Pick Some Heinlein Books for Me !!

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Podkayne of Mars was the first novel I ever read by Heinlein, and I think it's a good choice.

I would recommend nearly all of his books, but some are very much not for children-read them before you give them to your daughter.
The Star Beast, Have Spacesuit Will Travel, Red Planet, and Rocket Ship Galileo are all good choices for a teen.

RAH viewed firearms in a good light, and many of his comments regarding the RKBA or other issues show remarkable good sense.
Red Planet and Starman Jones are my two favs. Lester Del Rey and Andre Norton are two other authors I collect. I'd suggest Andre Norton for your daughter and its "safe" btw plus just plain great reading.

That lady could write. X
The only Heinlein book I've read all the way through was Stranger In A Strange Land. I thought it was pretty good, but some of it might be a little inappropriate for a 12-year-old. I tried to read The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, but that Russian accent he had the main character speaking in annoyed me so much that I wasn't able to get through it.
"Have Space Suit- Will Travel" was the first RAH I ever read. I read it in Kindergarten. It was the beginning of a long and fond life spent in libraries. I had been reading "Hardy Boys" and "Tom Swift" books before I went to Kindergarten. When I got to Kindergarten I asked the school librarian what would be fun to read and he did not believe I had already read Hardy Boys, etc so he gave me HSS-WT. I read it cover to cover twice and loved it so much I started reading other RAH. I read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings in first grade. 5th grade was the last grade at that school. When I finished 5th grade my librarian surplused out that library-bound copy of Have Space Suit and gave it to me. I had signed it out so many times he'd replaced the card pocket several times. That book is one of my prized possessions.

Rocket Ship Gallileo was a great read. Same with The Rolling Stones. But I would say my favorite RAH juvenile (aside from HSS-WT) was Farmer in the Sky. Terraforming Ganymede- can it get any better?
Hmm. The OP's daughter is now 16 or 17. Probably doesn't have to worry about "safe" or appropriate SF any more, he's got bigger problems.

I was lucky that my branch library had a decent selection of SF, and put it all in the juvenile section. Heinlein, Norton, Del Rey, DeCamp, Anderson, etc. The long series of Avalon books by various well known authors was dependable.



I didn't find E.E. Smith, PhD until I was in college, which was a shame. Adventure then, but it would have been fantastic to a younger reader.

First time around, Anderson's 'Virgin Planet' was a good adventure yarn for a kid. Later, the plight of one man stranded on a planet inhabited only by women who reproduced by parthenogenesis but were anxious for the opportunity to stir the gene pool was hillarious. Nothing explicit, mind you, but the thoughts were there, if you were old enough to care.
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