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Posting firearm ownership information on internet forums - bad idea?

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Confiscation is not possible. It cannot happen. Please stop with all this confiscation talk. Amazing how many gun owners don't understand this. How are non-gun owners supposed to accept this when even gun owner seem to think this is possible? It ranks right up there with the rumors of Executive Orders and UFO's.
It is possible. In two states it is happening. In NY, prescription records are being used to identify gun owners that now "are restricted" due to a drug that was prescribed in the past, no court order just come and take them. I think that "due process" is not being included in these actions.
Do you think that by saying this over and over you can make it valid? What makes you so sure that confiscation cannot happen?
The Constitution of the United States of America. Read Heller/McDonald if you need more clarification.
It is possible. In two states it is happening. In NY, prescription records are being used to identify gun owners that now "are restricted" due to a drug that was prescribed in the past, no court order just come and take them. I think that "due process" is not being included in these actions.
False. Debunked. Please stop spreading this infowars type rumors.

Does it matter what pics or what list you post? Nope, as far as I'm concerned.
If you post on any of the gun board threads, you're already it.
If you're so paranoid about it, then you should never have posted anywhere in the first place.
Everyone needs to decide for themselves what level of personal information they're comfortable posting on a public website.

I'd say I'd be more concerned about regular thugs or wannabe robbers knowing where you live and what you have.

Trying to figure out what someone does or doesn't own based on pictures they've posted on a bulletin board is beyond foolish, an exercise in futility. For starters, that person may not own that firearm anymore (I bet half the pics I've posted here are of guns I have since sold/traded away). More importantly, there's no real evidence the person posting owned them in the first place. I have posted a lot of pictures that weren't mine. Some of them I actually saved to my computer and then uploaded to my photobucket account because the original host did not allow me to post them here, so those ones would appear to be my pictures by originating IP address, even though I did not take them, nor do I own the weapon pictured.

The internet is full of information. It is also full of misinformation.

And of course, there's always the difference between figuring out where someone lives and actually trying to use that information to rob them. Go ahead, find my address; it's probably not too difficult. Now come try to take what's mine. Whole 'nother ballgame. Think you can figure out when the residents will be home or away, and for how long? Guarantee you can't, not even with weeks of reconnaissance. Think you can know what kind of security measures I have in place? Not even if you've been in my house before. Hell, my own wife doesn't know about all of them.
"Trying to figure out what someone does or doesn't own based on pictures they've posted on a bulletin board is beyond foolish, an exercise in futility."

In the case of some For Sale ads, it could also be expensive. Just because they have a picture doesn't mean they really have a gun to send you.

I don't worry a bit about posting pics. Just because I've posted pics of my guns doesn't mean I've posted pics of all my guns.

The Constitution of the United States of America. Read Heller/McDonald if you need more clarification.
Oh yeah, because government has always stayed within the limits of the Constitution over the course of our history, right?

Those that do not learn from the past ...

As per the OP, I don't think it's the best idea to post pictures, but as others have pointed out, the fact that you are a user here has put you on a list, and the internet is far from the only way government can collect data on you.
The federal government generally and the current administration in particular do not consider themselves in any way constrained by the Constitution. In spite of its intent, the notion that it still protects us from them is ludicrous and naive.

This is not a tinfoil hat-wearing, black helicopter fearing rant. It's the product of paying attention.
I'd be more concerned with posting how you'd gladly take on a standing army than a few pics of firearms. I've seen that here and it makes me cringe because I wonder who might be reading it.
Just released today: irs decides 4a doesnt apply to e-mail so they dont need a warrant. What was that i heard about conspiracy theories?:eek:
I'm not concerned about posting pics of firearms that I own. All are legal. And I'm proud of what I have. And personally I love to see other guns that members have. It's eye candy to a shooter. If someone wants to try to steal my guns, HA!! Good luck! Bolted safe in the middle of the house. Have to go through atleast 3 walls in any direction. And the safe won't fit through any door without not only taking the safe's door off, but also taking the house's door frames out (6 doors to get to the nearest outside door). And 5 police officers (friends) live within eyes view of my house. So by all means, try to steal from me.

And as far as "the list in the dark room". Of course it exists. Surely we aren't that naive. I mean look, if the "list" didn't exist, how would they know there are 80 million gun owners in the US? All that they having the list means, is that they know they are still severely outnumbered. :)
It's a firearms enthusiasts forum. I figured the assumption of gun ownership existed the day I signed up my alter-ego. Now mine the IP addresses and come get them from me.
Care to give me a preview of what I'll be coming after? Hate to waste the trip from Oklahoma for nothing. Lol
A mistake is the official response, however, it still remains as to "under what conditions" that the state gained the prescription information. The possibility is real, even if only by a mistake. My claim is that any removal of firearms without a court order (and due process) is not acceptable. Patient prescription information should not be available to government agencies.
Saying that it could not happen here in the US is wrong. The second amendment is only as good as the enforcement and interpretation. I hope that it is not very likely and will not happen in a wide spread manner. Certain, US senators have gone on record as wanting to take all guns away.
Mainly, just an issue to keep in mind next time to vote.
Thanks for all the good discussion on this topic. I've learned a ton from forums like this and enjoy the interaction, but I am going to be more discrete.

The NY confiscation story has hardly been "debunked." It happened, a mild uproar occured, and, this time, the state admitted their mistake. I'm afraid that's where things are heading - any "reason" that can be found to take guns away from the public will be agressively pursued.

Here, I really do think discretion is the better part of valor. YMMV.


I got arrested once and spent some time in a county jail.
I was only convicted of a misdemeanor though, so I got to keep my guns.
But...I'm on a list.

Every gun I've ever bought, I purchased through an FFL/LGS dealer.
So, I'm on a list.

I visit Pro-2A websites all the time.
So, I'm on a list.

As a retired Army vet with over 20 years of service; I'm now considered a possible terrorist by DHS.
So, I'm on a list.

I REFUSE to live in fear or hiding....

Posting pictures of guns supports the second amendment.

As a group we are hurting ourselves with our paranoia. I changed my personal view concerning posting pictures of guns after Heller and that whole "In Common Use" clause. Semi-automatic firearms are protected under the second amendment because they are in common use during our time. The Anti-gun people are trying to claim that AR's, AK's and just about anything that self loads is strange and unusual and not owned by most gun owners. They argue that because of this, they are not protected under the second amendment.

Posting pictures of firearms is not only fun and interesting for me, it sends a political message and puts into public record that these things are not strange or unusual. :)
"I REFUSE to live in fear or hiding...."

I completely agree. Those who do live in fear or hiding have already lost what they claim to be fighting for.
So Joe, I guess you never heard of a little storm called Katrina that caused some to justify Gun Confiscation? I swear, you have got to go buy a tv or radio so you can listen to the news. It's happening right now in New York for those that are on or have once been on anxiety medicine. This is confiscation and the beginning of a slippery slope.
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