Run-in yesterday (long)

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Mar 4, 2008
Hi all,

I had a semi-serious run in yesterday with a local blowhard in the town where I work. A guy in traffic felt I cut him off. I disagree, but suffice it to say that even if I conceded the point, the slight would have been so minor as to truly not bear dwelling upon.

At this point he follows me down the road, about a half a mile, until we get to an intersection blocked off by a truck. I now have cars in front and behind me, and a tall curb to my right. The guy (actually his wife or gf, he wasn't even driving) boxes me in on the left and starts belligerantly complaining and demanding an apology. I'm alert at this point but still not too worried. He's obviously worked up and acting very self-rightous, but I wasn't about to indulge his whining and told him essentially that he wasn't going to get his apology and that life is unfair, people are jerks sometimes and he's in for a long, sad life if he's going to expect an apology from everyone he thinks wronged him. I finally told him he should probably just move on.

That went over, shall we say, like a lead brick. The guy totally flipped out. Explatives, screaming, spitting, veins throbbing on his forhead, the whole nine yards. At this point, I'm a bit stunned (I was still processing that he wanted to take it this far, something I wasn't expecting). Then he threatens to get out of the car and beat my a**. At this point, I'm in condition red, but I have a few problems, and mind you, the guy is basically halfway out his window and at the time I gave it a 65/35 that he was actually going to step out of the car:

1) This is the point where I'd normally leave, but traffic is still stopped due to the truck and I'm boxed in

2) I work in WI (live in MN) so my carry piece isn't with me. Even if I had it, we're still not at the point where I'd be justified in using it. Depending on the sympathies of a responding officer, I might be able to get off for simple brandishing, but I wouldn't bet my gun rights or freedom on it, and happen to think it'd have probably been illegal to do, given the circumstances.

3) I don't have any less lethal options with me.

Now, I'm in shape and I do have some limited but formal unarmed combat training from the Army (not just from basic training), but honestly I'm a bit rusty. Moreover, I estimate that the guy had a minimum of 75 lbs on me, maybe as much as 90 or 100, and trust me, the man was seeing red. Also, we're quite close. If we'd both opened our car doors, I think they would've touched.

Now, obviously, Plan A is not to get in a fight, but I wasn't entirely sure that was a choice. Going over the incident in my head (repeatedly) I think that sitting in the car, while probably the safest legal choice, was a very poor tactical one. I think that if I was out of the car first, I would be in a very good position to punish him as he tried to exit (perhaps even prevent him from doing so), and had he been out first, the same would've been true for him, and that's why I wouldn't want to be seated (window closed or not) if he got out of his car. Sadly, I feel that had I set foot on the pavement first, it not only would have definitely provoked him to step out as well, but also that would make me the aggressor, even if I had no intention of doing anything further if he were to remain in his vehicle. It was a tough call, but fortunately he ended up driving off. Obviously that's all well and good, but my post here is concerned with how I could protect myself if it had gone the other way.

The WI deadly weapon statute has basically 2 important prongs. It has to be designed as a weapon and has to be capable of inflicting great bodily harm. I believe this would mean that an Asp is legally a DW, but a baseball bat is not. A small (<3.5") knife isn't a DW, but Ka-Bar is. That's the way I read it, but in the end, it seems that even if this guy was hellbent on beating the tar out of me, I wouldn't be legally able to use such levels of force until I (tactically too late) could show that he wanted to cause me death or great bodily harm. Am I mistaken in thinking that it would be unwise to use a bat/knife (or threat thereof) hoping that a jury would buy that since he was so much bigger that deadly force was justifiable? Yes, yes, I know most of you aren't lawyers, but I'm interested in what you have to say anyway.

I reported the incident to the police so that I have it on file in case of a future run in, but I didn't get a plate so unless he's doing this often, then it's doubtful he'll be caught. Incidntally, the cop I spoke with was very sympathetic and openly stated that he thought WI should be CCW. Unfortunately he recommended a knife (not appropriate in the situation, IMO), a taser (illegal in WI, which I told him) and OC spray, which I think would've offered the best possible solution given the situation, but I'm not sure of its legality and/or carry and transport restrictions. He did offer the standard non-escalation advice, which he was right on. Well meaning and very nice, but not a lawyer.

