Panic Buying – Why?

We all know what [i]caused[/i] the panic buying, but I’m interested in WHY we’re pani

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Self Perpetuating

Well, it's pretty simple:

Gun grabber (by his voting record and past rhetoric) gets elected.

Folks who have taken the "wait and see" approach now realize that they have "seen" that for which they were "waiting."

Having not taken sensible precautions while there was still plenty of time, good prices, and all the availability you want, they now "realize" things may change.

They decide to hurry up and get "something" before "everything" is bought.

Brilliant plan. They, and half a million of their closest friends, all head to the store on the same day. What a freaking shock that is.

From that point forward is a "regenerative feedback loop" of buying.

A spike in buying (brought on by a simple failure to plan) causes increased demand and a reduction in supply which causes an increase in price which increases anxiety and sends a wave of perception that "we're running out" which leads to more buying, increased demand, decreased supply, and so on.

You know, there are people who, a year ago, saw this as a possibility, and took measures while prices were good, order lead times were normal, and bargains were there for the taking. There were people who shopped the ammo sales and hunted down the good magazines and got that extra rifle they figured would be good to have.

Then there are the opportunists who, when it looked bad, showed up at the local stores and bought -- I kid you not -- every remaining AK on the shelf, hoping to turn a profit from the ensuing panic.

Regenerative feedback.

As supplies dried up, people placed back orders, figuring that, even with a delay they still get theirs in time. Which added to the perception that "everything's gone" and increased anxiety.

Where I live, the racks have been pretty picked over, but there's still stuff there. There are still 1,000-round cases at reasonable prices, and one dealer had been steadily buying Colt magazines (20 & 30 rounders) for the last year, so HE has plenty for sale. And he hasn't raised his prices. His take: "I've got to take care of my customers, these guys depend on me."

Most of the stores here are pretty laconic about it. "Yup, we've had a lot of worried customers. Yup, supplies are down. Yup, gotta wait for new stock. Yup, same price as last month. Except for ammo -- distributors are raising prices on that. But hey, I've got five cases here at the old price, you want some of that?"

I continue to be amazed at people who should be able to figure out how it will be and who nonetheless waited for the cliff.

Talked to a fella couple days ago. "Look at these fools. I got what I needed months and months ago. Now these morons are driving up prices for all of us."

Well, I guess I can't tell you to relax.

But, damn, guys.

Look a little farther into the future. Really.


My look into the future! When the paranoid idiots are finished spending money they don't have, on guns and ammo, I will be buying them for pennies on the dollar. Your panic is my opportunity!
Besides Obama is smarter and more politically astute than any President in a long while. This country's got monumental problems now and it'll take a centrist approach to solve them.


I cannot begin to start with everything that is wrong with that statement. So i'll save you the embarassment and won't.

I find it hard to believe that you guys are worried now after the last 8 years of the constitution burning.
If you think Obama is an evil man there is something wrong with you. His love for his familiy and country is no less than any of us. I also have yet to hear of a story of him behaving like a jerk.
this is not the case for the angry hateful current crop in th WH.
BTW Mccain got an F from the GOA.

Yeah, because saying the constitution has deep seeded flaws is really letting us know he loves this country. And saying that he wants to spread the wealth around is also very accurate to what this country runs on. You know, capitalism and socialism. Yep, i bet he loves this country. He loves it enough that he wants to re-write the very functions the country was found upon.

You say you HAVE YET TO HEAR A STORY OF HIM BEHAVING LIKE A JERK. I wonder why? You know the media is so fair in this country. What newstalk stations do you watch or listen to?
Tacbandit did you read my whole statement? Ok I should have included the word now in the first sentence somewhere. I think we still have a few months even after he who shall not be named takes office. I know gun banning is on his list just not first!
I fear an AWB and huge tax on guns and ammo. Mostly the AWB and 500% tax that Obama intends.

Unrest is highly unlikely. The far-left liberals and their assorted scumbag associates are the people who riot and throw tantrums when they don't get their way. In this case, they have no reason to riot because they won the election. They're to busy being smug and happy to riot.

The conservatives (who lost election) don't riot. They're to law abiding a people for that.

So there will be no riots.

Civil War is ridiculous. The BO jerk can (and probably will) be voted out next election. No one is going to start a civil war over Barak Obama. That is ridiculous.

The reason people are buying ammo like crazy is the same reason I did. They fear a ban and/or high tax. Same with guns, especially clip-fed semi-automatics. It's not because anyone is preparing for riots or war. Well, certainly not war, and doubtful on riots.

It's because we're preparing to last through a 4 year ban and still be able to target practice with ammo left over for hunting and the typical CCW purpose. A guy has to buy a lot of ammo to do all that. If I shoot 100 rounds a month for practice (minimal to stay in some type practice) that requires 2,400 rounds to do for 4 years, plus a few hundred more for hunting and defense because it has to last 4 years.

Now that I'm stocked up, I will NOT be buying any more ammo or guns for 4 years.

FYI - who issued this poll? A member of the newsmedia? I suspect so. I see no other reason to ask these questions and take a poll.
The reason people are buying ammo like crazy is the same reason I did. They fear a ban and/or high tax. Same with guns, especially clip-fed semi-automatics. It's not because anyone is preparing for riots or war. Well, certainly not war, and doubtful on riots.

+ 1 That says it all for me too!

PS..I dont trust most polls much.
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