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Redstick,the link to the arrest needs to be printed out.Here it is:

By Bill Vidonic, Times Staff
Published: Friday, August 29, 2008 11:10 PM EDT
BEAVER — An Industry man is facing a disorderly conduct charge for attending the Barack Obama rally in Irvine Park with a loaded gun that was holstered on his hip, according to state police and the Beaver County sheriff’s department.

John Noble, 50, was questioned by police for several hours Friday night after the incident, in which witnesses said he also was passing out fliers with writing about gun rights.

John Atkinson of Vanport Township said he saw Noble passing out the fliers and noticed the small-caliber handgun strapped to the man’s waist. He said he quickly notified nearby deputy sheriffs, and deputies Joseph O’Sche and Rich Yonlisky approached the man as he walked along Market Street.

Atkinson said that when the deputies asked why he had a gun, Noble replied, “Because I’m an American,” and one of the deputies responded, “Well, you’re under arrest.”

Noble was hustled to a nearby vehicle, and state police took him to the Brighton Township barracks to question him.

Beaver County Sheriff George David said that Noble insisted he had a right to have the gun because he has a permit to carry it. It wasn’t clear late Friday whether Noble had a valid permit.

David said Noble “wanted to show his rights.” He said Noble never removed the gun from the holster or threatened anyone.

Noble’s arrest took place around 7 p.m., nearly 90 minutes before Sen. Obama and the rest of his campaign team arrived in Beaver.

Bill Vidonic can be reached online at [email protected].
I don't think wearing a gun at a public speaking engagements for prominent political figures who are protected by the secret service is a good strategy. He had to know that it was going to end that way or worse. He is probably quite lucky that the locals got to him first.
I don't think wearing a gun at a public speaking engagements for prominent political figures who are protected by the secret service is a good strategy. He had to know that it was going to end that way or worse. He is probably quite lucky that the locals got to him first.

You need to go back and RE-read what actually happened. He did NOT wear his gun to the Obama convention.
I am not too familiar with the laws there, but if he had a concealed carry permit, what is the problem?

Beaver County Sheriff George David said that Noble insisted he had a right to have the gun because he has a permit to carry it. It wasn’t clear late Friday whether Noble had a valid permit.

Why is it unknown if he had a valid permit, wouldn't you want to carry that permit ON YOU at all times, not to mention in said situation? Is this just a situation of he had the permit on him, but for some reason the police have been unable to verify authenticity?
Why is it unknown if he had a valid permit, wouldn't you want to carry that permit ON YOU at all times, not to mention in said situation? Is this just a situation of he had the permit on him, but for some reason the police have been unable to verify authenticity?

More half-wit media reporting... He was open carrying - no permit necessarry.
Whether he has a valid permit and whether he had it with him is irrelevant, as he was open carrying, which is perfectly legal, with some specific limitations, none of which he appears to have violated.

Red herring.
Redstick Says:
You need to go back and RE-read what actually happened. He did NOT wear his gun to the Obama convention.
Well, I read it again. Below is a quote of what your article says. For the record the article says rally, not convention.

An Industry man is facing a disorderly conduct charge for attending the Barack Obama rally in Irvine Park with a loaded gun that was holstered on his hip, according to state police and the Beaver County sheriff’s department.
I think I am reading it correctly. What am I missing?
But was Mr.Noble violating PA Law?
I don't know PA Law. However, the secret service always clears public areas of things they see as potential threats to the people they protect. And, I don't know the law that allows them to do that either. But, everyone knows that they do. I argue that showing up at one of these venues with a gun strapped on is not a good strategy. Either this man intended to be arrested or he is just not the sharpest tool in the shed.
I don't know PA Law. However, the secret service always clears public areas of things they see as potential threats to the people they protect. And, I don't know the law that allows them to do that either. But, everyone knows that they do. I argue that showing up at one of these venues with a gun strapped on is not a good strategy. Either this man intended to be arrested or he is just not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Old School,the man may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he didn't need a carry permit and Obama was not scheduled to appear for an hour and half.
Certainly the issue could have been settled without Mr.Noble's arrest and confinement.
The fact remains,if this telling of the incident is correct, Mr.Noble broke no laws ,and yet was still treated like a common criminal.
Do you disagree?
Duke Junior Says:
Old School,the man may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he didn't need a carry permit and Obama was not scheduled to appear for an hour and half.
Certainly the issue could have been settled without Mr.Noble's arrest and confinement.
The fact remains,if this telling of the incident is correct, Mr.Noble broke no laws ,and yet was still treated like a common criminal.
Do you disagree?
Since I don't know PA law nor the laws of the locality where he was arrested, I cannot say that he broke no law. The article says they he was charged with disorderly conduct. As far as the statement "treated like a common criminal", well I am not sure what that means. But apparently he was treated like someone being accused of the misdemeanor - disorderly conduct.

