Separate thread on training and perception of training.

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Dec 30, 2007
From another thread:

I just hate to see some kind of watch list being compiled on evey property with a range or those individuals with skills that [whomever might] deem hazardous to the public.

Any past threads aside for just a moment: I am very interested in hearing of any laws known by THR members that do indeed regulate the possession, cultivation, or dissemination of "skills". The very idea is spooky; already proven by history to run counter to freedom.

I'm also curious as to how many here are circumspect in their private lives regarding letting others know of any "hazardous" skill sets you might possess, and why or why not, as a matter of practicality.

I.e., very few in my current daily life (outside of my training buddies) know anything about my self-defense resume. If someone asks directly, I'm always game for offering up some opinions, but I don't bring any of this stuff up myself. Going further, I suppose that on the rare chance that it comes to some sort of violence, say, in the workplace; better that anything I might possibly know come as a complete surprise to any who exhibit the need to find out.

Curious about opinions on this from others. TIA.
For one, I am getting concerned about the idea of training being held against a person. I live close to the latest nut jobs from Florida who wanted to start a race war. I was shocked to hear that paramilitary training was a crime. I am re-thinking my attendance at the practical / tactical shoot at my local range. I could not find anything on the books in FL against training....Just because I can field strip an AR and run it (moderately well- not exactly SEAL Team 6 over here) am I suspect? What if I join a militia?
I now get a little concerned when my friends make comments like "if there is trouble we are heading to your place". I don't care for that kind of attention and they are getting the message.
Living under a flight path for every low flying aircraft that passes through the valley it's pretty much a given that anyone going over notices the berms and I see that the adjoining Co. Sheriff has his own drone so sometimes the imagination can run wild.
What is undeniable is that there is residential encroachment on one side and I just feel like it is just a matter of time until a deputy comes up with a complaint about the shooting. A school was recently built across the road and that has curtailed our shooting hours some already. (we stopped shooting during school hrs out of courtesy, it was voluntary)
Since I advocate the RKBA and have public research and presentation presence on the issue - I am quite comfortable in discussing such.
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