South Korean protestors show we in Ameirica are less free than they are

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Dunno 'bout "Freedom" in this protest: The history of using long sticks agains the S. Korean police indicates that for many, the freedom will come about after they get out of the hospital.

And the police won't have to do a lot of paperwork, afterward...

I'm not a cop, but I can assure you that if you come at me with a large pole and starting beating me with it, you're going to get shot. And I'm fairly certain that all the cops I know would tell you the same thing. It's called the right to self defense, not a lose of freedom.


I fail to understand how police forces and even citizens maintaining PEACEABLE demonstrations, provides an example of how we are less free?

Do you think any of these people will be tried and convicted of assault? I doubt it. But they're "more" free! After all, by definition they do have the right to do whatever they want (including beating police officers with large sticks).

Personally, I'll take a peaceable demonstration downtown, over a pissed off MOB any day of the week. And if you want to be "more free" move to South Korea. We have a 200+ year old document that says you have the unalienable right to PEACEFUL gathering and protest, not beating police.

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