I think that maybe I should get some OC, if legal, and brush up on my unarmed skills. This incident gave me a real wakeup call on how serious a situation could get without necessarily being able to resort to a handgun.

I realize that I could've bent over for the guy and probably avoided the situation, but I don't believe in that sort of enabling, and I don't think anyone should have to behave out of fear of another person's bullying.

If you've read this far, thanks for doing so. I'm hoping for some helpful feedback.

What happened to a cell phone? Nothing like looking at the guy and going 'Hey, I've got 911 on the phone. You want to holler louder so they can record the sort of threats you're making to me?'.
Personally I like the idea of calling 911 as soon as the guy starts making stupid. better a false alarm than you dead. And keep them on the line while he is yelling so they can record it.

If you can give them a description of the guy and his car so the cops will know who to come visit.

If he gets out of the car and you cannot get away tell the 911 operator and do what you have to do.
I'm not trying to imply that you had done anything wrong to cause him to get that mad in the first place, but I'm curious. If a simple apology would have sent him on his way and defused the situation, why not consider that as an option?

For example, if you had been legally armed and knew you could have stopped him from assaulting you, wouldn't a few words be better than lethal force?
Well glad you didn't have to pound him (or get pounded). OC is like the best thing ever. I try to have one on me everywhere I go, armed or unarmed.
The best response to this that I have ever seen is to close the windows, lock the doors and call 911. Unless he breaks out a weapon, he isn't getting through the windows or doors. If he does have a weapon, so do you- a 4000# car makes a dandy weapon. As soon as you feel that your life is in danger, floor the gas pushing the car and the offender out of the way. Until then sit it out with the engine running and the 911 operator on the phone.

In the incident that I witnessed, the guy in the car sat calmly talking to the police. The angry dude kept punching the windows to no avail. He had to switch hands after he broke one hand- then he quit punching altogether when he broke the other hand. At this point the cops showed up, arrested angry dude and called Child Protection Services to take his young daughter away (she was in the back seat). I gave a statement to the police, and chatted with the guy in the car while angry dude with two broken hands was getting his rights read to him and put into the squad car.

Angry dude has two broken hands, a traumatized daughter and some serious legal issues to deal with. Calm guy spent a few minutes and went on with his life.
Seems to me that when someone wants to overreact to a minor incident the best option is to keep both your windows and your mouth closed.

Unless you mean to apologize profusely, there is no point saying a single word to someone who has started into the kind of tirade you described. Giving the answer you described is 100% certain to drive an unreasonable person into a complete fury -- and it did.

With the windows rolled up and the doors locked you're safe.
I think you did just fine. In the future, don't engage the aggressor verbally; I think it's better to avoid that, as an angry person will percieve your language how they want to, and even the kindest of comments could potentially be percieved as aggressive.

Also, always leave 5 or 10 feet between your vehicle and the one directly in front of you. It sucks that you had a curb on one side of you, so you did what you could.

Next time, just call 911 and tell them you have an angry person verbally assaulting and threatening you. Get a good description, and when they try to leave, make sure you get a plate number. The police can't do much without it. (I once called 911 for an erratic and dangerous driver who was clearly going to get someone killed, and I didn't get the plate number. The dispatcher told me they couldn't do much without it.)
VegasOPM said:
In the incident that I witnessed, the guy in the car sat calmly talking to the police. The angry dude kept punching the windows to no avail. He had to switch hands after he broke one hand- then he quit punching altogether when he broke the other hand. At this point the cops showed up, arrested angry dude and called Child Protection Services to take his young daughter away (she was in the back seat). I gave a statement to the police, and chatted with the guy in the car while angry dude with two broken hands was getting his rights read to him and put into the squad car.

Angry dude has two broken hands, a traumatized daughter and some serious legal issues to deal with. Calm guy spent a few minutes and went on with his life.
Great story. Mr. Calm was a coooooool cat. I wonder if he had a CCW?

Compliments to OP for really analyzing this incident very well. I think you came out of it just fine. It may be that fortune was smiling upon you that you had no gun. Frankly, guns are pretty useless in traffic beefs like the one you encountered....

