Pro2A (or on the fence) DEM Senators we can work on?

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Green Lantern

Aug 16, 2006
No matter WHO your Reps/Senators are, they need to hear from you that you don't want any more infringements on the 2A. That said, I was wondering if there are any Democrats in the Senate we can count as allies, or ones we might be able to sway to our side? Those people MUST CERTAINLY hear from us!

Kay Hagan is most likely a lost cause, despite the frequent lip service she gives to the Second Amendment. Seems like she's not a whole lot unlike her "boss," Obama, who might at most think that the 2A covers a double-barrel shotgun for duck hunting and to keep locked in a safe in your bedroom (ammo separate, of course! And no more than one box!!! ) for home defense.

Her office number is 202-224-6342. I would suspect that they have caller ID, or keep names of callers and other contacts. I called frequently during the UN Gun Treaty talks, and while I could NEVER get a concrete answer one way or the other if she would support it or not, they always payed some kind of lip service to the 2A.

I called earlier, I will call again now that the AWBII summary is out and ask point-blank if she supports it or not. I would greatly appreciate someone else calling and asking, someone that has not contacted her before, to see if any different response might be given? I suspect that I will get more of the same as with my earlier calls.

Incidentally, emailing her is useless. You'll only get a form reply back, within a month or so if you're lucky. I imagine that's how it is for most politicians anyway....
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