Sons of Guns

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You folks have to lighten up.
It's like watching any scifi movie on the idiot box.
  • No, LASERS don't shoot lightning bolts.
  • No, spaceships wouldn't make whooshing sounds as they zip through space.
  • No, if you fall into a black hole you don't get farted out in 1940 so you can try to assassinate Hitler.
  • Oh, and I really doubt dinosaurs roared every twenty seconds or so and they didn't fight everything they came across to the death. At least I'm pretty sure.
It's a TV SHOW!

I wish I had two grand to have them rig up a semi-auto STEN to full auto, then add a rail and scope so it looked like a Stormtrooper blaster from Star Wars. :( Tracers would look cool coming out of it
I wish I had two grand to have them rig up a semi-auto STEN to full auto, then add a rail and scope so it looked like a Stormtrooper blaster from Star Wars.
The Star Wars E-11 blaster rifle prop was built from a Sterling L2A3 sub-machine gun, not a Sten.
(Note: The E-11 blaster rifle was manufactured by BlasTech Industries during the Galactic Civil War and was used by pretty much everyone in the flicks)
I'm a total noob compared to most of you guys, but besides Will shooting the blanks scene, what else have they done that was unsafe??? I'd like a specific list... please!

There's a lot wrong with the show.
Will says before any show "don't try this at home". There should be a three paragraph disclaimer in tiny print flashed on the screen for 3 seconds that was prepared by a battery of lawyers that nobody can read.
Will ran off a Fudd that showed up for a lookie-loo. He should have shown more respect for such an elder statesman of the gun owning community.
Will snapped at one of his smiths because he didn't test fire a firearm before taking it out for a range test with the customer. The smith is contemplating a 40 million dollar defamation suit.
Will claims that each firearm he creates will open new markets. This is probably true but he doesn't have to shove it in our faces.
All his targets have tannerite hidden behind them. What's up with that?
They all look too comfortable on camera and have too much fun with their firearms. How can this be safe?
RedJacket sends the message that firearm ownership is fun and goes beyond buying a Glock 23 and shoving it in the nitestand to collect dust. He's corrupting the firearm community.
Stephanie wore the wrong color top on camera that didn't match the Hopi necklace I sent her last year. I never watched the show after that.
My PSL refinish job will take longer to get back to me now that he's filming season two. But it will be worth twice as much with the RedJacket logo etched on the side.
And finally, he had a chance to unite the sportsmen, collectors and AW afficiandos with one program. something nobody in the gun community has ever been able to do and instead he went for a broad spectrum of the American Viewing public bringing in 28 million viewers of his show and a guarentee of a large contract and financial security for him and his family for years to come. What a horrible thing to do.
I'm disgusted I tell ya, simply disgusted. :) :) :)

There's a lot wrong with the show.
Will says before any show "don't try this at home". There should be a three paragraph disclaimer in tiny print flashed on the screen for 3 seconds that was prepared by a battery of lawyers that nobody can read.
Will ran off a Fudd that showed up for a lookie-loo. He should have shown more respect for such an elder statesman of the gun owning community.
Will snapped at one of his smiths because he didn't test fire a firearm before taking it out for a range test with the customer. The smith is contemplating a 40 million dollar defamation suit.
Will claims that each firearm he creates will open new markets. This is probably true but he doesn't have to shove it in our faces.
All his targets have tannerite hidden behind them. What's up with that?
They all look too comfortable on camera and have too much fun with their firearms. How can this be safe?
RedJacket sends the message that firearm ownership is fun and goes beyond buying a Glock 23 and shoving it in the nitestand to collect dust. He's corrupting the firearm community.
Stephanie wore the wrong color top on camera that didn't match the Hopi necklace I sent her last year. I never watched the show after that.
My PSL refinish job will take longer to get back to me now that he's filming season two. But it will be worth twice as much with the RedJacket logo etched on the side.
And finally, he had a chance to unite the sportsmen, collectors and AW afficiandos with one program. something nobody in the gun community has ever been able to do and instead he went for a broad spectrum of the American Viewing public bringing in 28 million viewers of his show and a guarentee of a large contract and financial security for him and his family for years to come. What a horrible thing to do.
I'm disgusted I tell ya, simply disgusted