My takeaway is to really avoid the condition you got into getting boxed in. That, to me, was the BIG problem you had, from which the rest of the problems were made possible. I almost always have an out in any traffic stop I have to make. I learned that a long time ago. But if someone were chasing my car, I would make sure I didn't get boxed in. Especially if I were CCW.

Thanks for sharing that tough situation.
...He's obviously worked up and acting very self-rightous, but I wasn't about to indulge his whining and told him essentially that he wasn't going to get his apology and that life is unfair, people are jerks sometimes and he's in for a long, sad life if he's going to expect an apology from everyone he thinks wronged him. I finally told him he should probably just move on.

That went over, shall we say, like a lead brick.

Who'da thunk it?

It’s been my experience that lecturing any enraged person on the nuances of societal living garners less-than-stellar results.

If your primary goal was to avoid a confrontation, perhaps the best course of action would have been to say something like:

"It was not my intention to do anything reckless at yours or anyone else's expense. While I am not sure that I did indeed do such a thing, I do indeed appologize if I did. It surely was not my intention."

A response like that owns up to a mistake that you may have committed and leaves "wiggle room" for if you did not. It typically satisfies the clinically insane.

We have to remember that although we do not intend some actions, we may well do so. None of us is perfect, and sometimes we do things that are blantently obvious from another perspective and yet are oblivious to them. I've ridden with too many people to say otherwise.

Now I am not saying that you did something-- and if you did it surely does not justify HIS response. Just offering a perspective and a potential solution.

And I say this as a person who 1.) is not afraid to stand on principle, and 2.) is not willing to do ANYTHING to avoid confrontation.

Your analysis of getting out of the car is spot-on. If you got out of the car, it would have been bad for you in terms of the witness statements.

Calling 911 was your best option. And if you were in fear of bodily harm/life, that is a topic for a whole new thread.

-- John
Thanks to everyone who's posted thus far (even if you've questioned some of my actions). There's been so much wisdom so far in this thread that I already feel 100% better than I did just a little while ago.

In order to further the discussion of the incident, let me try to answer some of the questions that have popped up.

Regarding the cell phone: This should've clearly been at or near the top of the list. I, however, offer a couple of points

1. As I said, it took me a few moments to process the extreme extent the guy was taking this to. I sadly have to admit I wasn't being as sharp or quick witted as I can now be.

2. I should say that until I read the story posted by Vegas where the aggressor broke both his hands on the victim's window. At the time, I felt certain this guy could've broke through. I know tempered glass it tough, but maybe it's tougher than I was giving it credit for. Can anyone confirm this? Closing the window in the middle of his tirade leaves me little doubt he would've gotten out to prove his manhood at me ignoring him. And of course, this is all assuming he didn't have a bat/maglite/etc. That really changes the equation given that I really think closing the window would've sent this to the next level.

Regarding the Maglite: I feel dumb I didn't think of that!

Regarding my comments to the offender: Valid questions. I can only say that I had no concept this was going as far as it did. I just thought it was some guy who wanted to make sure I got a piece of his mind as was willing to go out of his way to give it to me. Obviously, I wasn't having any of that. Even though I'm snarky by nature, if he had been civil I probably would've felt bad and apologized. This guy triggered a different response. If I'd known where it was going, the window would've gone up before I said anything. Unfortunately, I didn't know where I was headed until after I opened my piehole.

Regarding the license plate: By the time I knew what was going on, he was next to me... And I wasn't about to get out and start writing down notes. He was already through his three point turn by the time I mentally recovered. I did try to get the plate as his wife/gf sped away, but I couldn't grab more than the first letter. Tomorrow, I'd be a lot more prepared mentally to accomplish that task, but yesterday I wasn't. Like I said, it was a wake up call.

Regarding not having my handgun with me: ANY time I get in a non-life threatening altercation, I'd be glad to not have my CCW piece with me. Even with machismo under control, it's still a liability to even have on you for numerous reasons.

