Used Glock - Parts to Swap Out

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Jul 6, 2010
Ok, so I just became a first time Glock owner (G19 Gen3). This pistol was used but in good shape. Its definately had some use but everything inside and out look good. No excessive wear, springs nice and tight, nice crisp trigger. For those who have bought used Glocks in the past, are there any parts you swap out just as sort of preventative maintenance (springs, extractors, etc)?
No parts to swap. They have a reputation for a reason. I guess you could do all the springs if you want.
Look at the FIRING PIN and the FIRING PIN SAFETY. Right where they make contact is where you see wear.

That's a good indication of how worn or used Glocks are.

The recoil spring is next, but the chances of that going weak is very rare because the compression action of the spring is within the stress and strain point.

All other parts on will last as long as you will.
My GLOCK 19 Gen 3 has 16.000 rounds through it. Well before that figure I bought all the springs, the pins and the firing pin. Until now, no replacement has been necessary. I wonder why they recommend replacing the recoil spring after 3.000 rounds or so.
I'd thoroughly clean the striker and striker channel, and replace the recoil, trigger and slide lock spring. Probably not necessary but why take a chance.
My GLOCK 19 Gen 3 has 16.000 rounds through it. Well before that figure I bought all the springs, the pins and the firing pin. Until now, no replacement has been necessary. I wonder why they recommend replacing the recoil spring after 3.000 rounds or so.
Lots of companies do this. Not sure about the reason to be honest, I usually change mine out around 5-6k rounds though just to be safe but on quality guns it probably isn't really necessary until later than that.
Clean it, lube it per Glock's six oil drop instructions and shoot it. Replace parts as they break or are obviously worn out. Most likely, the only part you'll need to replace over the long haul will be the RSA. And the trigger spring if it breaks.
Run it like ya' stoled it! No, GLOCKS aren't indestructible, but they're about as close as modern handguns get. Trigger-return springs sometime break, but I wouldn't replace it until it does. If you DO wanna' "go thru everything" to feel better, it's cheap & easy enough to do. Congrats on your G19 Gen 3. IMHO, it's the MVP of the GLOCK lineup. (And my EDC)
Nothing you have to replace. I put in an extended slide release, a NY1 spring and a 3.5 lb connector in automatically because I can't stand the staginess of the stock Glock trigger, but that's completely separate from _having_ to do so. Once those were in, my gen 2 G19 became the best shooting auto I've ever fired but, for me, gotta have those bits in it first.
Lots of companies do this. Not sure about the reason to be honest, I usually change mine out around 5-6k rounds though just to be safe but on quality guns it probably isn't really necessary until later than that.

Most manufacturers recommend changing the recoil spring at 3K to 5K rounds to protect the frame from wear. This can vary based on how hot the loads you are using and also the type of frame you have. Alloy frames are subject to more wear. YMMV

I am also a big fan of the NY1 and the 3.5 connector, so those would be the only things I would change/have changed on used Glocks.

Just my .02,
I know why they do it but why they recommend replacement at such low round counts is beyond me as most recoil springs still have lots of life left at that point.
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