"No one needs an assault weapon," Schoenke said.

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I'd rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it! All seriousness aside, I want it, this is America, too bad! Actually my carbine is a M4gery semi. Not a true assault weapon by our definitions, but certainly by theirs.
Secondly, if a war is ever waged against a repressive government, it will be fought like the insurgents fight in Iraq, with roadside bombs, improvised explosives, etc.

that depends on many factors, including logistical support, popular sentiment, and terrain.

You don't want to go toe to toe with a professional army.

No brainer here, but that doesn't mean that we should just lay down and sleep. Please, just tatoo right here on my shoulder. I'm #200-35071, nice to meet you.

C'mon guys, don't knock the hard core guys so much just because they say they will stand up for something, or they want to in their heart anyway. We're all gonna die someday.
does Schoenke rhyme with skunk?

Anyway it's important to make sure our friends who hunt (everyone where I work is a hunter) knows this info and does not fall for their crap.
Out of 80 or 90 hunters where I work I have found only one other NRA member!
That seems to be the major problem. Is that the majority of hunters, at least in my state, are not supportive of the 2nd Amendment in its entirety. As long as we have gunowners divided on important issues then we will not be getting much farther. We need more GOA and NRA members. It will not take much if they can show hunters as being moderates when it comes time to ban the cool guns.
No one needs a Jensen or Lorcin pistol....

The gov should provide Glocks and Kimbers :neener:

BTW, The 2A states our God-given rights to keep and bear arms. It says nothing about only a right to small arms :D
Well, the people who propose this BS don't have to worry because they have the secret service AND private contractor body guards to protect them. Then, they get up on a stage and make a speech about how guns never make anyone safer.


(1) They don't totally know what you have.
(2) They don't know if you still have what they think you have.
"No one needs an assault weapon," Schoenke said.

If you're content with the government telling you that 2+2=5, I suppose not.

Someone needs to relearn the history of the 2nd Amendment.
When debating with Antis, I think the best argument for so-called "Assault Weapons" is to point out that they're no more dangerous or deadly than other guns.

Bring up the M1A, Mini-14, SU-16, etc.. Also make sure that they understand that AWs are semi-automatic. Many people think AWs are fully-auto guns.
Late to the party

The only thing that I can think to add that makes for an interesting point would be this:
How many times has the NRA change leadership, it's name, or charter, and then reformed under a new identity when it took it on the chin or things went bad for it?
We, and our opponents, know who we are and what our goal is.

The most distressing thing of all is the ignorance at all levels that the 2nd ammendment has something to do with hunting.
Colt46 closed with:

The most distressing thing of all is the ignorance at all levels that the 2nd ammendment has something to do with hunting.


One might add target shooting to that.
I do. If I find myself one day fighting against a repressive government, I want to be using the same weapons they are.

This could not be more correct.

I will be the sole determinant of what I do and do not need, thanks. :fire:

RE: Assault Weapons


Guess no one needed one after Katrina, huh?

Thats when I bought mine. Schoenke is obviously a left wing ant-gunner and hopefully the NRA (and the GOA et al) devote enough resources to make sure that the word on that gets out.

No one needed one during the L.A. Riots neither. The citizens and business owners were calling for help and being told there was no one to help them, they would have to protect theirselves. Thank you for restricting my rights State Legislature.
Guess no one needed one after Katrina, huh?

No one needed one during the L.A. Riots neither.

That's correct. Your old Winchester Model 94 30-30 would have worked just fine. Comments like these fall right into the argument against ownership of these rifles. It is not about need, it is about living in a society where the right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The citizen has the right to defend himself and choose. The only difference between a AK clone and a semi-automatic deer rifle is the stock and a few other features. Mostly it boils down to the way the gun looks.
"No one needs an assault weapon"

You allow the anti's or their mates to get away with that, you allow them to define what is an assault weapon.

Over the last ten years, this country has banned the private ownership of

Semi-auto centre fire rifles

Semi-auto and pump action shotguns

Semi-auto rimfire rifles

Pistols above .38 calibre

Revolvers with less than a 4 inch barrel

Autos with less than a five inch barrel

Declared "self-defence" to be not a "genuine reason" to own a firearm.

The list goes on.

My Yank friends, don't go down the "Australian road"

I also cannot stand hunter types who support gun bans. :rolleyes: :barf: "Assault Weapons" are for hunting. Tyrant and criminal hunting.
While nobody really "needs" them, some folks look pretty darned good while wielding them.

Observe the following with my AR in the Arizona desert:

(My girlfriend Sarah and I. She's a relatively new shooter. Note her proper muzzle and trigger discipline (and her gleeful smile) -- I'm quite proud!)

(My friend Kim, posing for photos which are to be sent to her husband, an army soldier, currently in basic training.)
Assault rifles

Mostly untrained militia groups have gone toe to toe with professional armies in the past with the victory usually going to the militias.

I suspect we shall all be on the winning side should we have to face our own government then. Militias prove, as many a guerilla factions have proven to the US and Russia, that the will of the people shall not be conquered.

This is the core of the people in these cases, not their governments waffling here and there, but people who have stood up and said, Give me my way of life or kill me. Give me liberty or give me death kinda rings a bell here don't it?

U.S. Vietnam example
Russia's Afghanistan example
Our current Iraq example


PS - heypete: awesome teamwork poster
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"No one needs and assualt weapon",

The State and Federal Governments seem to disagree:uhoh: ! And since this guy is so against,"assualt weapons", I think he should lead by example. Never call the police, they have those dreaded Glocks, Sigs, H&K's, and all sorts of handguns that take greater than 10 round mags. Never go to any place that has a police presence, because they also have those baby killing AR-15's, and the SWAT teams have those uber dangerous "Assault Rifles and SMG's" like M-16, and MP5's:uhoh: ! He can never visit an Army base or anything of that nature, and we won't even go into what those military guys have and do with them:evil:! So please do,"Show us the way", Mr. Schoenke... We little sheeple shall follow your beakon of light, once you lead us by stepping from behind the guys with the MP5's:scrutiny: ... Can you say Hypocrisy... I knew you could:banghead: !!
If I might, I will repeat a question I asked earlier, just for the sake of giggles.

Did this celebrity athlete, or is it "ex-athletic celebrity" ever get around to actually defining that which he pontificated on?
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