This disorderly conduct charge may be being used as a "catch all" or "general purpose" charge just to charge him with something to get him out of the area and or a good excuse to hold him for questioning to learn more about him. Either way, I think the guy is damn lucky that the locals found him before the SS did. With the patriot act still on the books, they could label him some type of conspirator or terrorist and he would be off to gitmo. If that happened say goodbye to due process and all of this fair and legal conversation would be mute.

If this were a case of public paranoia triggering a "knee jerk" reaction from the police, I would be equally critical. But, it is hard to say that is the case knowing the venue that he picked for his demonstration of his rights.

Standing Wolf Says:
Rights are rights whether self-important politians are present or not.
I don't think that the secret service is sent to protect people based on that individuals view of his own importance. Love them or hate them, nominees are protected by the secret service.
Now, if you want to go there, are you also saying that the secret service or any other law enforcement agency has no right to clear weapons from the venues and surrounding areas where the president, vice president and other prominent officials speak?
Now, if you want to go there, are you also saying that the secret service or any other law enforcement agency has no right to clear weapons from the venues and surrounding areas where the president, vice president and other prominent officials speak?

I don't know if Standing Wolf will go there or not, but I will; the Secret Service does not make law in this country; neither do the police. Certainly there can be restrictions in a private venue, but a public park is still a public park regardless of the proximity of certain politicians.
Sorry didn't realize you could open carry with no problems there (oh wait, apparently you can't). In a few cities in Oregon you can only open carry if you have a concealed weapons permit. Portland is like that.
I am a 2nd Amendment fanatic and I don't believe in any restriction for firearms (no, nukes are not firearms).

Well, there's one limit to the right I have to support: stupid people should not be allowed to own firearms. And this guy is a stupid people. Showing up armed at a political rally of almost any kind, especially presidential, is just asking to get yourself killed. It certainly should be expected that bringing a gun to that rally would have resulted in the Secret Service drawing weapons and drawn weapons are dangerous weapons.

He put a lot of people in danger. I hope the guy is never allowed to carry again.
Ergosphere is absolutely correct. You don't lose your rights, nor have your state permit invalidated every time you are within 100 yards of someone important.

If I am carrying in downtown SLC, and I bump into a secret service agent who tells me that the Secretary of Fornication is nearby and he can't allow me to enter, his protective jurisdiction gives him the authority to not allow me to enter, temporarily, for a specific time and reason. BUT, he does NOT have the power to ARREST me when I have NOT BROKEN ANY LAW.

It is not my job as a citizen to make the secret service's job easier. I do NOT check my civil rights at the door every time someone 'important' comes to town.
mljdeckard Says:
If I am carrying in downtown SLC, and I bump into a secret service agent who tells me that the Secretary of Fornication is nearby...........

I have to ask: Is the "Secretary of Fornication" and elected or an appointed position? And, what is the pay scale and qualifications necessary to apply or run for that position? :D
The secret service's job isn't to protect our civil rights. That guy is really lucky he didn't get slam dunked or shot.
I am a 2nd Amendment fanatic and I don't believe in any restriction for firearms (no, nukes are not firearms).

Well, there's one limit to the right I have to support: stupid people should not be allowed to own firearms. And this guy is a stupid people. Showing up armed at a political rally of almost any kind, especially presidential, is just asking to get yourself killed. It certainly should be expected that bringing a gun to that rally would have resulted in the Secret Service drawing weapons and drawn weapons are dangerous weapons.

He put a lot of people in danger. I hope the guy is never allowed to carry again.

dalepres,does Mr.Noble not come within this sphere?:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Again,I ask, although perhaps not the sharpest tool in the shed why,breaking no State or Federal laws, should this gentleman be arrested?
And with all due respect,a 2nd Amendment FANATIC should never make your statement.You contradict yourself within 2 paragraphs.
And now you,all knowing seer,never want him to being able to carry again?
You make me very disappointed in that in the real world facts of life, anywhere,any time,someone,including you dale,could make a tactical ,if not legal error.
Can we not cut Mr.Noble some slack and try to be on the same pro 2A page?
plexreticle -

That's a big negatory - the Secret Service isn't constitutionally protected, but our Second Amendment rights, unfortunately for them, ARE. Just because a Johnny-Do-Gooder thinks they see something wrong and runs to the coppers doesn't mean your, or anyone else's, Civil Rights can be violated by the local fuzz.

The type of thinking that assumes Big Brother's actions against law-abiding citizens is always justified is dangerous in the extreme.
They will slam dunk you and abuse you physically and laugh about it later. Legal or not thats the way it is.

They are there to protect their boss not protect you. The guy is lucky the state troopers got to him first.

...and where did I say it was justified?
Accepting it as inevitable when you have the power to oppose it is synonymous with justifying it.

As an American and a Patriot, I'll never accept the violation of my rights as acceptable or inevitable, and if I find myself in jail or worse for doing so, then so be it. Better to die free than live on your knees.

In the words of Winston Churchill,

If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.
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