Strange Knocks at the Door.

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No magazine salesman has ever come back to the house after I pretend like no one is home, and I don't even live in a out of the way place.
Yea, it is odd.

He stopped by Friday morning, lightly knocked the door, then immediately left.
He stopped by Monday morning, lightly knocked the door, then immediately left.
He stopped by this morning, lightly knocked the door, then immediately left.
He stopped by this evening. He wanted in the house.

Oh man, I just remembered he asked me where I worked. Not thinking, I told him. And then he asked me if I worked a lot. I said, "Of course."

Oh crap. I feel sick now. :(
im not liking the sound of this at all. really sounds like you are being cased for a possible B&E or worse.

If his story was along the lines of yeah im a process server and I kept thinking I was just missing you, I take it you arent MR/MRS_____ well is he/she maybe one of your neighboors yadda yadda.

You dont find it strange that none of your neighboors had this guy try to sell to them as well. Or the fact that most salemen dont scamper off having quickly knocked on the door??

Did he actaully have any thing with him to sell?? or did he just tell you that??

Dont be suprised if you see this guy around agin or for that matter someone else. I suggest sitting down with the wife and kids and discussing what to do in case something happens.

"Another thing this has taught me is that a stressful/dangerous situation - in conjunction with a lack of training - is a recipe for disaster. I found myself not knowing what to say. I really need some training on how to operate when under stress."

just keep in mind as well that training is just that, TRAINING. Yes, you can quote me many times parroting the ol' you train as you fight because you damn sure fight as you train but the other side of that is "everyone has a plan untill they get hit". You will find that every time you go trough trouble or something like that you get a little more level headed and a little smarter.

Like you said, old man trouble comes on his time not yours. You defense plan should take that into account. You might or not be "on the ball" when something happens and you should prepare for that.
Call the cops and tell them what is going on. It is possible that other people have reported the same thing, heck they may even have an idea of who the guy is if he is a repeat offender. Give them a description of the car and the partial plate # your wife got.

See what they have to say....

Weird part is he makes four "visits" to your house but not to any of your neighbors. I think I'd be pulling an all nighter, you and your wife alternating 2 hours on 2 off. Lights out. Until your Bud shows up. Just don't seem right!

Unless he's heard you're a voracious reader:neener:
Have you not yet called the police to report this? Why not?

Post a big sign at the beginning of your driveway, "No soliciting. No sales calls without appointment," or something similar.

Call this company he works for and let them know you don't like the sales tactics and this guy's creepy behavior.

If this guy is just a dumbass salesman, he won't show up again. If he does, tell him he's trespassing and to leave immediately. Get his plate number, car description and make a police report.

Kick his ass.

I'd take the family to a hotel or relatives for a few days. This is waaay too fishy. Common sense for any salesman is to ring the doorbell till the people trying to ignore them inside breakdown. Either makes for a poor salesman or good theif..... Time to really invest in security and call the cops. Lock everything up and get the kids out would be step 1
look im not trying to make you feel any worse or too put any dumb ideas in you head.

The next few choices you make could have a very big implications and unintended consequnces.

There are two big sides to this spectrum. First is over reacting and possibly going to far in both going out of your way stressing over this and maybe doing something rash you might regret. Secondly is even worse to me, you might have something bad happen to you or yours by some scumbags{its a naturall assumption and based from my pretty decent wealth of dealings with many a criminal that this type of thing aint a single person}. Be it a simple B&E or something far more sinister who knows.

I think you first order of buisness shoud be visibly and openly beefing up your security. Let anyone who may be watching know that you arent an "easy mark" and that you are paying attention to what is going on.

Secondly, agin sitting down with the wife and kids and setting up a broad strokes plan in case anything{even in the future for that matter} happens if paramount.

Third, TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE THEM as it were. Time to document this all to the cops and your concerns. Im surley not advocating threating anyone in ANYWAY but IF it were ME, I would consider making it clear in no uncertain terms but in rather vauge languge that any un warrented visiters that have less than good intentions for me and mine are going to be putting them and theres in some serious danger and a whole world of hurt. I would think that attitude and hardware could say all that with out even speaking or for that matter being directly threating :evil:

I also suggest something to let you know someone is on your road and on the way up to your house. Something as simple as a photo-cell and a radio heck a cheap baby moniter would work just fine.
Oh man, I just remembered he asked me where I worked. Not thinking, I told him. And then he asked me if I worked a lot. I said, "Of course."

Oh crap. I feel sick now.