Gotta be hard to get your tongue out of your cheek after that reply. ;)
I am with Jeff on this. I don't watch it, I do pass it when channel surfing and am amazed it's still on. But I no longer stop to even see what rediculous unsafe nonsensical piece of junk they are making anymore, it has crossed into the red zone.It could have been an asset to the gun community, instead of exactlly the type of nonsense that the anti's are looking to point to, and say "see", that's why we don't approve more pro gun legislation. Who wants a flamethrower or dual machine guns, other than those crazy gun nuts.
Again, from Will
Season 2 will probably start airing in 5-6 weeks . It's looking pretty good , a lot of doors have been opened for us since the show aired so the show and the company will hugely benefit .
Some of you haters will probably commit suicide if it gets a 3rd season.
I saw the show for the first time this past Saturday night when, apparently, there was a 'Sons of Guns' marathon going on at the Discovery Channel. I had a bunch of people who know I'm into guns tell me I should watch that show (including my eldest kid), but the commercials just didn't interest me all that much.

Well, I was visiting with my kid over the weekend, and he had it on the T.V. so we watched a bunch of episodes Saturday night.

Y'know, it was actually entertaining for me. I don't think I'm going to seek it out and make sure I watch it every week, but I did enjoy it, as long as I didn't try to 'think too hard' about the practical nature of what they were doing and just enjoy the show for the entertainment value.

I admire someone who can make a business doing what he does, and then make it entertaining for a wide audience. And, let's face it, a LOT of what they do is to get viewers. And it works - it's a fun show.

Now, I'm not going to base my life on the show's teachings, but it's a fun time. For me, anyway.
Everybody gets so worked up. Some love it, some hate it (but a lot of them have to watch it to see what to hate next.)

I figure it is light entertainment and just go along with the gag.
Kind of like this and other gunboards.
Unsafe: seen a few muzzle sweeps, the blank firing, they made that civil war cannon seem like a 50/50 chance it'd kill everyone around it when it went off, etc. Let's not forget that some of their designs are liable to get someone killed if they were actually used for their intended purpose either.

I get that its supposed to be entertainment; those anti-gun cartoons in the paper are entertainment too, you know.
Watched the show a few times, mildly entertaining if I can manage to ignore the many things in the episode that would make an informed gun owner cringe. I also agree about the clientele, they are ridiculous types, one guy came in and I believe asked for something to "hunt rabbits with", ended up walking out with a tacti-cooled out 10/22 for something like 800 bucks. Really they are the most entertaining part of the show, makes me feel like much less of a novice.
People that hate guns, just hate guns. No show is going to change that one way or the other. I can't see this show having a negative impact on peoples view of guns or guns owners. Most of the people watching won't see the problems some seem to have with it. It's entertainment (with an OFF switch).:D
I don't think I'm going to seek it out and make sure I watch it every week, but I did enjoy it, as long as I didn't try to 'think too hard' about the practical nature of what they were doing and just enjoy the show for the entertainment value.
Exactly! Just enjoy it for what it is; some guys doing weird gun projects. I could pick apart every project they make but it's just a show for entertainment, and it involves guns. If you want realism watch 3 gun nation instead. Or feel free to make your own show and see if it gets picked up, who knows, it might.
I kind of think of it as Monster Garage with guns. Anyone remember that show? They made completely impractical vehicles but it was neat to see them made before they focused solely on the drama aspect.
I cringe when I see them working in the shop with no eye protection.

Me too. I'm pretty sure that is the most unsafe thing I've seen on the show.

I watch for muzzle sweeps but with the editing it is really hard to see what is actually happening.

And I'm sure the blank-firing incident was completely staged. As is most of the show. It's Reality-TV, therefore it is not reality.

And none of this prevents me from watching it and being entertained. There, I said it, I enjoy watching the show.
I like the show. The guys are funny, the daughter is really cool and the dad is hilarious. I don't view the show as something that is going to teach me about guns. The show to me is strictly for entertainment and to see some guys have fun shooting off some weapons. That's all.
Another Will quote:
In a 10 day tour of the West , it was the incredible demographic spread of the people who came up to us that amazed us the most . From HS girls to admitted Lefties to the far right...The problem the Left has is that we're putting a human face on the issue and , unfortunately for them , people like us .
Well, except for on certain gun forums...:rolleyes:
Jeez guys.....accurate shooting in the range? What the <removed> are you actually thinking here? Do you actually think there is one camera man standing in front of the gun while it is firing and a second camera man standing down range filming the exact same shots going into the target as they are fired? Uhhhhh, nope. Try again. The footage of the target being hit and the actual person doing the shooting could be filmed months apart with different people and different guns.

If any of you actually knew anything whatsoever about filiming/making a TV show, you would be completely embarassed by your comments here.

Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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