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saved by a ccw tonight

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Jun 30, 2007
so about 2 hours ago i has hanging out with some guys that are in a car club, we started talking and some guy calls the president of the club,kevin, and starts talking all this trash about hes gonna come beat the crap outa him and all this trash so he hung up on him, guy calls again saying im on my way to come beat the $^*% out of you he hangs up again

about 20 mins later a guy shows up in a red pontiac starts talking more **** right as our friend dustin drives up he sees the guy grab a shotgun outa the back seat and jumps out of his car with his .45 and stops this guy

its been two hours and im still shaking knowing that we were about 3 seconds from having some wanna be gangster shooting at us for no reaason, anyone wants to know why when i turn 21 im getting my ccw its crap like this

he guy is being book for 3 accounts of attempted assault with a dealey weapon or something like that

:( bad night
I'm glad nobody got hurt. For the purposes of clarity, can you tell us exactly when the police were called, when they got there, and how they proceeded after making contact with you?
Crazy story, man.

Glad you got out of it without any lead thrown your way.

You got it right, though... stuff happens, sometimes it doesn't matter what you're doing, trouble just finds you. A smart man tries to avoid it, but not everything can be avoided.

I'm doing the same thing; I'm about to leave California for a Free State, and one of the first things on my list (right after getting my internet hooked up), is seeing about getting a CCW.

Can't always see trouble coming. Doesn't mean you can't be ready when it gets there.
about 20 mins later a guy shows up in a red pontiac starts talking more **** right as our friend dustin drives up he sees the guy grab a shotgun outa the back seat and jumps out of his car with his .45 and stops this guy

Should've been out of there about 19 minutes before that all happened.
Try to work out your punctuation. It was a very interesting story but difficult to keep track of, for me at least.

Periods and capital letters are your friends. ;)
You guys should have been nowhere near there. The first rule of self-defense is to keep yourself out of situations where you may have to defend yourself by force. In this case you had plenty of opportunity.
Yep, shoulda booked. What would have happened if the guy with the .45 hadn't pulled up right then?
we dont even know what kevin did the guys just said he should know what he did

we called the cops as soon as he rolled up so they were on there way when dustin dragged him outa the car we were still on the phone with 911 when it happened

the cops got there saw dustin had his gun out so the 2 officers got out of the car with guns drawn told dustin to put the gun on the ground away from both him and the guy on the ground he did just what they told him then they cuffed the guy put him in the car got dustins permit and took statements from the 4 of us

when they got to talking to us they were polite but cautious asked us all to lean on the cars so they could make sure we werent armed then took statements after that we all got a card with the officers man and report number he told us if it goes to court we may be asked to testify but it seasms pretty cut and dry that dustin was the only person armed and he had a permit and dustin only drew the gun to protect the rest of us

this all happened in the walmart parking lot so is all on camera

i look back now almost 3 hours later and agree that we shoulda left as soon as he said he was coming but you guys know 18-22 year olds hanging out at walmart talking about cars whos dumb enough to actually do something god its been a long night ... crap im out cigerettes too
Like I said when this guy called your buddy and said he was on his way to kick his a$$, all of you should have left. For you guys to sit there waiting on him was immature and irresponsible. You allowed yourselves to be put in that situation. Enough crap happens every day without us helping it.


itmakesiteasieronnormalfolk> thankskbye? :neener:

Other than that, I'm glad you're okay. Stay safe. Stay armed.
Can't always see trouble coming.
Well, no, but when trouble gives you a 20 minute warning call, best to void the area.

Heh. Yeah, I hear that. Sometimes, though, it's hard to tell the difference between a guy being a jerk on the phone, and a guy showing up with a shotgun in tow, until it's too late to rabbit. Vacating the premises every time a loudmouth threatens you on the phone... I don't know. I'd have probably done like Paintballdude, and figured it was nothing. People talk; loudmouths threaten. Doesn't generally come to violence.
I dont know about you but I dont get threatening phone calls often and if I did I am darn sure I would take it seriously. Im sure his buddy was running his mouth back to him.

I don't get threatening phone calls, either. I'm just saying, if I was hanging out with some friends, and one of 'em got a phone call from a dude who threatened to beat him up, and my friend shrugged it off and thought nothing of it, I'd probably think nothing of it, too. Under such circumstances, it can be hard to tell just what, exactly, is going on. Are they friends who make fake, bloodcurdling threats at each other? I have friends that do. Hard to tell the seriousness of another man's troubles.
I'm glad that no one got hurt and only the BG goes to jail.

With that said, I feel that the police should have been called and told of the threats immediately. At the very least, it would have created a record of the threat.
I have to disagree with those who say the guys should have left once they got a threatening phone call. There's a difference between prudent avoidance and letting yourself be pushed around by a loudmouth on the phone, especially when it's one angry guy versus a group of people.

I'm glad your friend had his gun; those not yet 21 don't seem to normally have much they can do against a man with a gun other than run in most situations.

Just re-read the OP. Missed the part where the dude called back and said, "I'm on my way".

Okay, I take it back. A man says he's on the way, after a previous phone argument, and I'd probably figure it was a good time to be somewhere else. My bad, all. Didn't read the post thoroughly. Mea culpa, and so on.
One thing I am starting to realize is it just isnt worth it to puff out your chest and be the tough guy, even when your with a group of people. You know why? Cause he may roll up and reach for a shotgun in the back of his truck. I am telling you if I were with a friend and he got a phone call from someone twice saying they were on their way to kick his a$$ I would be saying I will not have any part in this and I am leaving and you should too. Being the tough guy isnt worth it.

I don't think it's about being a tough guy. I think it's about what constitutes a threat.

I figure, a guy makes a threatening phone call to one of a group of friends who are hanging out... not a big deal. Probably hot air. In my younger days, I made prank phone calls at least as bad (yeah, I was a horrible person).

Now, the same guy calls twice, and the second time says he's coming to get you... well, that's a different animal. It's not just hot air, it's a statement of impending intent. He's coming to get me. Likely that would be cause enough to break up the party, or at least give 5-0 a ring.
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