On leaving 10' between me and the next car: Good advice, but I don't think in this particular situation it would've helped. It's hard to explain on a message board, but suppose I did that, he starts spouting, I pull up, but I have nowhere to go... he just pulls up even again. Even if I preemptively pull into the other lane, he's still behind me and I'm still boxed in (cars right, him behind, curb/hill to the left, offending truck in front. If the person behind me had left 10 feet that would've been a different story, but one can hardly count on that.

On chemical spray: I'm thinking I agree with Eyesac. I should get some.

On the term "punish": A fighting term from my army HTH courses. Not intended in a retributive way. Again, the point of that statement was not that I was hoping to hurt him. Take the term "punish" to mean that I felt that I would've been in a tactically superior position to him, not that I would've derived pleasure from his pain. Read the statement again with that understanding and I hope you'll understand my meaning more clearly.

Any further thoughts in light of the clarifications?

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Many years ago I was the enraged driver. A woman turned directly in front of me, causing me to jamb on the brakes to avoid her. She kept going so I chased her down, right to her house. I was yelling all the way. When she got out, I saw she was an elderly lady and she said, "I'm sorry", and suddenly I felt about 2 inches tall. I said, "Okay" and drove off.
This was nothing like your incident. But, having been on the other side, I know how it feels. Now I don't let things get to me as much. (I still yell, but don't follow up.)

I go with the 911 call.
i'm guessing that the entire situation could have been avoided if you would have just appologized. even if you KNEW that you were in the right, it sounds like the agressor got more angry when you gave him a smartalec answer. sometimes its better to let the moron think that he's won the battle, than to let it escalate.

maybe this guy was a father teaching his daughter to drive and felt that you somehow endangered her...
maybe he was just an idiot with a chip on his shoulder.

as far as alternate solutions to defend yourself, the maglight is a good idea, but allows someone to get a little too close for comfort.

OC/pepper spray is awesome, but has questionable legality in some places.

what about keeping a t-ball bat in the car, it would give a little more reach. keep a kids mitt as well and it will look more than innocent.

some have said aerosol oven cleaner is nastier than mace....
you could always hit someone with a blast of red spraypaint...confuse the crap outta them, make them easy to identify later.

windows up and cell phone is probably the best bet.

just my $.02
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one thing that most people are not aware of is that side windows of cars are no where near as shatterproof as windshields are. someone beating on a side window is far more dangerous to the occupants than a windshield beater.

With 20/20 hindsight I would say that rolling up the windows and calling 911 would have been the way to go. I would also have OC in the car.
Sit in the car, avoid eye contact, turn up your radio and who gives a crap... If the guy wants to make an issue out of it and starts coming after you and you can't get away, pull out a tire iron and smack the taste out of his mouth. If he doesn't do anything, then he looks like the idiot animal immature fruit cake that he is... Guys with chicks acting like that are usually trying to prove their manhood. Folks can get hurt, but it is rarely a natural born killers moment. If the chick was trying to entice you into a dark alley, then you might get killed... If it was 3 or 4 or 5 guys, then well, we are way past tire irons.

Always call the police, always have at least a tire iron in the car as you need then to change a flat anyway, I don't know how you could get in trouble for having one handy, as they are handy in just about every car...

Depending on the law pepper spray is good, so are knives if legal, guns are the best, but I am a big believer in pepper spray. I get the triple action mace. I carry a peice too, but an idiot like that kind of deserves a mouthful of habeneros.
Now, obviously, Plan A is not to get in a fight, but I wasn't entirely sure that was a choice. Going over the incident in my head (repeatedly) I think that sitting in the car, while probably the safest legal choice, was a very poor tactical one.

I disagree. In the car you have at least some ability to take shelter. If he comes in through the window you can slide to the other seat, and now he is in a REAL vulnerable position. Most importantly, staying in the car allows you to make a get-away as soon as possible.

I think that if I was out of the car first, I would be in a very good position to punish him as he tried to exit (perhaps even prevent him from doing so), and had he been out first, the same would've been true for him, and that's why I wouldn't want to be seated (window closed or not) if he got out of his car. Sadly, I feel that had I set foot on the pavement first, it not only would have definitely provoked him to step out as well, but also that would make me the aggressor, even if I had no intention of doing anything further if he were to remain in his vehicle.