The others have said it. This is casing. I don't even think insurance people ask this anymore. Let the cops know,give them the plate number, have someone pick up the family if possible, call some range buddies, and sit watch for a few days. Hide the car if you don't have a garage. They'll likely strike during the day when you're not home, but you never know. Have the neighbors keep an eye out for cars different from the one you saw being parked on the road. They'll need final recon before a hit, and changing a tire or such within sight of your drive is a common one. You might even drive off and park somewhere and come back through the woods if you have to leave the family there. This smells and the Sheriff should be extremely interested after they hear your story.
You can get video surveillance systems for real cheap now-a-days; you should look into getting one of these - they monitor your property 24/7 so you can see what is going on even when you are not there or asleep.

Also, look into getting a Driveway Anunciator system - they have simple photo-eye ones and they even have magnetic ones that you bury under the driveway so no one can see it - they will alert you when a car pulls into your driveway from the road.

You could also just post some signs saying "This Property Under Video Surveillance" and put out one of those fake video cameras - this might scare off some of the riff-raff.

You can also get a REALLY loud siren (one that your neighbors can hear) that your wife can trigger if she needs help and the phones don't work; this could scare someone off without her having to shoot them - it's worth a try, anything is better than shooting someone.

You could also put a gate at the beginning of your drive with a buzzer(like a door-bell) and a camera so you can monitor visitors before you let them onto your property.
I'm going to critique this based on your description. Do not take it personal, but there were a couple of screw ups there that put your family in danger:
this directed to your confrontation.
1. Failed to be prepared at all times. Waiting until he comes back tomorrow is really lame, be prepared NOW, and constantly. Because you put it off one more day, he walked right in on you, you didin't knw hwat to say or do, and he caught you in your sweats with no gun. You are DRT (dead right there).
2. Met the guy unarmed. If that was an ambush, you'd be dead right now.
3. Failed to take charge. He asked deep questions about you and your work, and you answered. Instead you should have been asking. Who are you, lets see some ID, Let's see your credentials. I don't want you here ever again, now get the **** off my property. Stern, powerful, and no nonsense.
4. Failed to get the license plate.
5. Gave out info that puts your wife and kids at severe risk.
6. failed to notify LEO and get them engaged.
and up to the point you met this guy: living 15 miles out, without some security. and no training, especially training the ones who are responsible for the safety of your children when you are gone.

Now get this and get it good: this isn't over yet. the home is not secure, and this guy knows you are a soft target. Your family is at risk, and you are the only one who can make the decisions that will protect them. TAKE the next couple of days off, unitl you get the law on line, and your security in, and your family out of there for a few days. if you leave tomorrow, without taking care of this, you abdicate your responsibility.
time to get tough.
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A couple real quick points (ok, so when I finished it was a freaking codex):

Sounds like they know someone is home pretty much 24/7. Sounds like they have known for at least 3 days you own guns. They keep coming back. So, either they want your guns, or they want something else and aren't afraid that you own guns. Either way it's bad. You might have scared them off, but I don't think so. If they are aggressive enough to want inside when you are home too, they sound fairly determined. A magazine subscription guy makes what? $2-5 per subscription. Even with the high price of that company's products, do you really think it makes sense for them to come to out-of-the-way places to sell door to door? Do you seriously think he would waste that much gas to keep coming back to your place? They only target high population density areas where they can actually make some money. That company, at first glance, looks like a ponzi scheme anyway. Not what I'd call reputable. College students selling children's magazines selling $77,000 worth of materials? I call BS on that in a heartbeat. It COULD be simply a pushy (and retarded) college-type sales kid, but I wouldn't let up my guard yet.

1. Get the family out of there. Call it a vacation. Don't you have some relative they could go visit? So what if they burgle the place. At least your family isn't there when it happens. If for some reason this absolutely isn't an option, do it anyway. If possible, find a way to make it seem like a fun trip for the kids, to lessen the freak-out potential.

2. Call police and report NOW NOW NOW. YOU got his license# didn't you? You can give that to the cops. You know you can go to the DMV and pay to get the registered address, don't you? I'm not suggesting that you go to that address, but you could certainly use it to have a restraining order served if things get any weirder.

3. Tell your neighbors, or give an update if you already have told them. If something does happen (next week, next month, next year), and your loved ones have to get out of dodge, knowing who you are, and the history of the situation may mean the difference between them making a call immediately to the police and trying to figure out what's going on before they call, and in a rural situation, that means minutes lost. Hell, it may save your neighbors some grief if they get targeted instead.

