Speaking in Code

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Deleted member 53664

Hi All,

This past weekend, my SO and I were talking about carrying, and she wondered how she could ask if I'm armed without using those words. We came up with a code phrase. From now on, she'll ask me if I let the cat out when she wants to know if I'm armed.

Does anyone else use code words or phrases for this question, or for any other situations for that matter? I'd be interested in hearing about it.
Are you HOT?

Of course I am, isn't that why you married me.

She hardly ever asks because she knows the answer. It did come up this weekend in the reverse. We were at some friends where the wife is a little gun sensitive. I was wearing a long sleeve button up shirt jac untucked with a t-shirt underneath. My wife asked why don't I want to take off my shirt jac and I asked her why she married me.:D
Yes. She helps me check out new places for Texas Complaint 30.06 signs. I'll ask, "You see any 'No smoking signs’?"

She'll usually reply, "Smoke 'em if you got 'em."

Or if she sees something that unnerves her she'll ask, "You got any smokes?" Which is really pointless becasue the answer is always, "YES!" But I guess it's a combination Virtual Press Check and 'You see that???'

If I'm printing in any way she'll say, "You really should do something about your smoking habit."
My wife just looks says straight out " Are you packing heat ?"

I say 99.5% of the time " yeah."

She thinks " Packin' heat" is kind of funny. And She's not a dummy about when , or who hears her, when she asks me that.

But she has a wierd sense of humor. It's not unusual ,when she's irritated with a self important lefty bragging about some stupid inanity on the cell phone in line with us , to start up like she was in mid conversation.. : " So , yeah , the first time I had to cut off a guy's head it kind of freaked me out. But i learned to dissociate myself from reality , ya know ? so it just gets easier every time ... "
My wife and I have an unbreakable code. If she's concerned, she just shouts over to me "Do you have ungay with you?", and I'll either answer esyay or onay. We' haven't been made yet.
My wife says she can see my agenda, or asks if I checked my agenda (I carry concealed, it -should- be a "hidden" agenda :banghead:).

We also have a "bug-out" code (mention of a phone call from my father, or needing to call my father) so that if one of us ever notices a really bad situation, and we need to leave without making a scene, we can let each other know it's serious and we need to leave NOW and all will be explained...later!
Mr White said:
My wife and I have an unbreakable code. If she's concerned, she just shouts over to me "Do you have ungay with you?", and I'll either answer esyay or onay. We' haven't been made yet.

I'm gonnna laugh about that the rest of the day!
Alexnay Ubarfay ippquayed:

But she has a wierd sense of humor. It's not unusual ,when she's irritated with a self important lefty bragging about some stupid inanity on the cell phone in line with us , to start up like she was in mid conversation.. : " So , yeah , the first time I had to cut off a guy's head it kind of freaked me out. But i learned to dissociate myself from reality , ya know ? so it just gets easier every time ... "

Inay aughedlay ymay assnay offnay!
Mine has no reason to ask She knows I have one. If were up and awake. Plus we don't go to places we can't carry . Except to renew our Driver Lic.
Junior Soprano warns Tony not to return again unless he is armed: "Come heavy,” he insists, “or not at all."
My daughter, who is 8, needs to learn a code. When I first began carrying, she and my wife were paying for something at a radio shack store, and my daughter asks right out loud, "Does daddy have his gun?"

My wife explained to her that we don't talk about that, but she should be assured that Daddy is ready to protect her if she needs to be.

Maybe I should come up with a code word.
My wife has been know to ask, "did you remember to bring the seezee honey"

Figuring the percentage of people that don't carry and know what CZ is... I think were pretty safe. But then, whenever she asks, I do have to woder where her seezee is that day.
No code for me. The default answer is "yes." My wife though, it's more of a "usually" situation. If I have to ask her, I'll usually just outright ask. I normally don't care who's around. "You packin'?"

Though, I have asked her if she has her "block" in certain social situations.
Not that I carry or know anyone real close to me that does, but I'm sure a real subtle "are you packing?" would allow you to know what your talking about and others not to really question that anythings up.
Mr. White and 230RN, thank you both for that. My wife had to come see what I was laughing so loud about.

That super secret "Pig Latin" works so much better in print!
Like Kd7ngb, my wife just throws her arm around me to check. It's just to assure herself because she knows that I carry everywhere I legally can.
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