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Open carry. Which holster?

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Don't open carry! You will draw way too much negative attention to yourself. And if a bg wants to rob the place your in or something, his gun will be hidden until he gets behind you and shoots you in the back of the head, then he will rob the place and have another gun. Think about it from his perspective, he may be dumb, but he is not that dumb, he will get the drop on you. If I see you carrying a gun in the open, you better not make any moves that I determine may be a threat against me or anyone else, because you will not know that I have a gun, and if I tell you to lay on the floor with your hands behind your head, you better do it, my gun will already be trained on you. And don't try and give me any excuse about it being legal, that will be for the police to decide.
Don't open carry! You will draw way too much negative attention to yourself. And if a bg wants to rob the place your in or something, his gun will be hidden until he gets behind you and shoots you in the back of the head, then he will rob the place and have another gun. Think about it from his perspective, he may be dumb, but he is not that dumb, he will get the drop on you.
Prove it! Show some incidents where this has happened. I've never seen anyone actually back this claim up!

If I see you carrying a gun in the open, you better not make any moves that I determine may be a threat against me or anyone else, because you will not know that I have a gun, and if I tell you to lay on the floor with your hands behind your head, you better do it, my gun will already be trained on you.
Never shot IDPA have you? I can clear leather far faster without a covering garment than someone who's having to pull a gun out of their pants and telgraphing the motion all over the place. And if you pull a gun on me just because you see me carrying in the open, that's brandishment at best and ADW at worst--you'll be the one going to jail.

You really need to do some 'force on force' training. You, carrying concealed, going up against me carrying OC, are waaaay behind the curve.

And don't try and give me any excuse about it being legal, that will be for the police to decide.

Don't be a jackass. If you carry, OC or CCW, you'd better know the gun laws in your state and follow them.

And FWIW, I don't OC except in rural areas and very small towns.
This thread is about Open Carry Holsters, not arguing whether he should OC or not. He didn't ask for your opinions on that matter.

When I OC I normally carry in either a Blackhawk Serpa or a Bianchi Accumold w/ thumbsnap.
Man, I think you need to take a deep breath and calm down. I state my opinion and you call me a jackass.
Read it again, I said if you make a move that I determine to be a threat to me or someone else. That is not brandishing (brandishment is not a real word) a weapon in my state, carrying open is. And what is this "you really need to do some force on force training"? That's quite the ego you have there, you have no idea who I am. Do you really think I would fumble my pistol while drawing it? You can "clear leather" faster than someone like me? Well I don't know if you can or not. I wasn't talking about a draw anyway. Say you're at a coffee shop getting your order and you adjust your gun or merely reach up to scratch your ribs while I'm at a table and I see you, are you going to see me behind you? I don't think so.
I can't believe I just spent that much time replying to you. You need to give people a little more respect and realize that you are not the only one here who knows how to use a handgun effectively (if you in fact can), and perhaps take a reading comprehension course. Do yourself a favor and don't go off on a rant again, my psychology background tells me you are extremely insecure and immature when you do that.
By the way SniperStraz, the only experience I have with OWB is various Blackhawk holsters and one leather snap holster that I hated (can't remember the manufacturer), Blackhawk CQC is my favorite.
Man, I think you need to take a deep breath and calm down. I state my opinion and you call me a jackass.
Read it again, I said if you make a move that I determine to be a threat to me or someone else. That is not brandishing (brandishment is not a real word) a weapon in my state, carrying open is.

I called you a jackass for your snide remark that 'don't give me any excuse about it being legal, that will be for the police to decide'. The police aren't the final arbiters, the courts are and this is a country run by laws.

Brandishing IS a real word, and it is not determined by what YOU determine to be a threat. It is determined by a 'reasonable person' standard in most jurisdictions. And reaching for my wallet or scratching by ribs is NOT cause for you to draw under these standards.

Do you really think I would fumble my pistol while drawing it?

Now who has the reading comprehension problem? I never said you'd fumble it, only that it would be quite noticeable---and I wouldn't have the handicap of covering garments.

And btw, you still haven't show any instances of a gun being taken from someone OC'ing. All you've done is jacked the thread with your opinion on how awful OC is.
You said BRANDISHMENT first dumb ass, and that is not a real word. Good job confirming my opinion of you though, and I am a reasonable person as evident by my job title. God, I hate when people need everything spelled out for them, and I've been dumb enough to entertain your arrogance. Well I'm done, good luck with your inferiority complex.
Folks need to not only watch their language but stay on topic. Arguing about OC has nothing to do with the OP's question of which holster to use. The thread could get closed for silliness and the OP, who asked an innocent question, will be the one who loses. Take your differences offline please.
Folks I appreciate all of the advice. First off let’s try and keep this civil. I think belly band carry is ineffective but that doesn't mean that people who do it are "jackasses". Everyone has the right to carry the best they can according to their preference. I don't mind opposing opinions. I just don't want to hear "Don't open carry its stupid." That kind of response is of no value to me. If you can give me what in your opinion is a valid reason not to OC I'll happily consider it. But as has been stated a few times I am more interested in good holster options. Thank you for your responses so far and let’s respectfully keep this going and get some more good ideas down on paper.
My holster has to OC as well as CC, and I'm not impressed by fancy, since it will eventually get scuffed and otherwise mangled by the day-to-day. So I use a inexpensive black nylon Uncle Mike's belt slide with thumb break. Tough as nails and under $20.00. Just get a good stiff belt and you're golden...
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