Pat Tillman and the fog of war.

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May 17, 2004
Here is a link I think you all might find of interest concerning Pat Tillman who died in Afghanistan:

A great man. A great patriot.

No doubt Pat Tillman was one of the best.

I think it terribly sad that he and thousands of other great Americans lost there lives, kids lost dads, and wives lost husbands for us to have ultimately achieved so very little. Still, we have had 5-years of relative safety here at home.

But now we about to exit stage left so the sandbox can revert back to what it was before.

They gave it all. What a waste. :(

One of the four shooters, Staff Sgt. Trevor Alders, had recently had PRK laser eye surgery. Although he could see two sets of hands “straight up,” his vision was “hazy,” he said. In the absence of “friendly identifying signals,” he assumed Tillman and an allied Afghan who also was killed were enemy.

Don't take unnecessary risks with laser eye surgery - be informed.
All that to save a GMV ? Sounds like an REMF problem later covered up by the REMF.
My memory is a bit muddy and maybe someone out there can clarify this a little better but this whole thing reminded me of an incident in Panama where a Seal Team had been given an order to not destroy a Lear Jet that was parked at an airport that they were attacking. Protecting this Lear jet played a role in the Seal team taking heavy losses.
I am a Veitnam Vet and was a medic in 1969. There are a lot of friendly fire causalities of war. Just think of it, there are bullets and mortars going off everywhere and some soldiers just panic and shoot at everything. I have seen it and know that it happens more than is reported. Steve 48
Everytime I see a picture of Pat, or a video about his life (and death) on the internet, I think to myself - "That guy looks like an action figure."

Seriously, he must have been genetically engineered and created in a damn laboratory. It's a real shame how his life was lost, when he was so young.
We sit in our homes and type a way
on how best to find the way.
We critique all those that go and do.
While never is it me and you.
As a few brave men enter the fray.
We sit in our homes and type a way.
Tillman's story is tragic.

A tragedy of epic proportions in fact...

What bothers me most about Tillman's death isn't that it happened.

Or, that despite full knowledge his death was from friendly fire, the PR machine spun a war hero's tale befitting his stature.

Nor is it the way his personal choice was used as a recruiting tool to beat on the war drum.

Nor is it the way in which his brother's recent comments about the state of affairs in Iraq and the US were largely ignored.

Nor is it the way his wife and parents have been forced to compel investigations just to find out what happened.

What bothers me that during an allegedly confusing firefight, where no one could make sense of anything....his friendly fire death was the result of 3 bullets to the forehead.
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