RL Scenario: Unstable, suicidal 19 year old loose in woods near my house

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Senior Member
Dec 20, 2002
Los Gatos, CA
True story... driving home to my sleepy mountain community of 125 homes today, I see three cop cars at a house deep in the community. Which is interesting because there are only 1-2 cops assigned to this entire area on most days...

I wind down the narrow street further, and see two more cop cars. I ask two older gentleman down the street further "what's going on?"

One older guy comes to the car and says "My son is suicidal, and he has a gun is down there" gesturing across the street to the park and forest, which borders my property 1/4 mile down the road. I told him I was sorry, but it was wierd to me that he was almost smiling (??). Looked like a professional older guy... probably just really freaked out.

I continue, and see a cop out of his car with his 870 slung. He cautiously waves me down... I ask him "what's up, should I get MY 870 out?".

He replies, "no, just stay inside and lock your doors". Another 100 feet - yet another cop with his shotty.

At that moment I noticed the police chopper, rotating in a search pattern.

I got home, retrieved and press-checked the Valtro, and locked up for the night. Called my cool pro-RKBA neighbor - he gives me the scoop: the kid grew up here, knows the hills like the back of his hand (they won't find him)... parents let the kid do whatever he wanted growing up, no discipline... went to college, flunked out and now lives at home.

Chickens home to roost, apparently. The cops came for him a couple weeks back (warrant? don't know)... he fled then. Not sure how real this suicide threat is - he could have done it at any time if he'd wanted to... maybe that's his only card left to play.

The chopper circled for another 2 hours but they went home at 5PM or so.... gotta love a 1911 at times like this. :what:
Something similar happened to my cousin, some crazy guy was running around the neighborhood (huge development in suburban DC) with a gun, cops told everyone to stay inside and lock up. I don't remember what came of that incident...
Oh, I forgot to mention that it's illegal to carry a gun in the city this took place in, just shows you how well gun control works. Now we've got a crazy guy who obviously doesn't care about the laws running around with a gun (which he probably stole or purchased illegally) with the ability to strike with impunity all the defenseless, law abiding citizens in the area :rolleyes:
At 1AM, I heard a HUGE noise that sounded like a bunch of rocks falling in the gulley near my house. I turned on my deck lights, put on some pants, and got out the surefire. I really wasn't in the mood to go hunting for what made the sound, but my hair was standing on end for at least 15 minutes as I listened for more sounds.

The chopper was heard shortly thereafter (FLIR?). Haven't tried getting more information yet.

/sarcasm on

Could I sue the state for lack of CCW if I am attacked outside my home or taken hostage by this maniac?

/sarcasm off

Kate - good to see you posting!
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