Tax rebate. How will you spend it? (Merged threads)

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If this amount of cash makes you think you should run out and buy something you couldn't afford before, please, please don't do that. Pay off your debts or save it. Invest it. Cash it and put it in a shoebox under the bed. Let it be the first step into getting yourself into a better financial place. For whatever's sake don't buy a damn TV.

I will take the money the govt has borrowed from China, and turn it into Gold! I'll hold onto it for a year or two then I'll have triple the money. :neener:
I think this is like spitting(modified for high road standards) on a forest fire. I am the last of the "baby boomers", born in 1949. The population increase dropped after I was born. The people born before and with me are no longer buying property. If they have it they are probably selling it. Note the terribly poor real estate markets.
As an old geezr, and seeing what my friends do, we sit home, suck down a few cheap beeers from the grocery store, at five dollars a night, instead of going out and spending 50$ or 100$ dancing and drinking. We have a lot of bars begging for business, and many people employed by them. their customer base is shrinking. Every place you look, there are more people trying to sell, and more things for sale, and no customers.

Just in case none of you understasnd my point I will just say,,,, : It is IMPOSSIBLE for everyone to have an above average income. I think we have reached the point where we have to tighten our belt, and hang on for the ride, it is time to pay off our federal credit card.

I hope someone can show me I am wrong.
Usa? do not worry. Be glad you did not learn to read and write from "Hooked On Phonics". I hear the they do not understand the difference between "A frickin Elephant", and "African Elephant".

Have a nice day, and I hope your weather is better than mine.
band aid

for a serious bleeding wound.

Gold has jumped from the high $700s back in November to over $900 in just a month, and its usually a very good inverse indicator on how well the economy is doing.

Remember what happened the last time gold went through this cycle, early 80's. Gold is good, esp relative to the dollar, but you can't eat it, can't shoot it, and unless you have low count denominations you can't trade with it easily.

I stand corrected, you could shoot it, but it wouldn't be as satisfying as a chlorox bottle brimming with water and a tight lid.

I may be seeing too simplistically but it seems like one of two possibilities;

1.) Like the great Roman leaders, throwing bread and silk to the masses for one last grasp at peace and stability in increasingly unstable times, allowing a deeper and more thorough rape of the republic by them while the people party and sleep


2.) Borrowing $600 from foreign nations to be repaid in purchases or physical assets when the country as a whole can't pay off the
$1 million dollars a minute
debt we accrue as a nation. The tax rebate, thank a Saudi or the People's Party.
Oh Boy! How will you spend it?

I figure that I will stimulate the economy and stock up on a semi auto rifle and magazines before the government try and ban them.:cool:
I'll use it to buy a supressor, most likely. Not only is it something I want and can't afford, i'd also be able to say that Democrats bought me a silencer.
CJ said:
Don't forget that this will show up on your taxes next year. Can't remember how it worked last time...was the total just deducted from your refund (or added on what you owe), or did you just have to report it as income?

didn't show up last time, wont show up this's a "rebate" not considered income.... you already gave it to them, they are just giving it back........

What to do with my $600 rebate check?

Two options :

1) XD 40 5" tactical pistol, $580 out the door at my local dealer.
2) Marlin 357 mag, $450 out the door at Big 5.

Rationale behind the XD40 Tac, I've already got a boatload of handloaded ammo, plenty of magazines for my XD40 4", the tactical uses the same ones. I can handload 180 grain XTP's to 1200 + fps with hogden longshot and the 5 inch barrel, this = 10mm.:D

Rationale behind the Marlin, it would be a fun range rifle, complement my 357 revolver, and I also have plenty of handloaded 357 ammo.

I don't really NEED either of these guns, but since Uncle Sam is buying, I say "why not".:D
Since I'm also getting a $90 refund on my federal income tax return, the $600 is not money directly out of my pocket, so in essence, this is a "free" gun.:D Pretty tough to turn that down.
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