Summary of Feinstein's Proposed New Gun Control Law

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Either way we have one hell of a fight on our hands. Leave quarrels and differences ,between us , aside. We must be united, and stand strong. While the ban may not limit or affect some firearm owners, when will they stop? The anti's do want everyone unarmed. So whether it concerns you directly or not, don't let your brothers and sisters in arms lose a battle that can be the turning point of 2A rights(either good or bad). Next it will be anything larger than a .22, and no shotguns over .410 gauge. If they really think the 5.56 is so high powered then what stops them from saying a .308 or .270 is too much being as they are more powerful.

Or my worst fear.... That they get the ban on the books. The an EO can expand it in ways we haven't even considered yet. Make no mistake, it is a fight. One where the more determined will win. Just food for thought. A lot were caught off guard by the recent tragedy and panic, don't be caught off guard about a ban. Write,call, & email anyone on Capitol Hill, anti or not. Let them know where we stand.

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January 3, 2015

Jorg, could you explain this?

Also... HSO... I filled out that partition but given that some of the other petitions were so silly I wonder if that is just a tool to make us feel like our opinion matters. Keep that British dude that I never heard of before last week in America? What was that nonsense about...
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Mcdonl, Piers Morgan is a Brit who does some American TV, including (up until last season) judging Americas Got Talent and hosting his own talk show. He is very anti-gun, and when people suggest using guns for self defense he calls them idiots.

There was a petition to have him deported to UK for being a foreign citizen who is trying to undermine the constitution.
I guess Dear Dianne has gone over the top with her demands. This proposed bill is beyond disgusting. I will cut and paste it to send it to my Senators and Congressman and note my disdain for this idea. The only thing that gets to those we put in office, is the promise that they will lose their job when they upset us.

It would be nice if our fellow gun owners, stop trying to jump at the chance to price gouge, other potential owners every time these bills come up. We need as many lawful owners who vote as we can get.
Jorg, could you explain this?
He's referring to the end of this Congress. Those elected in the elections of 2014 will be seated at that time. This bill, once introduced, can be considered at any time between now and then. Of course, DiFi has been introducing something like this every year since 2004, and always will until she kicks the bucket. And then some other hoplophobe will take up the banner. (no pun intended)
Jorg, could you explain this?
He wanted to know when we would know for certain if the bill had passed or failed. The only date we could possibly know at this time is that day. That's when the 113th Congress ends.
If the 10 round magazine limit is really going to help, shouldn't they be able to show statistics from California and other states that show it?
Thanks for the explanations Geneseo and Jorg. I was thinking it was a typo and you meant 2013.
I just talked with my rep. He is going to propose to the governor that our local and state law enforcement be enjoined from enforcing any of this nonsense if it does pass. There is precedent here. When the feds refused to negotiate on the issue of hunting wolves in ID, Governor Otter enjoined state employees from enforcing any federal laws regarding the Canadian Gray Wolf. That brought the feds to the table. Too bad I did not fill my wolf tag this year.
I sent a note to both my Senators. I'm worried about them, both are D's. Baucus despite his B NRA rating was the swing vote on the 94 ban. Testor was not around in 94 and has an A rating, but is also Obama's stooge.