4. Beef up security, both real and "imaginary". Lock the gate to your property. If no gate, then put a chain across two trees. If no chain, then tie a new rope across two trees. Add a large sign to go with it saying KEEP OUT, ESPECIALLY MAGAZINE SALESMEN, ESPECIALLY THE GUY WHO HAS BEEN SCOPING OUT OUR HOUSE TO ROB IT FOR THE LAST WEEK. THIS PROPERTY UNDER SURVEILLANCE. BEWARE OF DOG. (even if you don't have one). Put out a bowl of dog food and water dish on the front porch, half-full. Be sure and drop a few pieces of kibble out of the dish. Fake or real video camera a great idea. If you can afford it, and have time to get one locally, get one of those hunter's cameras with a motion sensor and plant it on a tree on the driveway facing towards the road (when the car comes by, it will snap a pic of the front license if any and the perp's face). Definitely get flood lights with motion sensors for the entire perimeter of the first floor (any entrances). Some of these things are expensive, some are cheap. Do what you can afford/have time for.

5. Seriously consider another firearm ASAP. If you have a range at home, use this summer daylight to familiarize your wife with those weapons when you get home from work. A fanny pack or small purse worn over the shoulder & neck could serve as a makeshift holster if necessary.

6. Seriously consider a dog. Doesn't have to be a big/dangerous breed. That's your alarm.

7. Think about your backstop from various positions in and around your house. What about down the driveway? Back door?

Those are all things you can do short term. Long term, get more guns, holsters, and safes (for stowing weapons around the house out of little hands), and TRAIN THE WIFE how to use them. Make a habit of giving NO, NONE, NADA, ZERO information to the perps, or better yet, lie to them in convincing ways, or even push back as much as you can. "where do you work?" "County sheriff's dispatch". "You work a lot?" "that's kind of nosy. I don't like your questions. Stay off of my land." Not criticizing, just pointing out a habit you might want to cultivate.
magazine salesman

Anyone who wants your business doesnt knock amd run away. I spent some time as a landman in east texas and always tried to make myself as visible as possible when showing up unannounced. As TallPine mentioned earlier a gate is a great theft deterrent I would also recommend a no soliciting/trespassing sign that way it is posted and you make your own case for sd. I own 75 acres outside of Austin Tx and have run into somewhat of a similar situation, turned out to be an LCRA (local power co.) worker looking to access my property to do maintenance work. If you can I would seriously recommend taking a few days off and hiding your vehicle to see if said "salesman" returns.
good luck and be safe.
You bought that story?

I suggest you call the police. Tonight. Ask for an officer to come out to take a report. Tonight.
Make notes on what happened while you're waiting for the officer to arrive, both on what you need to report, questions you need to ask, and his advice.

Call that company in the morning and ask if they have anyone working in your area. If they give you any grief, tell them one of their "agents" was acting in ways that you believe was suspicious and criminal. Make it clear what ramifications they'll have for not cooperating.

He might come back tomorrow. He might wait a week. He might wait a month. You can't possibly know when he might strike, and you can't put your life in "stakeout mode" waiting for it.

Ask the officer what he suggests. And both you and your wife need to take steps to protect yourselves and the family. At a minimum, the doors and windows need to stay locked 24/7. That means "both of you have a set of keys on you" kind of locked. Focusing on guns and firearms training isn't the answer here. Altering your careless lifestyle and taking proactive steps to harden your home is.
FYI: If you call the company, you might have to be pretty hard-nosed. Southwestern looks like it might be a multi-level marketing company. Their "employees" are independent contractors who "own their own business". :rolleyes: But here's what you want (from their FAQ):

"Each summer, thousands of college students participate in Southwestern's summer program. The students come from all over the world and represent nearly 400 colleges and universities from the USA to Canada, the UK to Estonia and France - even Africa and South America just to name a few.

The students are independent dealers in Southwestern product spending their summer breaks learning the independence of running a business far away from home and building a resume with both selling and life skills.

Students that sell Southwestern products are provides with a photo ID badge and lanyard with Southwestern's contact information. Dealers selling in the US will also have a Direct Selling Association member ID card. The student dealers carry a sample case with book samples and business supplies to demonstrate their products and conduct transaction with their customers. The order books the student dealers carry have information regarding cancellation policies and Southwestern contact information including toll-free number and the website.

Typically, the student dealers live with a local host family for the summer and open a local bank account. If a local ordinance requires the dealer to have a solicitation permit, they should be able to produce it if asked. If you feel the need to check on the credibility of the student, you can call our toll-free Customer Service number at (888) 551-5901 or in the UK call 0117 978 2525. Please be patient, as there may be some hold time in the busiest times of the summer."

That's what the small black bag could be - a sample case. And people in MLMs (also known as network marketing) can be persistent and annoying. HOWEVER, just because he might work for a company doesn't mean he isn't out to do some business on his own, if you get my drift. MLMs will usually take anyone at all, and the pay isn't great...

Edited to add...
They have been provided a two-sided photo ID badge that should be visible at all times.

Ask the co. if they sell magazine subscriptions as described. Website has books, not magazines.
He was selling magazines for children. Worked for a company called Southwestern. I interrupted him a few seconds into his spiel, and told him we were not interested. He was pretty pushy, and wanted to come in the house and discuss it. I told him "forgetit." I told him I didn't appreciate solicitors coming to our house, and his unannounced visits were causing me and my wife heartburn. He left shortly afterwards.

