Ted Nugent on Heller

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Ted is great on the 2nd, self defense and illegal immigration but some of his other stances are a little out there
its too bad that he uses a law made to help LEOs so that he can carry concealed. Once I found that out, I lost all respect for him.
Ted Nugent has a right to his own life. That should reconcile his words with his deeds.

He has a right to his own life, but chooses to make it and his views known to us...which opens him up to us.

Funny how he unrinates on the Supreme Court while at the same time singing the virtues of the Constitution...which established the Supreme Court.

Corrupt men cannot be trusted...

A warning about himself?

It will not be the fault of the rotten anti-Americans out there who don't believe in individual rights that rape and pillage our Constitution, it will be the fault of those who know better but failed to speak up.

Nugest again says it is okay to rape and pillage the Constitution and that those who do it are not at fault. WTH?

I also find it interesting that Nugent feels anyone who doesn't agree with the Constitution in the way he does is anti-American. I guess every group championing amendments to the Constitution are anti-American too, which makes for some interesting considerations.
I also find it interesting that Nugent feels anyone who doesn't agree with the Constitution in the way he does is anti-American. I guess every group championing amendments to the Constitution are anti-American too, which makes for some interesting considerations

I think you will find that trait very common on THR as well.
John Wayne was another chicken hawk. Charlie Daniels is yet another.
I loathe chicken hawks.
So in other words you believe in rule by military junta.

The messenger doesn't change the validity of the message, and to impugn the character of the messenger instead of addressing the content of the message is an all to common logical fallacy.
No wonder the government succeeds in taking away our liberties.

Couldn't have said it better.

In 1938, the Japanese attacked Luguochiao and invaded mainland China because we were weakened by the 10 year long war between the Communists and the Nationalists. The fighting weakened us to the point, that the Japanese saw it as an opportunity to conquer China once and for all, and came in like a storm. Remember these lessons in history, and don't let them happen ever again. Defeating the Japanese aggressors cost us more than 8 years of bloodshed, and 30 million of our own dead.

If a tyrant decides to strip away the American people's rights, it will require unbearable pain to take it back again. Therefore, we must never let it happen. Prevention is always better than treatment.

And it all depends on YOU, folks!
Joe Demko said:
When that totally awesome draft dodger indulges in rhetoric like this, it makes me want to hurl. It spites me to be on the same side as that POS with respect to gun rights.

Avoiding conscription is a moral thing to do. Slavery, just like gun confiscation, has no place in civilized society.

Many people believe that mandatory conscription is a form of slavery.

"Believe"? There's no two ways about being forced to work - or even fight - against your will. Dancing around the issue by using euphemisms such as "draft" or "involuntary servitude" doesn't change what it is.

Right to life, liberty and property. Those things aren't supposed to go away when it's convenient, even if it's war and even if the government or the majority or anyone really wants to take them away. A government that infringes any of these rights at any time against anyone for any reason is illegitimate and may properly be declared rogue.
junyo said:
The messenger doesn't change the validity of the message, and to impugn the character of the messenger instead of addressing the content of the message is an all to common logical fallacy.

You are correct when you look at it in a vacuum. However, we are not in a vacuum. Everything affects everything else. As such, the reputation of the messenger does often change the validity of the message. A speech denouncing Affirmative Action, for example, given by a black preacher has a completely different meaning than if the same speech was given exactly word for word by a white supremacist.

In this world, the messenger is in fact as important as the message. Hell... this is the whole idea by which most people choose a presidential candidate to vote for; the reputation of that candidate.

(Don't read alot into the racial context of the example above. It was just an example of how the speakers reputation and past deeds can impact the speech.)

Ted's cool. I heard him interviewed on Tom Gresham's "Gun Talk" program. Great interview, with a "real" guy.
EDIT: Rachen, what's that "Loves Mao" thing about?

I am not sure either. Somehow my profile went from Senior Member to that in a split second. But I don't mind at all.:D
That was an enjoyable rant, no matter how one looks at Ted.
An emotionally charged statement of what most americans feel but are too busy working to vocalize or think about.

Occasionally a rant like that is just what everyone needs.
Some one supports the 2A and you guys whine about f'ing paragraphs.

No wonder the government succeeds in taking away our liberties.

Did you hear that? Sounded like a hammer, hitting a nail squarely.
When that totally awesome draft dodger indulges in rhetoric like this, it makes me want to hurl. It spites me to be on the same side as that POS with respect to gun rights.

I don't know his history but if he is a draft dodger, how different is that from a gunowner who carries a gun when it wasn't legal in his state? Or a gunowner who hides his guns when the joint civilian police and military task force comes to take them away?

If he believed the war was illegal and that the draft was illegal and immoral, how is he any more wrong to refuse to comply with those laws he feels are illegal and immoral just like gun owners feel about gun laws?

Whether or not you agree with his protest, I hope that gun owners support and understand not only his right to make that protest but his obligation to make that protest.
I also find it interesting that Nugent feels anyone who doesn't agree with the Constitution in the way he does is anti-American. I guess every group championing amendments to the Constitution are anti-American too, which makes for some interesting considerations.

