Nutjob robs store, tries to kill everyone but gun misfires

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Id give him a lesson on how a functioning firearm works...

I guess you could say it would be the first lesson to get through his thick skull.
That video screams "free gun" to me. Possibly a free malfunctioning gun, but maybe solid enough to deliver a good pistol whipping.
The young man has already had MULTIPLE felony encounters with the law....and is still on the streets to harm innocent people. Our system is failing badly.
...and with a gun, no less :rolleyes:

That video screams "free gun" to me. Possibly a free malfunctioning gun, but maybe solid enough to deliver a good pistol whipping.

"Robber Holds up McDonalds, Beaten with Own Pistol by Onlookers"
:D :D :D :D :D

“Heroes” is how a police sergeant described a McDonald’s employee and a restaurant customer for their actions Tuesday night when a robber tried repeatedly to shoot people, stopped only because his gun misfired.
Then what makes them "heroes?" They were attacked, and survived long enough to delay the attacker mostly due to his own incompetence. Being "attacked," does not a hero make (to quote Yoda, probably). Whatever, glad things worked out for all involved, including the robber (he gets a hot meal, lice dip, and continued life here on Earth)


*Anyone else notice the football hanging in front of the camera's view of the cash register :D ;)
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Thank goodness he didnt have a GLOCK
Ain't that the truth.

Or even a good revolver.

And pity no one had that same armament to stop him right there.

IMO they all just lucked out. Nothing to do with their own skill, just pure luck the gun would not work.

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