OK. No laughs please. ROA trio. I need to name them...

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"But you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan."

I really like the spaghetti western idea. Il Buono, Il Bruto, ed Il Cattivo.

Install grips made of Maple, Ebony, and Mahogany and call them Blonde, Brunette, and Redhead.

I need to start going to the gun shows again. Maybe I'll find one. The local gun shows now cost 8 bux per person.
Another vote for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Peter, Paul, and Mary; or Emerson, Lake, and Palmer ... music to the ears?
Matthew, Mark, and Luke ... fourth could be John.
name them after ex-girlfriends, i do it all the time with my guns!
Good idea! Though I don't think I have enough exes ...not sure if that says more about my love-life or the number of guns I own :evil: :neener:
S*x, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll.

Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Sam, John, and Bill. (Colt, Browning, and Ruger, that is.)

Bacon, Eggs, and Grits.

Linguini, Lasagna, and Ziti.

Beef, Pork, and Venison (my favorite meats to barbecue, followed by beaver and chicken).

Meat, Taters, and Beer. (notice the food pattern)

Ferrari, Lamborghini, and DeTomaso.

Batman, Robin, and Alfred.

Flash, Boom, and Smoke.

George, George, and George.

Han, Luke, and Chewbacca

Clint, Charles, and Sylvester.

Name them after the Sacketts?

Name them after the Earps?

Or my personal favorite:
Lee, Forrest, and Mosby.
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Steve (Martin), Chevy (Chase) and Martin (Short): The three amigos!
Or Lucky, Dusty and Ned, the characters played by each of the above.

pristine chambers with pretty nipple holes that were charmingly winking at me.

Only in a black powder thread does this not sound out of place.
Flamma (Flame)
Fumus (Smoke)
Furor (Fury)

Or maybe

Caelum (Heaven)
Infernus (Hell)
Purgatorium (Purgatory)
I liked Bert and Ernie ... but that is two, and I don't think you're about sell ...

If you're of the Simpsons generation how about "Eat" "My" "Shorts?"
The wife says "Buttercup" "Honeybunch" and "Schnookums" ... I like that one, too.
buy one more, name them Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde.

Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior would be great too.

Music related: Crosby Stills and Nash. Buy a fourth and you've got Young.
I like the three musketeers idea. Or, the way I name my pets, which is whatever author I'm reading too much of and sick of. Which is how I got a dog named Willie (William Shakespeare), and a cat named Hemi (Ernest Hemingway). Both are gone now, and my current dog is Max, after the Grinch.
I claim Orcrist and Glamdring for my matched pair of Colt Navies with 5 1/2 barrels.
Rolling Thunder is my Walker.
Glitter Boy is my Spiller & Burr.
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