On this day in 1911...

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No person is immune for Shiva, nor is any invention. Doctor Gatling's gun was a hope to help end the most destructive war our nation has known. Mr Browning's guns were designed to give our nation as great a parity in modern small arms as his genius would allow. Attempting to apply 21 century 'morals' to 19th and 20th century situations is at best a fool's errand.

As for Fermi and Oppenheimer... If not for the product of their labor the United States would have had to invade the Japanese homeland which, considering the invasion of Okinawa would have caused far more civilian deaths than the bombings of Hirosima and Nagasaki times 6. The only evil in their work was brought about by the politicians. Had nuclear power been put in the hands of the engineers instead of taken over by the likes of Truman and Khrushchev our dependence on fossil fuels would be moot point.
His passion (Gatling's) was to put onto the battlefield a weapon so terrible. - . an inanimate machine so mechanically and politically devastating . - . as to be a weapon to end all wars.
Now our thoughts are together (I think). If not for gang-bangers and politicians, all three creations (nuclear power, the Gatling Gun and the 1911) would be exclusively wonderful things.

However well intended, Mr. Brown and Mr. Gatling, may you forever rest in peace. Thank you.
Thank you, again, John Browning.
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My apologies, Domineaux and Officers'wife, that you seem so lost in the dark irony of my post as to have read past the praise and thanks to both Mr. Brown and Mr. Gatling for their contribution to the development of classic weaponry. Kindly try it again.

My apologies to you Harvey for taking your post wrong. It strongly resembled a sarcastic liberal post like "3 cheers for these men who brought nothing but evil into the world".
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