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Pocket Knives in School?

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Dec 20, 2008
Did anyone carry pocket knifes in school when they were in grade school?

I carried an old Swiss army knife when I was a kid, It stayed in my backpack until after school.

We used to have boyscout meetings in the gymnasium after school sometimes and I always had my knife for those.

Did anyone else ever carry a pen knife or other small blade in grade school <unnecessary and inflammatory comment deleted>?
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I wore a Leatherman in high school (graduated 2001). Granted, it was a private school. And I was able to justify it, as I was in a student tech so I needed it. Nobody, to my knowledge, complained. Only time I ever opened the blade was when I needed to strip some wires.
I also had a swiss army knife. I carried it all through high school and I still have it. I kept it razor sharp and used it often. If my kid went to school with it now we would probably end up sharing the same cell.
ahhhh the good old days....I remember the day when every Japanese kid went to school with a Kiridashi in his pencil case...mostly used for arts and crafts type classes...when I was in grade school I carried a cheap folding knife in my pocket...it had a plastic handle (looked like pearl) and it had a 1/2" blade...the whole knife was maybe an inch....looking back it was more like a toy, but I felt well armed...never used it for anything...it just stayed in my pocket with my milk tickets....during college I carried a fixed blade and a slapper each day...cause the city the school I attended was rated #1 at the time...the city you would most probably be murdered in. Both the knife and slapper saved my butt on more than one occasion......Doc:D
In my day most kids carried Barlow pocket knives.
In my high school days, during the hunting season,shotguns or rifles were kept in vehicles fo use in an "on the way home after school"hunt.
I shot in competition and practiced at the local National Guard Armory which meant that on practice days I had to carry my rifle and ammo to school on the school bus.
I stored my rifle in the principals office during the shool day only because it wouldn't fit in my locker.
The good old days!
Every single day. It was my old Cub Scout knife. Spear point, punch , Screw Driver/Bottle opener, made by Camillus.
Most of them were pretty cheap but I always had some kind of pocket folder. I was taught you didn't get it out unless you needed it.

Short childhood story

I lost my boy scout folder when I was about 10, I got it for my 8th birthday. Apparently my Dad found it in a gravel pile after some serious weathering. He cleaned it up the best he could and put it away for years. (obviously I wasn't being responsible ;)) Last summer I was BSing with him and I'll be damned if he wasn't cleaning his nails with it! He grinned and gave it back to me. He's 87, still trying to teach me a lesson and for reference I'll be 49 tomorrow. :eek:
I had any old Army knife my dad gave me. How could you play mumbly-peg at recess without a knife? OK, we played with darts as well, but it wasn't the same. Try hammering a stick into the ground with the edge of a dart.
Every day, from 8 years old on. Graduation, too. Only time I didn't since I was 8 was at Basic Training, and since 9/11, whenever I've had to fly.

Yeah, I used to fly with a nice pocketknife, too.
One was not dressed without a pocket knife in the pocket when I was coming up.

I remember boys and girls so excited about starting first grade, and those that had more than one pocket knife, not being able to make up their mind which knife to bring to school.

Oh, that knife had better be sharp, and pivots oiled.
The Principal, Ass't Principle, Secretary, School Nurse, Janitor, and not only your Teacher, any Teacher was liable to ask to see your knife.

Kids knew the proper way to retrieve a knife from pocket and hand it to another for inspection.

Lessons in school, included using our knives. Sharpening pencils, colored pencils and crayons, cutting string, and all sorts of projects we did.

Sharpening Stones were in all the class rooms, and Staff Offices too.

Principle and Staff would also bring their guns to school for Show-n-Tell like we kids did as well.

In 10th grade Biology, we used our knives in the lab to dissect worms, frogs, lizards...
We had a super cool, good looking young Bio Teacher that drove a 'Vette.
Her husband was a "hunk" the gals said.

Ah yes...Jimi Hendrix was cranked up in the lab, and Young Sweet Thang teacher said " Class, get your Frog Stickers out, we have some dissecting to do"

Black dude at the lab next to the one me and my partner used...was using a switchblade.
I am using a Case Barehead Slimline Trapper.
Sweet Melissa, my lab partner was using her Hen & Rooster...

One gal brought a frog gig to school. When asked if it was for 10th grade Speech class she replied- "No dude, we doing frogs in Bio and I wanna make sure that sucker is dead".

Wendy ended doing an impromptu speech with the gig. Still it was funny seeing her enter Bio lab with that gig with Janis Joplin doing "Me & Bobby McGee" cranked up.

See? We had knives in skool, and my generation turned out awl right.

We actually got hollered at by our metal shop teacher for not having knives on us one day. I graudated in 1990, and we weren't supposed to have them, but my school was also a country school. The expectations and the realities often didn't match up.
Carried a stockman, I think it was a ka-bar peeled oranges w/ it at lunck
I carried a small lock blade from about third grade on. In high school I started packing a gerber E-Z out and I thought it was the best knife ever... then I got a spyderco endura my senior year and it was love at first sight. I also had a leatherman that I used in shop all the time but every once and a while some teacher would tell me I wasn't soposed to have it in school so I would have to keep it in my bag instead of on my belt where it belonged. graduated in 1996. the only time I have been without a good knife since then was 13 weeks of basic training.
Carried a small Case knife since 4th or 5th grade. Also small town school average graduating class of 48-51 students.
To this day have always had one on me. I started at 6 and it was a gift from my grandpa still have the oldtimer he gave me.
I graduated in 1984, which was not exactly the dark ages. I carried a 4" buck lockblade on my belt from 9th - graduation & never had a question asked. During dove season, it was nothing to see a dozen P/U's in the parking lot with shotguns in the gun rack. When my grandfather was in school, he carried a stevens crack shot .22 so he could bag dinner for the pot on the way home. Set it in the corner with the other kid's guns---That gun is now in my safe, and has certainly seen its last classroom.
i always have a folder on me in college, usually my 3.5" one. the 6" fixed blade stays in my room, simply because I don't have a proper wat to carry it...
I had an old Boy Scout knife in my pocket through out middle & High school, never really used it much till after school but on a few occasions it come in handy cutting the twine off of the stack of news papers that I delivered during middle school days.

I can also remember having my & my buds shot guns in the gun rack of my pick up while were in school wishing 3:00 would come so we can try for a Deer or Turkey during season, now a days if the truck was across the street the kids would still get arrested. :(
I started carrying an old German made pocket knife when I was in the 3rd. grade. I used to sharpen my pencils and carried it until I graduated hs in 69. I wouldn't recommend doing this in today's society.
Why heck yeah, how else are ya going to play Mumbly Peg, or whittle at recess?

Amazingly, I can't remember any one getting cut or stabbed- on purpose.

And SHHHHHSH, don't tell anyone, but if we were going hunting after school, we had guns in the car. :what:
My brother does, he uses one of my old one's just a folder knife. I don't think that they want him having one at school but I think he's fine with one, he's extremely responsible.
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