Pleasant thought of the day: fatherland security

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That could never happen in America.:what:

Oleg, are you noticing a lot of old U.S.S.R style security practices coming into play in the U.S.A.?

For our protection of course.:barf:

Okay, I have to say it.


I wish more people could see how the actions of todays govt really do impact their rights in the future. Including RKBA.
Because, as we all know, the NYT editorial staff was put up against a wall last week. John Kerry and Howard Dean whisked off to Gitmo and given the jumper cable special.
junyo, wait an election or two.

US had some verynasty domestic abuses during WW2, we might see more of that yet.
I see no poster.

Oleg, are you talking about geared towards Japanese Americans? Think if the War on Terror happened on Roosevelts watch. I'm sure we'd have locked up all Arabs just the same with that WWII mentality.
I cant see the photo all i get is a little white box with a red x in it, is there something wrong with it uploading?
Watch it, Oleg - you are varying from the support GWB at all costs mindset. You might be accused of wanting the terrorists to win!! :D
Whether you are

a lockstep "support GWB at all costs" type or not, junyo has stated a fact. You can't get around that with name-calling.

Cindy Sheehan is not in jail.
Dan Rather is not in jail.
Dixie Chicks are still selling tickets.
9/11 Truthers are not in jail. For crying out loud, one of them is a tenured professor at my state university, and teaches his ideas in class.

Worldwide, we see far more suppression of those who *support* the WOT. That's why you can't speak out in Canada or the UK. That's why Oriana Falacci faced criminal charges.
Which is why I used a generic term for "friends of the people" --- this poster should be applicable to more than just the US. Still, the legality of detaining people indefinitely on charges of terrorism and the DOD interest in applying "mild torture" are disturbing.
A nit to pick: Despite the fact that this issue affects many lives, each reader has only one [earthly] life (cats excluded). I think that the last statement should be singular.

Otherwise, it makes a thought-provoking statement.
Because, as we all know, the NYT editorial staff was put up against a wall last week. John Kerry and Howard Dean whisked off to Gitmo and given the jumper cable special.
my problem with these laws is that they allow the government to do such things. If they don't plan on doing the things the law allows that are clear abuses, then why is there resistance to writing a law that doesn't allow such abuses?

besides, whether the current administration plans on going to the limits of these laws is irrelevant. The laws passed under one administration don't go away when somebody else gains power.

Don't buy into the demons of the Russians. I know them well and travel overseas to visit my Russian friends every year, but they cannot seem to grasp the fact that over here someone is not out to get you.

Just because Bush hasn't locked up the NYT staff, or Sheehan, doesn't mean a future president won't. I'm not concerned about Bush, or Hillary, really. I'm concerned about the government having this level of power, period.
USSR, are you kidding?

Don't buy into the demons of the Russians. I know them well and travel overseas to visit my Russian friends every year, but they cannot seem to grasp the fact that over here someone is not out to get you.

I believe that they are not out to get me. YET. However, THEY (who are they?), might change their minds. Can you guarantee that it is unthinkable that a government would want to kill it's own citizens? Maybe I am wrong, why couldn't it happen here?

I believe that the point of America is that even if they change their minds and do want to come for me, they will not have the means.
Nice picture.

All the tools are in place for a religious dictatorship, socialist/communist slave state or a secular police state. All we need is the right person.

The makeup used for the redness runs though. You can use some knox gelatin and food coloring to make better. Or since it's near Halloween some prepackage stuff. :)

Other 'brusing' berries are Blackberry, wild cherry/black cherry, poke, mulberry, etc.
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Sorry, I don't understand. Fatherland would imply Nazi Germany, correct? Are you implying that our government is on a par with the Nazis? I don't see what the Nazis did to those who dissagreed with them or didn't fit into their master race plan has to to do with what is happening to the battlefield captives being held in Gitmo.

Sometimes ugly stuff has to happen to protect us from our enemies. These detainies were not draged off the streets of America.
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