Ohio's BIG Day Tomorrow-Possible Senate Override

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Sep 9, 2006
central Ohio
Tomorrow, Tuesday Dec. 12, is Ohio's BIG day! It's make it or break it day for HB347, our concealed carry fix it Bill. Our convicted criminal Gov. Taft vetoed it last Thursday morning, :fire: and our House of Representatives overrode his veto 3 hours later. :D It is the first time in 30 years that a Gov. veto has been overriden in Ohio!! Tomorrow afternoon the Senate votes on the override. We're pretty sure that the veto will be overturned, but nothing is for sure until the vote happens.

Please keep Ohio gun owners in your thoughts and prayers until this vote happens. :p

We will keep our website updated as information comes in. Several of us will be in the Statehouse, while the rest of our team maintains the behind the scenes updates.


Also, the NRA is asking that pressure be kept on Senator Armbruster. If you live in his district, PLEASE contact him today and tomorrow morning.
I spoke with Senator Roberts office and he is going to vote no on the veto override :( . His ph# is 614-466-6247. I would love to see Taft leave office with a veto override on his record. :)
Line item veto power

If I'm not mistaken, in Ohio the governor has line item veto power. Why didn't he just veto the preemption part if he didn't like it? Did he really have to be so difficult as to veto the whole thing?
If I'm not mistaken, in Ohio the governor has line item veto power. Why didn't he just veto the preemption part if he didn't like it? Did he really have to be so difficult as to veto the whole thing?

Line item veto is for fiscal items.
So that a governor can strip pork from a spending bill.
Here's hoping!

Every Ohioan ought to be calling every Senator and putting pressure on them to do the right thing.
As your neighbor right across the river, I really hope that this whole stupid ordeal
comes to a happy ending and Ohio gets the proper CCW laws that its citizens should
have had in the first place.

If the override goes through, I promise to visit more often.
I just called Spada and left a voice mail urging him to override, pointing out that this is the ONLY state in the union with concealed carry which requires the nonsensical "plain sight" in automobiles.
The Ohio Senate has a live video feed, so you can watch it as it happens. You have to have RealPlayer, though. I don't - the suspense will be killing me!
I called several senators and more than one made a comment like 'yeah, we've been getting quite a few calls like this'...

We can only hope.
Most important vote to overide may well have been was Sen Marc Dann (D), the incoming Ohio Attorney General. Bodes well I think!!
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