Venezuelan man arrested for 5 rounds of ammo...

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You have to watch out for that here in the US as well. A woman from PA, who had a valid ice permit, missed the last turn before a bridge heading into NJ and got pulled over. She was honest and stated she had a gun and what happened, and the state of NJ did its best to prosecute like she was a cold blooded killer

:what: New Jersey is still part of the United States?? ??? ??? :uhoh:


Yea, good point there.
.... and how the enforcers and true believers of this dogma have managed to take over practically every single media outlet and online discussion forum (ahem)...
Are you saying we are just a mouth piece for the gun grabbers or that we have some how been infiltrated by those people? I guess I'm confused by your statement.
Get caught with hollow point ammo in New Jersey.

It's good they banned it. We get to see the results of all the FMJ ammo on the gangbangers. Oh I forgot they probably have HP ammo unlike law abiding citizens
It's good they banned it. We get to see the results of all the FMJ ammo on the gangbangers. Oh I forgot they probably have HP ammo unlike law abiding citizens

Is Federal Guard Dog considered HP ammo in jurisdictions that ban such ammo?
Well, guys, Mexico is coming to us; and bringing along its disdain of personal liberty.

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Wrong. The developing world is coming for us. The wall will not help because those in power will bring in legal immigrants from mostly developing countries instead. These people are needed because they will work hard for same or less than the local population. If you want positive spin it is that things will again be made in USA by workers from other countries. Now the bad news. Unfortunately for us those people come from countries with no history of private gun ownership.
Wrong. The developing world is coming for us.

Yes because the people who run this country, the money powers operating behind the scenes through clueless puppet politicans and puppet institutions, seek to bring about social cataclysm - whether by hook or by crook. Divide and conquer.
The most effective way to do that, history shows, is to cram dissimilar peoples together: different cultures, different temperaments, different sensibilities, different DNA.

The wall will not help because those in power will bring in legal immigrants from mostly developing countries instead.

"A wall" would not even be in my top 5 solutions to remedy this madness. A good start would be to stop subsidizing their stay here with free everything.
And yeah, they'll continue bringing them in legally -- for the reasons stated above but couched in fallacious jargon about economic needs.
If these people are such an economic boon, why are their home countries such basketcases?

These people are needed because they will work hard for same or less than the local population.
No, they're absolutely not needed. Quite the opposite. We need them to not come.
America was doing quite better before this whole diversity mess was thrown in our laps circa 1965.
And just how is bringing in cheap foreign labor onto our own soil to undercut our own labor good for us? Absurd.

Unfortunately for us those people come from countries with no history of private gun ownership.
For starters, they shouldn't even be allowed to vacation here if they don't understand the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or the concepts surrounding personal liberty and civic responsibility.
Secondly, they have no history of gun ownership in part because their own people tend to be too rash, too impulsive, too driven by the passions of their immediate emotions, too violent... to have a gun in their possession without finding an excuse to use it pretty quickly.
For that reason, the nightmarish hellscapes they hail from tend to be ruled by an iron-fisted strongman or warlord -- whom they greatly admire. Because on top of everything else, they tend not to be too bright.
Different DNA?

I find, a human is a human...

And shouldn't be locked up for five bullets. Intelligence or no.

(What on Earth?):confused:
I should add.. I agree that a decent, honorable man [giving him the benefit of the doubt here] shouldn't be locked up for 5 bullets. That's draconian and tyrannical.

And further, with respect to my diatribe earlier...
I'm not suggesting that disparate individuals from different walks of life cannot get along just fine and become great friends.
I'm talking about group dynamics at the population level; and it is indeed critically important to our future.
This is exactly the America the Hillary/Kamala/Elizabeth/Chuck/Michael uber/liberal cabal wants.

.....except for them

All too often I read these restrictive reports, form a response. The 1st thing I look at once posted is my signature line. AGAIN, I am forced to say within myself ''yup, sig line is spot-on''
Well, that didn't take long. As usual, off topic rantings with a touch of tin foil applied killed yet another thread. Some of y'all need to go outside once in a while. And, I'm not sure how many times we have to say it, but THR is a FIREARMS forum. Anything not directly realated to FIREARMS and the second amendment is off topic. Politics for politics sake is a sure way to kill a thread.
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