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PA lawmaker seeks to ban human silhouette targets

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Sep 13, 2011
PA lawmaker seeks to ban human silhouette targets

PA lawmaker, Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland plans to introduce a law to ban human targets at ranges across the state. Only police and the military would be exempt from the ban.


"Rather than perpetuate violence by continuing to allow individuals to practice their target shooting by shooting at human silhouette targets at shooting ranges, my legislation will prohibit the use of targets that depict human silhouettes at shooting ranges across the Commonwealth,"
Twisted logic.

The Police and Military exemption is the real disturbing part.

ETA: this could be a freedom of speech issue IMO.
Also, this could be easily skirted with humanoid alien shaped targets.
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It's only 3 weeks into 2015, and that's the dumbest news story Ive read yet. :eek:
On the flipside, I saw a new Instagram pic of a engineer who is T&Eing a cool new 3D human torso filled with realistic organs(lungs, heart, brain, eyes, liver, stomach, etc). The thick gel simulates skin/fat.
No price was listed but the 3D target/training aid would be great to see exactly what your ammunition does or hits, ;).

Spain has a similar law.
A friend from Barcelona was visiting this past summer and we hit the range. He was shocked (and very pleased!) to have "humanoid" targets to shoot at. Believe it or not, the few 'public' ranges there even frown on two-handed shooting!
Excellent! All the more reason to haul out the old "Tactical Ted" targets that we used during night events. My wife used to be a commercial artist, so she painted the faces to be very realistic, and dressed them up in clothes, and added realistic arms that could be moved with pull cords, etc. At night, a few participants actually hesitated because they thought they were real, being in cars, etc.
When legislators pull this stuff, it's time to drag out the mannequins.
Just the usual pie-in-the-sky crazy anti-gun "protest" bills floated by our eastern border reps who put on a show for their constituents each year.

Never going anywhere and not really worth much notice.
"Columbia Fish & Game Association in West Hempfield Township is one local club which has outlawed the use of human silhouette targets on its ranges.
'It's been that way for a long, long time,' said club president Sam Weigard. 'As long as I can remember.'
The 1,400-member, 60-acre club was originally 'incorporated as a fishing and hunting club,' Weigard said.
Because of that, the club wants its ranges to primarily be used by members shooting to prepare for hunting season."

Geez, if that was the situation at my shooting club there would only be shooting there one or two weekends a year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like good news for the printers of all those zombie targets I've seen recently. After all, a zombie isn't a human anymore, right?

Wonder if an ISPC target is too human? What about a big rectangle? What about a full sized photoreleastic cardboard cutout? After all it isn't a silhouette.

Much stupid here...
As someone already said, a sad twisted soul introduced this nonsensical, asinine legislation.

But lawmakers gotta introduce law,right? That's their job description! :rolleyes:
So a company will change the name of their product from 'Shooting targets' to 'Freedom of expression Art' and people will buy them still.

I would hope this won't get passed though. :rolleyes:
Maybe a picture of Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland would not be considered a human target shape?
It seems this silly idea has been in place in MA for years, so that probably where the idea came from.
It really comes back to why people buy guns, for handguns self defense and home defense is the normal reason. Kirkland is attempting to push the idea of "sporting use requirement" in yet another under handed way. For gun control people, at this junction, they are attempting to say, "no one wants to confiscate your hunting rife" and hunting is the only reason to own a gun.
A Michael Moore photo could hardly be described as a "human shaped" target.

All through the years, ranges have had targets of the villain of the day - Khomeni, Arafat, Khadafy, etc. Even ex-spouse range targets were popular. Today I would think silouettes of apprpriately attired guys holding ISIS flags would be a range favorite.
I have always been a big fan of poodle targets. I worked at a club in the 90s where we would hold matches (USPSA - but not sanctioned) and if you shot a Minor power gun (9mm) we made small white poodle targets that you were required to engage (if you shot Minor) and scattered them throughout the stages. If you shot Major you could skip them.;) If you won the stage using Minor power ammo your prize included a box of dog biscuits. Needless to say we weren't real popular with the Minor power guys (or poodle lovers).
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