Stranger blocks you from entering Vehicle

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This is a shoulda coulda situation. No way to tell how to react to something that's not happening. Too many variables.
I would assume the person is trying to find out how it feels to get severely pistol whipped and thrown aside like a sack of potatoes.
This entire thread makes little sense. What would you tell the police? How can there be no other way to disengage? Go back where you were and wait. Surely at some point, the blocker will get bored and go away?
Would you drive an hour to the city & abandon your car/truck?

Who said it was an hour to the city? I'm not "abandoning" my vehicle, I'm disengaging to let the situation play out. If the person doesn't leave, then call the police.

I'm trying hard to imagine a situation in which this is possible. There is a place big enough for a car to exit, but a human can't get through it?

Is this a commercial complex like a storage facility where a sensor will open for a car? And there's no emergency exit for people? Then retreat to the other side of the storage facility.

Hard to imagine that you can't step away and call the police.
Cities have one way streets. Sometimes crooks set up a false contractor meetings so they can rob your vehicle. You will be stuck on a one way street & the police will do nothing. City police are a sad joke.

What does a one way street have to do with the ability to deescalate the situation or retreat? Especially if you are unable to access your vehicle. I agree that the police may not see this as a priority incident. Your denigration of law enforcement is not universally true.

Call the police and walk away
You would abandon your car/truck?

Neither I nor 1KPerDay are recommending abandoning the vehicle. Avoid the confrontation and see what develops.

This is a reason I dislike "what would you do if" fantasy scenarios. Insufficient details for accurate evaluation of the situation. No assessment of the actual threat level. Is the blocker armed and aggressive? Complete stranger or known individual/coworker? Trying to steal your vehicle? Upset over a minor work disagreement? It ain't real and the thread goes off track into the twilight zone.

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This one started out with a loose dscription of some kind of situation. The question was about what someone other than the"protagonist", if you will, might be charged with, which is not within our scope.

A disagreement arises @ a work location & things go bad. You attempt to leave. They/he/she blocks you from your vehicle. They will not step away from your vehicle door. There is no other retreat. Does this make it a false arrest? At what point are you a "hostage"? Would you be able to argue they stole your vehicle?
Civil suit for false imprisonment. Plaintiff is unlawfully restricted to a bounded area and unable to retreat. No argument for vehicle theft.
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