Tax rebate. How will you spend it? (Merged threads)

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Just a quick question, sorry for a minor thread hi-jack. Does anyone know if you are still eligible for the rebate check if someone claims you as a dependent? I heard that you don't get one unless you claim as an independent but i'm not sure.

By the way I voted XD, just cuz I like em.
I took my $ 600 and spent it before I got and put the $$$$ towards a Kimber ultra carry II ...
As for you, who can refuse a .357?

Since MA does not think I am worthy of owning a handgun until October, I have been thinking of a Dragunov. I also have been thinking of saving it to buy a few handguns at a time when the I am able.
The government has over taxed the population to pay for W's war (way to go GOP). The down side is that gasoline has gone up so high that it will cost us all an etra $580/ car per yr. The government having done nothing to bring down energy costs decided to give us an equivalent break.
I voted XD 40. Even so, I'm sure the rifle would be fun, too. Maybe you should flip a coin...or buy them both and be twice as happy!

Or maybe buy a bunch of ammo!

It is an economic stimulus package meant for the consumer market as a response to the current recession in our economy. We are in such a national debt right now, the government feels they can't tax us enough. Lowering taxes would result in the same economic effect, but that is something that should have happened last year.
President Bush's Tax Rebate Checks

President Bush's tax rebate checks are going out the door! Electronic checks are being deposited into checking accounts now and May 9th is the start up date for hard copy checks.

So, do you plan on a gun purchase with the rebate money? If so, what gun?

With so many guns on allocation or back order, I just might try to find a used GI Springer...:cool:
Hell, at least you all get checks. I get nothing (combined salary of wife and I is too high)
Mines going right back into savings to replace the money that went out a couple of weeks ago to pay the taxes. Not really sure how that is going to "stimulate the economy".
That nice Colt 1911 !! (Stimulus check plus a few quarters, dimes, and nickels) :)
I think I'm going to get that 2nd Generation Colt 1860 Army I always wanted. Or a 3rd Dragoon, or '51 Navy. Whatever I can find when the time comes.
Most of mine is going to visa but I am putting aside about $100 of it to fund my trip to Camp Butner for the Eastern CMP Games next month
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