You are correct that you would have been the aggressor had you gotten out to take pre-emptive moves against him. That's just not allowed in a civilized society, because you don't know FOR SURE that he is going to attack.

The WI deadly weapon statute has basically 2 important prongs. It has to be designed as a weapon and has to be capable of inflicting great bodily harm. I believe this would mean that an Asp is legally a DW, but a baseball bat is not.

A few wrenches, including a big one, would be good too.

That's the way I read it, but in the end, it seems that even if this guy was hellbent on beating the tar out of me, I wouldn't be legally able to use such levels of force until I (tactically too late) could show that he wanted to cause me death or great bodily harm.

At the first swing, you have proof he is planning on causing great bodily harm. At the first attempt to smash your window, you have proof he is planning on causing great bodily harm, then you can use anything to need to protect yourself.

Am I mistaken in thinking that it would be unwise to use a bat/knife (or threat thereof) hoping that a jury would buy that since he was so much bigger that deadly force was justifiable?

it all depends on when. If you start using a bat against him before he does anything beyond verbal and posturing, you are in the wrong. Once he takes a swing at you or attempts to get at you, then you do what needs to be done.

Yes, yes, I know most of you aren't lawyers, but I'm interested in what you have to say anyway.

I think that maybe I should get some OC, if legal, and brush up on my unarmed skills. This incident gave me a real wakeup call on how serious a situation could get without necessarily being able to resort to a handgun.

I think you should brush up on your mouth-foo especially ways to not escelate a confrontation.

I know tempered glass it tough, but maybe it's tougher than I was giving it credit for. Can anyone confirm this? Closing the window in the middle of his tirade leaves me little doubt he would've gotten out to prove his manhood at me ignoring him. And of course, this is all assuming he didn't have a bat/maglite/etc. That really changes the equation given that I really think closing the window would've sent this to the next level.

I think unless you are a professional boxer, you aren't going to beat your way into a tempered window with your fists. You can probably bash one in with a rock or tire iron, but it will not allow immediate access until after a few blows.

Remember, people carry punches in their cars, as do most EMTs to immediately breech a car window (thanks to the high pressure per square inch you can exert)

also think, if windows were so easy to bust out, criminals would constantly be escaping from the police like this. yes, if you lie on your back and kick with both legs at the window about 10 times you can bust it out, but the cop is going to notice this in time to further restrain the kicker
when i was younger, i would have done what you did. after having almost got into a fight in a bookstore, i realized that it was silly to fight over one spot. it's not that big a deal to me anymore. sometimes, i let people cut in line in front of me regardless of how small or big, female or male.

i think i would have told him that i don't think that i cut him off. but if i'm mistaken, i do apologize, etc.

i read that in mexico, sometimes someone will walk up to the front of the line and demand service. usually, no one in line cares. it's not that big a deal.

i was not there, maybe, i still would have done exactly what you did.

funny, maybe not: i was driving down what i thought was an empty stretch of road. i didn't notice the getto looking guy in the getto looking car in my blind spot. i suddenly changed lanes way before coming to and intersection. the guy was yelling "you and me, you and me." pointing his finger to me and him. he was all fired up to fight me at the next gas station. as he proceeded forward under the hightway to the gas station across the street. i took a right turn and he never pursued me. i have no idea if he came to the conclusion that i accidentally cut him off.
I probably would have apologized by saying something like "Hey, I didn't mean to cut you off, but if I did, I apologize." If that didn't appease him, I do have a mag-lite in my driver side door, so that's a handy tool to have if you don't have one already. Also, the pepper spray suggestion is pretty good. You could just have it stashed away in your center console or something. I would venture to guess that they're only $10 or $15, though I admit that I've never priced them so I'm just guessing.
Regarding not having my handgun with me: ANY time I get in a non-life threatening altercation, I'd be glad to not have my CCW piece with me. Even with machismo under control, it's still a liability to even have on you for numerous reasons.

If you ever do find out how to predict when you will only be in non-life-threatening situations, let me know and I'll start leaving my weapon at home. :)
I would be curious to hear the other side of the story.

Why were you verbally engaging this guy? Why not simply say you were sorry and give them the palms up shrug?

To proud to say you were sorry?
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