I too am worried about attaching a new AWB to a fiscal cliff bill and some squishy R's in the house using that as an excuse to go along with it.
My old Rep is unavailable, as he's going to the Senate next year. Good man, and he will do very well, very pro gun.
BUT, they re-districted, and my NEW Rep is a die hard Democrat...and I cannot contact her until 2013...
Does this bill repeal the Hughes Amendment that closed the National Registry, or is this the trick - sure, you can try to register your newly banned items, but the Registry is closed...guess you'll just have to turn them in.
All of this is just hypothetical at this point, and depends on how the heck they would enforce any of it. There is no money for this sort of ATF funding, not even for school programs. I don't take any of this seriouslly at this point, and I sure am not going to allow these jackasses to upset me with their crazyness. Once they sit down and see how unenforcable this is, and how much it would cost them, much of it will change.
They don't have any money, for enforcement, just as they can't enforce the exhisting laws on the books.
Plus if you already have your gun, then it's granfathered in.
Gym, if we're required to pay $200 to register all of our semi-automatics, then we could very well end up funding it with that tax money. Even just five million of said firearms would rake in $1 Billion in tax dollars for them to fund this.
All of this is just hypothetical at this point, and depends on how the heck they would enforce any of it. There is no money for this sort of ATF funding, not even for school programs. I don't take any of this seriouslly at this point, and I sure am not going to allow these jackasses to upset me with their crazyness. Once they sit down and see how unenforcable this is, and how much it would cost them, much of it will change.
They don't have any money, for enforcement, just as they can't enforce the exhisting laws on the books.
Plus if you already have your gun, then it's granfathered in.
I know in NY Cuomo is talking mandatory buy-backs. Which as we all know is just mandatory confiscation. So no grandfathering here. Even if the National AWB fails expect Station level legislation. Unfortunately as a NYer I feel I'm screwed.
I know in NY Cuomo is talking mandatory buy-backs. Which as we all know is just mandatory confiscation. So no grandfathering here. Even if the National AWB fails expect Station level legislation. Unfortunately as a NYer I feel I'm screwed.
Don't feel screwed...just move (like I'll be doing as soon as we sell the house.) Let's face it, NY (outside of NYC) is dying economically and our politicians are useless.
I just wanted to address a disturbing trend that I have seen in this thread and others recently. It has to do with the notion that as long as they don't want to take what I have, I don't care that they want to take what my neighbor has.

Needing to know what on the proposed list to be banned, or asking if a particular weapon is likely to be banned, is an indication that some people would be OK with a new ban, as long as it doesn't immediately affect them. This is a dangerous attitude.

People, please understand that even if they only want your neighbor's guns today, they'll soon want yours. Don't think for a minute that "It's OK, I'll still have mine when this is over", because you most assuredly won't. You will wake up one day, and your's will be gone, too.

And, the only way that won't happen, is if we all band together to protect everybody's rights; even the rights of those whom you might think may not actually have a need for a semi-automatic rifle that can carry more than 4 rounds.
You are correct...... Speaking with former gun owners in the UK, the clear strategy was division........ First one type... Than another.......

We need to hang together.... If you have a pea-shooter....... You need to support
There was a petition to have him deported to UK for being a foreign citizen who is trying to undermine the constitution.

And they are petitioning their gov to stop it because they don't want him either.
Write your Reps

Reading through this post there are some who believe that this will never pass. It may not but we cannot afford to be complacent. The NRA has a great link that lets you contact all your Representatives at once,

This is the link:

I encourage all of you, whether you believe the Bill will pass or not, to make our voice heard. Encourage others too, we have everything to lose by not being vocal about our 2A rights.
Does this bill repeal the Hughes Amendment that closed the National Registry, or is this the trick - sure, you can try to register your newly banned items, but the Registry is closed...guess you'll just have to turn them in.

Nobody's read the legislative language yet, but I'd be very surprised if Feinstein's bill, as introduced, repealed the Hughes Amendment. But that doesn't mean that a repeal of Hughes couldn't be added later by someone from our side.

Remember that the NFA includes several categories of items. The Hughes Amendment closed the registry for machine guns, but didn't affect destructive devices, suppressors, SBR's, etc. If semiautomatics are added to the NFA, they would be in their own (new) category.
We've had a Fast & Furious investigation that has been going on for years with no resolution. Then we have the Benghazi attack with yet another investigation that is going to drag on for months if not years.

My point? Any new weapons or magazine bans will need to be carefully considered along with months and most likely years of expert testimony in order to write a law that will actually reduce the incidence of tragic shootings of innocents.

Just playing the game the same way the other side plays it. That's all.
While the petitions are just to bring an issue to the attention of White House staff there is a basic broad petition that has gotten the needed signatures to pass through the first "gate" for attention. This "No AWB" petition should be signed by all THR members, as well as any other firearms site member, to show the number of people interested enough to say no to this proposed AWB.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks like the petition has been closed (and responded to in unsatifactory fashion)? I can't find a place to sign...
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