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Oct 10, 2006
Deep in the valley
Here's your chance to make a difference. With enough support we can OVERRIDE THE GOVERNOR'S VETO on these bills. If we don't act, we lose!

From the VCDL (clicking the links will take you to their easy pre-written response system. You may edit the response to your liking if you don't care for the pre-generated ones.)



Time is extremely short and we must act now to override Governor Kaine's vetoes of SB 476 and SB 436!

I am seeing one furious email after another and we need to take that energy and channel it into getting Kaine's vetoes overridden.

To send a prewritten email to your Senator, click here (copy and paste into your browser if clicking doesn't work):

To send a prewritten email to your Delegate, click here (copy and paste into your browser if clicking doesn't work):

You can edit the messages, if you wish, to customize them.


Also, you probably do NOT want patronize the Richbrau restaurant in downtown Richmond. Pass the word to friends, family, and coworkers.

The owner is EXTREMELY anti-gun and was on the news again today saying that he was glad that the Governor vetoed HB 476.

That same owner has been fighting against your rights year after year.
Senator Cuccinelli is all over this. I hope Virginia gun owners remember that name in a few years. We have few more stalwart friends. ;)

Delegate Caputo :barf::fire::barf::fire:

Let's just say, when I appeared at his office on Lobby Day, he saw my Guns Save Lives button, the smile vanished from his face, and he vanished into his office. His aide was a dear lady and listened patiently, but I was wasting her time and my breath.

But keep the calls/e-mails coming, folks.
I sent my emails and I'll make some calls, been posting this on all the forums I belong to. Everybody spread the word!
I'm still trying to figure out how Virginians put this Socialist into office over Kilgore.

Because we don't vote based on the amount of mud the candidate can sling.

If Virginia is going to turn Blue, so be it. When the R's stop putting complete tools up for office they'll get the votes. Until then, we've got the nation's premier local gun rights group to keep watch.
Well, that's it, dead issue (at least for this year) <sigh>.
Still it was a GREAT effort!

The veto override for SB 476, Senator Hanger's restaurant ban repeal, failed by a 22 to 18 vote. 27 votes were needed to override.

The veto override for SB 436, Senator Vogal's locked container bill, failed by a 25 to 15 vote, falling only TWO votes short of the override.

folks who supported us...
Cuccinelli, Deeds, Edwards, Hanger, Houck, Hurt, Martin, McDougle, Newman, Obenshain, Petersen, Quayle, Reynolds, Ruff, Smith, Stolle, Stosch, Stuart, Vogel, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins
folks who think we're childern needing babysitters or criminals (plus the turncoats)
Those with asterisks by their name buckled, having voted right to pass the bill, but wrong on the override:
Barker, Blevins, Colgan**, Herring, Howell, Locke, Lucas, Marsh, McEachin, Miller, J.C., Miller, Y.B., Norment, Northam, Puckett**, Puller, Saslaw, Ticer, Whipple
Did my part. Thanks for the links.

I believe this effort CAN work. Remember what happend with the amnesty legislation? Due in large part to efforts such as this.

Kudos ZeSpectre!
We'll re-visit this next year you can be damned certain of that!

Also, folks might want to go to the VCDL website and post an email to Philip Van Cleave (and the rest of the VCDL) thanking him for his outstanding time and effort down at the capitol. That man put in a LOT of time and a LOT of effort and endured a lot of harassment to fight for this.
I agree with the last post. Let me put it a little stronger in that there's few better places for your money than to have it invested with Philip and the VCDL.

I did mean invested.
Absolutely. I am in awe of the man's energy and dedication. He is not alone, by any means, but he carries the brunt of these efforts, sitting through endless committee hearings, buttonholing the 'critters, doing media inverviews to get our side of the story out, and - not least - the frequent updates to let the rest of us know what's going on in Richmond.
Also, folks might want to go to the VCDL website and post an email to Philip Van Cleave (and the rest of the VCDL) thanking him for his outstanding time and effort down at the capitol. That man put in a LOT of time and a LOT of effort and endured a lot of harassment to fight for this.

Done. The VCDL has really opened up my eyes this year. Shown me that I CAN make a difference and to do so we need to start locally at the state level.

I campaigned and supported Jill Vogel.
I supported and attended the Bloomburg Gun Giveaway.
I attended Lobby Day.
I emailed and called all my delegates and senators several times.
I MADE a difference this year.
I'm still trying to figure out how Virginians put this Socialist into office over Kilgore.

It was the " I'm gonna send Bush a message " folks. I wonder now how many of them are thinking " Holy crap, what did I do " nowdays.
Actually, Kilgore avoided Bush until the last minute when it was quite clear he was going to lose. Also, has this passed in previous years to even be vetoed? Despite the disappointment, VA continues to make improvements every year.
Note guns comparison.

I'm still trying to figure out how Virginians put this Socialist into office over Kilgore. (Winchester 73)

Because we don't vote based on the amount of mud the candidate can sling.(Beatnik)

If Virginia is going to turn Blue, so be it. When the R's stop putting complete tools up for office they'll get the votes. Until then, we've got the nation's premier local gun rights group to keep watch.

Brilliant strategy.
Well ,it looks like you got the candidate you deserve.
The gun hating Kaine is going to veto every pro-gun bill that comes down the pike until he leaves office.And the VCDL,the best state gun group in America,as good as they are ,can't help override those vetoes.And NONE will be overriden.
Would Kilgore be vetoing pro-gun bills?Not likely.
Next time go with the slightly dirty laundry over the Commie.
For the record, I just received a very nice letter from Sen. Hanger expressing his disappointment and vowing to do it over again next year.
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