VA gubernatorial candidate wants CO gun laws

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Majority supported? Nope...

Return of the 1 gun per a month rule????? It was one handgun per a month and that was the most idiotic and ineffective anti feel good law ever passed.

not surprised at all that a governor candidate in VA with a D next to his name is opposed to the 2nd amendment.

Cooch is pretty much a grand slam for gun rights....

That being said, does anyone really think the General Assembly will go along with any of this nonsense? Especially with the influence of VCDL and being the home base of the NRA. Seems doubtful to me but if July 1 rolls around with Greentop's shelves looking like a NY approved store, I'm moving.

no...not at all all proposed gun control laws were so soundly squashed when the antis had the most steam at the beginning of 2013. I live in a fairly blue area, but my state reps are pro gun, and I hit them up with e-mails every year to make sure they know there are pro gun people in their district.

Gun control has been going backwards in Virginia for several years now.
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I don't see any constructive ideas being proposed for a course of action. Good points are made about the Legislature and about how the VA election does have national importance and even how the flaws of the Pro-2A candidate alienate voters that might otherwise vote against the Anti. That's all good discussion. BUT no one's proposing any constructive plans that THR members might put to use in VA to help protect RKBA.

Are there Legislators up for election that can be influenced to reinforce that VA voters want RKBA strong in VA?

Is there the possibility of a proposition being introduced for a law prohibiting the government for 10 years making any restriction on RKBA (sunsetting laws are easier to pass at times since it robs the opposition of some strength that the illusion of permanency of non-sunsetting laws have)?

What about growing VCDL to an even stronger entity?

What about getting the other candidate to be more moderate on stances that alienate other voters to robb the Anti of votes in vulnerable areas?
McAwful is an anti gun zealot. notice he calls the draconian crap he proposes "mainstream" and "common sense". I sincerely hope the voters send him packing.
Glenn Kessler, "Misleading images in Bloomberg’s ad attacking Cuccinelli on guns", Washington Post, 25 Oct 2013.

Bloomberg is spending $1.1 nillion to influence the election for McA against Cucc.

Ad audio: "Ken Cuccinelli: OPPOSED closing the gun show loophole -- The gun show loophole -- it means anyone can buy a gun without a background check: the dangerously mentally ill, criminals -- endangering our families."

The audio is accompanied by video of:
o a Richmond Times-Dispatch article on 2008 gun-control bill in the Virginia legislature
o Seung Hui Cho, Virginia Tech killer, who bought guns with background checks through licensed dealers;
o Aaron Alexis, Washington Naval Yard shooter, who bought a shotgun with background check through a licensed dealer;
o Adam Lanza, Newtown school shooter, who killed his mother and stole her guns;
o Jame Holmes, Aurora theatre shooter, who spendt months buying guns with background checks through licensed dealers.

Bloomberg's money did not stop the recalls in Colorado. Hopefully is is more Bloomberg money for nothing.
In MD, Democratic Governor O'Malley, a Bloomberg puppet, seems to be the "behind the scenes" attacker of Democratic AG Gansler, who is not leftist enough to suit Soros and Bloomberg. All kinds of "revelations" coming out.

Same in VA. So far, Cuccinelli has not been accused of cannibalism but I am sure that is coming. McAuliffe has the backing of people with millions, if not billions, to spend on TV, radio, and plain old bribe money to get him elected. And you bet they are not overlooking anything that will get a left wing legislature in VA as well. Once they have that, it is all over. They will gerrymander VA as they did MD to obliterate the GOP and any kind of opposition.

But voters should NOT vote for the third party candidate. Sarvis will take votes away from the Republican. Some folks might wish a viable third party candidate were on the ballot, but it isn't going to happen this year. So remember - a vote for Sarvis is a vote for McAuliffe.

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