Rahm proposes Illinois Handgun Registration!

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Let me see if I I understand this. You collect money from all over Illinois except Chicago, which has zip to nil legal handguns. Then, as the largest municipality in the state you stand to reap the biggest benefit from the registration fees. Genius!
This is not going to go away, ever. Unless something happens to this clown and his cheap followers that are always sucking up to his moronic ideas and ways of thinking how Illinois should be. Oh yah, gun free Illinois, thats right and the rest of the states has at least some form of CCW.
$399,950 /$65 ........hmmmm about 6,150 handgun owners should repay that!

Perhaps, .......... maybe a little sore over signing a check are we???:neener:
The high cost is part of their strategy, I'm sure. :rolleyes: It would price people of modest means out of the "market."

Just because he proposes it, however, doesn't mean it would necessarily become law statewide. I am reminded of the old saying, "Wish for something in one hand and take a ___ in the other. Guess which will fill up first?"
[From the attached article]: The city is still fighting litigation over some provisions of its firearms ordinance. And on Monday, the Second Amendment Foundation vowed to take its fight against the state's ban on carrying concealed weapons to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The state has a ban on carrying concealed weapons to the U.S. Supreme Court?

That sentence could have been written better... Be interesting to see if this becomes a test case for registration.
vowed to take its fight

is connected to

to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The state's ban is on carrying concealed weapons. Sure, it could be written even more clearly, but the sentence is understandable and correct as written.
Opinion from Missouri -

Why do you folks of Illinois keep voting in socialists scum like this? As Einstien said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

You keep electing these monsters who destroy your great state. Impeach him for trying to break the 2nd amendment of the United States.

Or, come on over to Missouri where we live free, aren't bankrupt and don't screw the entire state to subsidize one city, i.e. Chicago. (If you vote for these people then please stay)

Good Luck.
So... If one drives from Indiana to Wisconsin with a handgun in the car and you get pulled over for some reason and the gun is not registered in Illinois, would that be a felony under this proposal?
Doc Sand,

I would imagine, since you can carry an unloaded gun, with ammo separate, in a specific gun container, through IL currently, that would remain the case.
Why do you folks of Illinois keep voting in socialists scum like this? As Einstien said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Doesn't matter who they vote for Daley picks the winner.
This is a fine example of why I left Illinois. A long line of criminal governors and mayors.
Opinion from Missouri -

Why do you folks of Illinois keep voting in socialists scum like this? As Einstien said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I suspect it's about the same as the nation wide elections. The large population centers (Chicago) get the most votes and the rest of the state, no matter how conservative, can't make up for all the votes dead people and those who have moved out of state keep casting in favor of these goons.
I think what we, the residents of Illinois, now need is a new and improved Saint Valentine's day ( I really, really want to say 'massacre', but don't think I can here on THR.) incident. But then again that would be even more fodder for the few elitest that know what's best for Illinois residents. I wish I had an answer for you wow6599. I guess the old saying, it's the stupid leading the stupid, still stands true at least that's what my dad use to say.
I cannot stand Rahm. I work hard, pay taxes, pay all my bills on time, am a good citizen and all this guy does is try and rape us. My wife is a CPS teacher and has been for 20 years and all he does there is make the CPS teachers look like they are worthless. We spend at least $2000/year of our personal money so my wife will have enough supplies to teach her kids, now he wants to tax us gun owners. I wish I could move out of IL. They just never want to support us, especially in Cook County and with the gun owners.

Sorry for my venting, I just cringe everytime Rahm opens his mouth....
If Rahm's talking about it, then things are definitely serious.

Rahm Emanuel wants to register guns because they reduce his pool of targets too greatly.

These facts about Rahm Emanuel are all true, and a few are slightly unworksafe.

Wait, didn't Il already have something like handgun registration?
I would much rather the fine gun-owning folks moved over here to Missouri than to continue to suffer through the idiocy that is the state government. From bounced lottery checks, to 2nd amendment restrictions to just plain out and out ignorance, this state needs to be given back to the Native Americans with a big old "Sorry, you can run this place better than we can." C'mon now... novelty lighters? Illegal? Ridiculous is what it is.
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