Quick powder ?

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Dec 21, 2011
Winder, Ga
I purchased 1lb of W231 last month and have used nearly all of it. I have just enough to cover up the hump in my powder measure. I just picked up 8lb of W231 last weekend. My question is can I add to it from my 8lb container or do I just toss what's left? I know I can't mix powders like W231 and titegroup, etc. I just didn't know if it would be safe to mix the same powder from different containers and possibly different lot #'s. Thanks.
Even though different lots of the same powder are always slightly different as you know I see no problem at all filling the 1 lb jug with fresh powder and giving it a good shake. There isn't enough a difference between lots of the same powder to make it dangerous. As always, when you use a new powder lot back off slightly on your first loads if you're up near the top of the pressure range.
What I normally do is wait till I empty the 1 lb jug before refilling. As the hopper gets low just refill with the new, when finish put back in the 1# jug and top off with the 8# for your next run. If your concern about a small amount do not worry. Mfg these days keep their formulas very consistent. The only time you don't want to mix if a mfg has changed it.

Powder manufactures simply cannot allow enough variation between lots to change anything. If they did, all the load data in the world would be wrong.

The only time I would not mix the remains of one lot with a new lot would be if the old lot was very very old.

That could result in the "One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel" thing if it took a few more years to use up the new powder.

Thanks for the replies guys! I didn't think it would matter, but it's better to ask than do it and be sorry later.
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