Tax rebate. How will you spend it? (Merged threads)

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What scares me is I heard someone, Pelosi I think, saying we may need another round of stimulus checks. I gotta wonder what all this does to the national phsychie with regards to handouts and socialism and the government taking care of us all.
Mine (and my wife's) is going to be used to pay the tuition for my son's first year in a private conservative religeous grade school.

Buying a new gun is a great way to give the finger to socialists everywhere, but I think I have a better plan.;)
I would like to get an ar-15, but thats not going to happen.

We are using some of it to supplement the money in our savings account to pay for our new couch. The rest is going to be buying some baby stuff for the upcoming addition to our new family :)

I guess ill just have to keep slowly saving and hope that my job offers some more overtime soon.
Smith & Wesson 442
Desantis ankle holster
Desantis SuperFly pocket holster
Two speedloaders
Two speedstrips
One box of Speer Gold Dots (.38 Special +P)
One box of WWB (.38 Special.)
My first range trip with my new BUG

Whatever Bush says to do, I'll be doing the exact opposite.

I'm pretty sure he said to save it for yourself.

So, you can spend it on me. PM me and I'll let you know what kind of gun you can send me :)
It's not Bush's money. It's ours.

We earned it. We gave way too much of it to local, state, and federal government. Now we're grateful we're getting a little of it back?

I say we tighten the leash and make government do with a lot less money across the board.

In this case, its not ours either, its belongs to the Chinese or whoever our brilliant leaders are borrowing it from.

I'll probably buy a PS3 with mine. Been wanting one for a while.
Creating "money" out of thin air when inflation is already very bad, to pass out hundreds right before a major election? Wow. That takes nerve. When it happens in OTHER countries don't we call it corruption? Either bush's handlers think we're stupid or they're right or both.

If the american people tolerate this then they deserve exactly what they get: a further destroyed dollar and more poverty for the poor (the rich are insulated from the hidden tax of inflation by the bush tax cuts).

Where else have we seen tyrants buy votes like this right before an election when the nation is saddled with a pointless war and massive inflation? I think I've seen some tin horn African dictators pull sh** like this.

Cowardly congress and the globalist in chief have the lowest approval ratings in recent memory so they joined up to try and make us forget. Isn't this like sending your wife flowers, chocolates, and a stuffed bear when it's the SECOND time she caught you in her own bed with her sister? :what: Yep.
I'm torn on what to do with mine.

Part of me realizes that if I do go out and blow it on needless junk like PS3's or rims for my truck, I'm just playing right into the hands of the establishment. The other part realizes that saving it (where it will accrue less interest than the rate of inflation, not to mention the not-yet-realised mass of inflation caused by the very act of printing this rebate right out of thin air), is probably just as useless.

I want to say guns and ammo, or canned goods.

. . . . but, more than likely, at $3.56/gal and rising, it will have been cycled through my truck before this summer is over. Maybe that was the plan all along, I don't know anymore.

Benjamin Franklin said:
When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
I'm buying two rolls of silver dollars with mine. Might end up with a 25-50% increase in value by the end of the year.
Save it. Wait till gas hits $4 a gallon this summer and you'll be selling that new rifle you bought to pay for gas
I'll probably buy a PS3 with mine. Been wanting one for a while.

Exactly the lightweight consumer sentiment that got us in the hole we are now in. I want, I want, I want... or as Golum said, "Shiny- must touch". It will lose half it's value in 2 months, needs to be fed (silly games), and (as I tell my 12 year old) it will turn your brain to mush!

Buy something valuable and durable (a used gun?) OR load up on daily consumables (food/gas/ammo). Don't buy silly crap.
We earned it. We gave way too much of it to local, state, and federal government. Now we're grateful we're getting a little of it back?

Bingo with a great, big, capital B!

They act like it's their money that they're bein' generous with, and givin' themselves a pat on the back for being so benevolent as to allow us to have some of it back.

Cut out the pork and the senseless entitlements. Cut the taxes across the board...and we'll stimulate the economy every year.

But...This is probably off-topic, and only very loosely gun-related, and only because a few mentioned buying guns and/or ammunition with So it should probably be closed. I'll let the mod with jurisdiction take care of it, though.
It will go into the bank while I look for a summer job. Once a job is nailed down, I'll see about transferring some of it into ammo. :)
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