Just skimmed most of the thread, but wanted to say that this sounds too much like a setup. I think he was trying to get into your house to take a look around and get a feel for the layout. Your wife needs to keep a cell phone with her, get a holster or fanny pack for the Taurus (whatever she's most comfortable with) and you need to alert your neighbors. I love nosy neighbors, especially the ones who are retired and ask me about every car that pulls up to my house during the day. Oh, and get a dog, preferably a big one. The dog is your alarm. Check into getting a security system installed if you can afford one.
Great Points , All....

...but the ones that bear repeating are these:

1. Report this to the police/sherriff immediately!

2. Get you and wife comfortable at defending yourself with and without a weapon immediately!

3. Gate/chain the end of your drive immediately with signs warning of whatevr you;d like to say to "visitors"

Also, look into getting a Driveway Anunciator system - they have simple photo-eye ones and they even have magnetic ones that you bury under the driveway so no one can see it - they will alert you when a car pulls into your driveway from the road.
This would be high on my list. The amount of warning time you and your family have will be increased by some type of device to alert you when someone opens the gate or drives across the line.

5. Document everything that has happened NOW! so that later you can have details for authorities if necessary

6. Go to the pound and rescue a small terrier of some type. Terriers are the MOST territorial beasts I have ever met (and they are quite smart as well). Adding this level of security will be a comfort to your wife as well as a great thing for your children. Every child should have the responsability of raising a pet.

Keep us posted.

Best to you and yours!

FWIW, I refuse to open my door to strangers. (we live in a similar situation, about 1/8 mile from county road, but our house is visible from the road) We keep the doors on the driveway side always locked, and if someone I don't know shows up (which is quite rare), I slip out the door on the opposite side and ease around the corner of the house, armed of course.

That way I deny them access to the inside of the house, maintain distance, and can use the house for cover.

Don't worry about being "rude" - you can always explain and apologize if it turns out to be someone you really do know and/or is legitimate.

I do have a "posted" sign on the driveway so anybody who shows up at our house is already technically trespassing.

I think your "salesman" is really up to no good :(
I agree with almost everyone so far, sounds to me like classic pre-crime casing behaviour.

I work in a dog kennel and the terriers are among the loudest (not lb for lb, loudest period) and most enthusiastic breeds we deal with. One (or better yet two) terriers will not only alert you to anyone coming -close- to the house, they'll keep a mess of other nuisances (rats and the like) from setting up shop.

Cameras and the driveway alarm, plus a dog(s) will give you all the time you/your wife need to unlimber that AR and make sure things are kosher before opening the door.

Have you considered something like this?

They can provide a decent amount of delay in the event that someone tries to force the door while your family are at home.
I live in the country. Most driveway alarms work off a beam, and don't really work for me, because deer set them off. I use an alarm from, which uses a rubber hose. They have wireless and wired models. The wireless use a 9 volt battery. I have one outside that I've had for at least six years and it still works fine.
a close friend of mine "hosted" (free room) three college girls who were selling books door to door over summer break.

each girl was given a very specific territory with instructions to knock on every door.

I consider this totally send a young pretty out of state girl door to door by herself....but I guess they make good money selling very over priced childrens books to house moms under the "guise" of non-profit work.

I'm constantly getting after my wife about divulging personal info. to strangers. I personally make every effort to be polite to strangers.....but not those that come around my house bugging me or begging.

Worst of the worst is the Kirby vacuum cleaner sales types, who want to come into your house and shampoo your rug for you. The way I see it is that if you've got the nerve to come up our drive and knock on our door, you're obliged to show me your name in writing (card, i.d., etc...) before I even talk to you.

I too live on the end of a long private drive and I think it's time for me to post an "PRIVATE PROPERTY, NO SOLICITING" sign....if for no other reason, to see if the JWs can read.

Thanks for posting the thread, I'm reminded to TAKE ACTION today, while it's still today.

Hope all goes well for you....
Have you contacted Southwestern to report unprofessional behavior by one of their employees, and as a side result confirm if they are employing this person?

That the person IS an employee is of no help, given the circumstances. But if they are NOT that should aid police help and employer sympathy.
Dakota Alert sells a magnetic probe tat is not set off by deer. I have one and it works well.
Please inform the police of this situation as soon as possible. It is not Kosher and, even if they can not or will not take any action on your behalf (and they might!) - notifying them sooner rather than later is wise. Good luck and all best wishes for you and family to stay safe.
If the OP is reading this and has not called the cops yet:

Stop reading this and call the cops. NOW

Have you called them yet? Why not?
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