Owner of S.C. Pub Insults Gun Owners Across America With This Outrageous Sign

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I don't agree with what he has to say, and think he could just post the general "no guns" sign, according to whatever laws the state says he has to follow. But, he has the right to say what he wants, and people who don't agree have the right not to spend their money there.
Sadly, this is how some view us. Article says the owner has a ccw, why even have a ccw if you're not leaving your home with a gun in hand? Looks like the phones have been taken down for a while, owner couldn't handle the response.
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The owner of the pub has the right to post a no CCW signage, and I support this right. But there is no reason to insult folks who chose to use their legal right to CCW.

An aside, does SC law allow CCW in places were booze is served? Until this year NC did not allow it.
Personally I hope he goes out of business. Maybe a bit harsh, but anyone stupid enough to say something like that to the people who he relies on to make his living, and doesn't realize he just insulted about half the folks in the country, doesn't belong in business with the public.
Even if he thought that, he never ever should have put it out there.
So I guess the Clefts Note translation of this is ... I don't need or want your money. Okay ... Got it!
That was my go-to bar in college. I won't admit how much time I've spent in there :eek:. I wonder if it's still the same owner. That sure doesn't seem like something Pete would have put up.
If he could couple a few bad incidents with CC'ers in his place I MIGHT see where he was coming from.
Oh, well let's just get our thin skins insulted. Srsly, if this sort of puerile noonsense gets yr panties in a wad, you probably don't have the anger management skills to responsibly carry anyway.

One can actually be quite happy about such a sign. It makes it abundantly clear that one isn't welcome and the character of the proprietor, and one can move on without hesitation or afterthought, with all one's hard earned money intact.

Give 'em enough rope, I say.
Clefts Note

Its actually "Cliffs notes", but pretty common :D


I think this guy got his angry adaware goin on.

One can actually be quite happy about such a sign. It makes it abundantly clear that one isn't welcome and the character of the proprietor, and one can move on without hesitation or afterthought, with all one's hard earned money intact.

Thats the cliffs notes version fer me !
I for one appreciate his candor. I would feel just awful if I spent money in the business of someone like that. His sign makes it a lot easier for me to make sure I don't support folks like him! :D
Eh? One guy's opinion and his 1st Amendment right to say whatever he likes, and suffer whatever fallout comes of that.

What's there to discuss?
NapalmMan67 said:
Well at least he was polite enough to put his name at the end of the message...
Ha! Good one!

Magoo said:
I wonder if it's still the same owner. That sure doesn't seem like something Pete would have put up.
The article says the owner's name is Pete and that he didn't give a last name.
I wouldn't be surprised, thinking about his core customer base, college students, if his business does not suffer, but may actually increase.

In fact, they may be happy he did it, and be getting a kick out of the response.

Everybody's a liberal in college, or should be. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Plenty of time to face reality later.
I spent a night or two at that establishment myself while enjoying some liberty when I was stationed at Lejeune and one of my friends was seeing a girl who went to school there so don't feel bad Magoo. Having said that I don't like the way he said it but he does in fact have every right to say it, and you have the right to be offended if you so choose. I, on the other hand, just know where not to go get a drink if I ever find myself back in that area.
Lets have a poll about how long it now takes him to get robbed!

"I have a cash business, customers with cell phones, and lots of booze on hand and no guns allowed!"

Around here, lately it seems robbing fast food joints for the cash, customers' cell phones and wallets has been a growth industry.
This was all the rage on the local talk radio this morning.

I've been call worse to my face. Had no plans of patronage before or after the article.
His sign doesn't qualify in SC as a "Posted" sign. Unless they've changed the law in the last 2-3 years, only a very specific sign meets the legal requirement for posting in SC.
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