Not in your backyard?

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Jan 2, 2003
St. Louis, in the Don't Show Me state
A while back I posted something about the Schnuck's grocery chain in Missouri posting against concealed carry.

A few folks responded.

Then folks noticed that Kroger's was posting, and a LOT of folks responded.

I guess there are more Kroger's, which directly affects more people. Like there's Applebee's pretty much everywhere...

But think on this...

You may never see a Schnuck's, but the manager of the City Market in your town may drive through St. Louis one day, and stop for groceries, and (without knowing a whole heck of a lot) think that putting up the same sorta signage would be a great idea. Or some anti working for a supermarket industry magazine will be visting a store, see the sign, and do a story about a "successful safety campaign," and before you know it, the problem has multiplied.

We can't rest when these places post against carry. We've got to let 'em know. Because their actions affect you, whether you live in the affected area or not.
Good point Bogie.

I like to see reaction from large corporations. It is fun to see us gun owner get such a response.

It may have something to do with the title of your thread, or how busy it was that day. I, for one, don't read every thread, so you've got to get my attention while clearly indicating the topic. If the thread doesn't do both, it's unlikely I'll post (unless the title is just too intriguing to let pass).

Can you post a link to your previous thread?

I was more than happy to write Schnucks a letter...and being that I DO travel to St Louis from time to time, I'll be sure to avoid the place, just like I promised them in my letter.

Ah, ok. Either I didn't see the thread, or I didn't feel active :)

I'll send an email when I get home, tonight.

Have all the Schnucks posted the signs? For some reason, I don't remember seeing them at the two that I frequent. Also, Uncle Bill's Pancakes have posted the signs.

On a side-note, St. Louisians and their surrounding pro-freedom bretheren should start thinking about some sort of counter-rally for the "Million" Mom March's Big[oted] Pink Bus visit to St. Louis on June 1-3.
From what I understand, some Schnuck's in more rural areas have either not posted, or tried to hide, the signs. I'd drop in anyway, and let 'em know that you think that that is blatantly racist...

They _know_ me at Uncle Bill's... I think I'll stop by for an omelet on the way home from work.
Do you think Schnuck's will even give a flying schnuck about this kind of e-mail campaign?

I do. E-mail sent!
First I have a question for Bogie: How is a rural schnucks hiding thier sign "blatantly racist?" You'ld think if it was so Blatent, Id have noticed it without your comment. Other than that, I am totally on your side. As a St louisan, I am severly disapointed by Schmuck's poor decision. I live 2 minutes from a Schnucks, and about 10 minutes from the next nearest store, so I do alot of shopping there and this will throw a wrench in my plans. I will probably do my major grocery shopping elsewhere, but what about when the wife needs that missing ingrediant for her latest dinner creation she is already half done with?
Ever notice how new rules make criminals out of good people?:(
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