The Right to Keep and Bear Arms!

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Ohio Gun Guy

Apr 29, 2008
Central Ohio
:fire:Our rights will not be the same after this election if we, the gun community, do not vote and/or if we do not vote for our rights.

Google him and GUN CONTROL.

If you vote for OBAMA you are risking your and my rights!

Start her if you are lazy! This thread will get locked, but I dont care. I can think of NOTHING more fundamental to our RTKBA as voting this year for McCain. (Not because McCain is so great, but because OBAMA is so BAD for guns!) :fire:
You are correct in saying that Obama has a terrible record regarding gun control, but I really think that gun control will be low on the priority list for whoever gets elected. I think most people who dont own guns and dont really care one way or the other on gun control are much more concerned about the economy, health care, the war, etc... than re-enacting 1994 ban. Just my .02
I think most people who dont own guns and dont really care one way or the other on gun control are much more concerned about the economy, health care, the war, etc... than re-enacting 1994 ban.

The same people who aren't going to stand up for us.
Im a one issue voter, because IMO if you dont trust me w/ a gun, per the 2A then i dont trust you to 'govern' me!

Its a good litmus test of a person IMO
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