the lawyers who has signed on to all of the lawsuits attempting to sue gun manufacturers for the actions of criminals.
"No one needs an assault weapon," Schoenke said.
I wonder how he would react if someone told him he didn't need a sniper rifle (or one that looked like one) to hunt? Iron sights and a muzzle loader were good enough for our forefathers...Who really needs to hunt these days anyway...


I betcha' he doesn't need the car he drives either...
Very few of us *NEED* any kind of gun, at the moment. It is not about *NEED*. It is about Rights. I do not *NEED* the fire extinguisher I keep in the house, either. But, it will be there if and when I do *NEED* it.

He has no *NEED* of an upland game gun, nor any kind of deer rifle. The Second Amendment is not about hunting, or paper punching. It is one of the final Checks against Government Power and Tyranny. It is our Constitutional Rights we address and *THOSE* are *NEEDED*!!!

Remember these statist/leftist weaklings and do as Ted Nugent sings of, in the song Kiss My Ass!. I will remember when the "Going gets Tough". If he still sings the same tune then, he will hear me label him as *Tyrant*.

We are at War! When a Katrina hits, where are our state militias? It surely cannot be the National Guard. If and when the promised mass attack of the terrorists comes here, who will be on the front line? I would bet he won't be facing WMDs and AKs with an upland game gun.

It behooves everyone of us to check on the reserves of weapons and ammo here in the States. It is not a reassuring situation. There is a reason ammo is so costly and scarce. If we get called into militia service, we are not likely to get issued weapons and ammo, at least not first rate stuff. You better have something you trust of your own and plenty of ammo for it.

I've always held that ALL good American's HAVE their assault rifles, whether they're bolt action, single shot, semi-auto or lever action. Front stuffers, magazine fed (detachable or internal), pistol grip, bayonet lug or flash hider notwithstanding. Any rifle can be used to assault. Or, more than likely, to DEFEND. Our homes, towns, states, nation.

We know better. We know responsibility. We know government as a force. Sometimes farce.

So we have them.


At the ready.

Necessary... for a free state.
Shoenke = another useful idiot. Ray musta taken too many hits to the head, as he fails to understand that the Second Amentment isn't about hunting, and that "assault" is a behavior, not a device. If it were't for 'the right to keep and bear arms', he might not even be able to hunt with a firearm. Moron.
Everyone knows AHSA is a gun bigot front group, right?


It's the same 'ol crowd behind them, seeking to strew FUD and do the 'ol divide & conquer routine.
I hate the "you don't need" idiots.

they don't need the Bill Of Rights?
they do not need a Bible? a Koran? a Torah?
they do not need a newspaper? a vote?
So my friend using his AR to hunt coyote
(to protect his cats and dogs and children on his ranch)
is somehow now wrong because this (expletive deleted) said so?
I do. If I find myself one day fighting against a repressive government, I want to be using the same weapons they are.

I would point out that the government does not use semi-auto assault weapons. They use the real thing. So you won't be using the same weapons they are.

Secondly, if a war is ever waged against a repressive government, it will be fought like the insurgents fight in Iraq, with roadside bombs, improvised explosives, etc.

You don't want to go toe to toe with a professional army.
But every household in Switzerland NEEDS an assault rifle

Why should we be any different than Switzerland, a model of a pleasant society and place to live?
This is just another attempt to rehash Andrew McKelvey's "Americans for Gun Safety" closely mirrored by the DLC's (Democrat Leadership Council - Joe Lieberman, Evan Bayh and Bill Clinton etc) Mark Mellman to try and split gun owners so they can continue their religion of gun grabbing. AGS hired Schumer's chief of staff. Here we have:

Ray Schoenke, President of AHSA - A Maryland Democrat. Schoenke has made political donations to Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and Edward Kennedy.

Bob Ricker, Executive Director, AHSA -The hack who works for the anti's? (Joyce Foundation, Brady, or VPC - not sure which)

John E. Rosenthal, President, AHSA Foundation - Leader of Massachusetts group "Stop Handgun Violence". (Co-founded with a Kennedy)

Joseph J. Vince, Jr., Board of Directors, AHSA - BATF guy. Called the "F-troop" for a reason. Bigtime backer of the Ugly Gun Ban.

Jody Powell, Co-Chairman, AHSA Advisory Board - Jimmy Carter's boy.


According to a 2003 Field & Stream National Hunting Survey, sportsmen overwhelmingly support reasonable gun safety proposals. Moreover, an overwhelming majority of hunters support proposals like background checks to purchase guns, keeping military style assault weapons off our streets and the elimination of cop killer bullets.

1. We have background checks.

2. All guns the government doesn't like constitute's an "assault weapon". The worst plans allow the AG to ban everything.

3. "Cop Killer Bullets" even include the .30-30 rifle round. Ask Rosenthal and Schoenke's buddy Ted Kennedy. He said it himself.
Do you feel like I do?

Since I was 11-12 years old, I have had only a few prized possessions. Some have come and gone. One that has never gone is my firearms collection. I do not know what it is about firearms but I am strongly attracted to them on a strictly emotional basis and hold my possessions dear. They represent valued and wothwhile items.

I occassionally think about which child and or grandchild will inherit each of them. I have taken the children and grandchildren out shooting them many times. I have taught them to care for the firearms properly, to shoot straight and speak the truth (as the late Bill Ruger admonished) as well as firearm safety in handling and careful storage. They are and have been a big part of my life.

Who the hell do the antis think they are talking to when they ask me to give them up? They obviously do not have a clue what they mean to me. They do not remember the pride that I had in my first few rabbits or squirrels or ducks. They do not remember the long nights that they have made my sleep more restful or some of the not-so-wholesome places that I have carried them during periods of my life. They do not know of the times that I have been stranded in the dark a long way from help with my family and my firearm gave me comfort. On a couple of occasions, they may have prevented serious harm or death by simple being a show of force.................thank God we never knew.

As I continue to get older, the great equalizer is ever more important to me.

No, I don't think I will be giving them up any time soon! The antis need to find something else to do with their time.

I seriously doubt that Schoenke even knows what a “assault rifle” is…Very few of the anti gun crowd do…More than likely he, like many others consider an AR15 an assault rifle…Erroneously lumping evil looking non-selective fire rifles into the dreaded assault rifle category…

And these morons are the elected decision makers in this country…Just wait till Pelosi and her cronies on Capitol Hill get done with their agendas, we will be lucky to be allowed to own BB-guns…

There was a post here in another forum by one that said they don’t vote because they don’t think it makes any difference! Just take a look at the most recent election, Americans turned out and put the worst imaginable people in the real power seats since Clintons time…Sweeping changes by people getting out and voting, showing that most voters have no clue what these people are all about…Voting for the left to send a loud signal to the right hurts all law abiding gun owners, I still am shocked at how many so called right leaning Americans voted left with absolutely no clue what that did to having the ability to protect themselves…Ignorance and apathy is what Washington counts on…

Giving any ground on the 2nd Amendment is the beginning of the loss of all your Constitutional rights, without your ability to defend yourself against criminals and the abuse of government you can’t stop either…

Then you have idiots like this saying all the time we should do away with the Constitution:

If someone thinks they should be a leader or someone that attempts to influence people, there should be standards that they are measured by…Hollywood and the media try to blur all lines and confuse the simple sheeple…It is up to each individual to stay sharp on issues and the people that think they should be at the helm…Very few that are in office now are completely trustworthy...
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