I take it then that you would support changing the Constitution to remove the right to keep and bear arms?
I consider Ted to be a vital part of our fight for rights. Sometimes you need to have a calm, intellectual discussion about politics and the Constitution. Sometimes you need to turn the Nugent firehose on a moron, though. Each has its place.

Well said. Being docile has gotten us nothing.
So in other words you believe in rule by military junta.

Um, no...and there is nothing I posted that in any way indicates that.

What I object to is some miserable pile of dung who weaseled out of the military when he had the chance to serve being all oorah and pro-war now. I especially want to kick his teeth in for running his mouth in interviews about what he would have done if he'd been there. What a mendacious, contemptible POS Nugent is...and yet ya'll line up to kiss his *** because he says things you like about guns now.
I may agree with him about the 2A, but I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
John Wayne was another chicken hawk. Charlie Daniels is yet another.
I loathe chicken hawks.

Joe, I hope you have the fruit salad to back up your loathing.

I have a neighbor who's always spouting off about "draft dodgers" and "doves" and "wimps" and whatnot. I asked him where he was in '69, or '80-81, or '84, or 86-87, or '91 . . .

"Well, I was working, paying my taxes and raising my family," he spouts (lamely, in my opinion).

One day I'm washing my pickup in the driveway and have my shirt off--rare for me (having the shirt off) he comes over; I don't see him coming over and as I turn around, he sees the front of me with no shirt. "Jesus!" he says, "When did that happen?"

I replied, "While you were working hard, paying your taxes and raising your family."

We haven't spoken in years since then.

For the record, I considered draft-dodgers those who hauled ass to Canada or England or France. I'll never forgive Carter for granting them amnesty.

Those who knew how to work the system? Hey, at least they weren't at Oxford writing letters about loathing the military. I doubt Nugent or John Wayne or Charlie Daniels ever spit on any returning soldier, sailor or airman. All three were very philanthropic towards veterans--Nugent and Daniels remain so to this day.

How many of the elected officials that directly represent you (city, county, state, federal) served in the military? I can answer, "Not one damned one." Yet, I still support them because they support the values that I hold true to today.

Do you only vote for veterans? Only do business with veterans? Only associate with veterans?

If not, then you're a hypocrite because EVERYONE has had the opportunity to lace up a pair of combat boots or crease a dixie-cup hat and serve their country because there is ALWAYS a conflict going on somewhere that involoves U.S. servicemen.

What say you to that?

Ted's a nut. I got nothin for the guy. A friend of mine was a hunting guide for him a couple times. My friend will speak badly about very very few people in this world. Ted's on his short list of complete idiots.

Still remember when he insulted many of us in his forum during the Zumbo thing.

Let's just say that if you think 2A ins't about hunting, he's not your man, and he made his point of view very clear.

I'm sure there's a serial killer somewhere that really likes guns... that alone doesn't make him my buddy or anything like me...:rolleyes:

Um, no...and there is nothing I posted that in any way indicates that.

What I object to is some miserable pile of dung who weaseled out of the military when he had the chance to serve being all oorah and pro-war now. I especially want to kick his teeth in for running his mouth in interviews about what he would have done if he'd been there. What a mendacious, contemptible POS Nugent is...and yet ya'll line up to kiss his *** because he says things you like about guns now.
I may agree with him about the 2A, but I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

If people who have never served in the military have no right to speak on military matters or voice an opinion on a current conflict in which the military is involved, you've essentially bared those who have never served in the military from government, since operating the military is one of the unquestioned roles of government in all but the most anarchiac systems of government. "A military junta is a government ruled by a committee of military leaders." If you feel that only the military (or ex-military) is qualified to do, or even speak on, one of the government's core functions, then you're in favor of a military junta.

The chickenhawk charge is a BS argument that is designed to shortcircuit the argument. John Kerry didn't weasel out of the military; he just slandered his brothers in arms and spent the next thirty years (and counting) helping to undermine the rights of his fellow citizens. But I can see how Ted Nugent's done so much more damage to the country by choosing (for whatever reason) to not go to Vietnam 30 years ago, and choosing to publically voice his support for the fundamental rights of Americans at some point during the intervening years, and supporting troops during a time of war now. I can see how one act 3 decades ago makes it perfectly sensable to summarily dismiss that man's opinion, even when it supports your own.
I like Ted when he gets on these rights rants. To me, it's annoying to always "turn the other cheek" and "take the high road," when your adversary is certainly not, but nobody seems to care about their lies and partial-truths. Like it or not, Ted's absolutely right, and he likes to rub it in the faces of anti-rights people that have their heads squarely in the sand. These people need somebody to wake them up; better a well-known pop figure than me. God knows I try, but nobody knows me from Adam.

Go, Uncle Ted!
That Will Be Quite Enough

Demko, dude, you're way out of line. If I have to explain why, then you need a vacation.

The others of you who felt the need to pelt big names with rotten fruit: that's enough of that.

It's the High Road. Not O'Malley's bar.

Name calling? No, we don't do that here. Especially to people who are our allies. Moral outrage with invective and name calling is a different forum.

This thread is so heavily laced with crap that I can't clean it up enough to leave it open.

I'm now officially in a foul mood.
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