Welcome Back, Mr. Nightcrawler

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They should have gone to the crash site to make sure he was really dead, and if not, to put one in his head. There's just too much opportunity for him to come back...

I was thinking the same thing! They had an SUV, go to the crash site and make sure nothing is moving.
Awsome battle guys, good thing you let gordon get away so we can keep it going.

I hope the authors don't do the whole, the bad guy wasn't even on the plane bit. That plot twist is more used up than a 40 year old meth-head.

Soundtrack - Post 811



Soundtrack gonna be a problem.

While I agree with post 810's suggestion of :


I had Steppenwolf's Born To Be Wild going thru my brain with you speeding down the road trying to make it to the Airport.

Hard call, but I figured out the ONLY friggin' soundtrack that can work for Post 811.

Who has a recording of Knob Creek with Full Auto getting it ON!

That work?

If we're talking Warren Zevon, I think you'll need to try and slot Lawyers, Guns and Money in there somewhere ..... probably back a ways when Lorenzo got stuck inside the building or something.

Thanks so much for creating this story NC and thanks to Corriea for adding to it, you guys both rock.
Go back and check the body where a plane just crashed, swarming with every sort of "first responder" possible because IT'S RIGHT NEXT TO AN AIRPORT and oh yeah, for good measure, you look like you've been through WW3.5 and you've got guns and rocket launchers and all sortso kewl toys piled up in the back like it was a Marine Corps X-Mas.


Good idea.


Jim March said:
Go back and check the body where a plane just crashed, swarming with every sort of "first responder" possible because IT'S RIGHT NEXT TO AN AIRPORT and oh yeah, for good measure, you look like you've been through WW3.5 and you've got guns and rocket launchers and all sortso kewl toys piled up in the back like it was a Marine Corps X-Mas.


Good idea.

BluesBear said:
Just tell them that you were also on the plane.
As a hostage.
It's a miracle you survived.
The commentary after each episode is posted is almost as good as the storyline itself. LMAO.
Jim March. Bingo. Everybody in Quagmire saw that crash.

Trust us, we're professionals. :D :D

Thanks. I'm glad you like it.

And thanks for those of you that sent paypal for this. That just amazes and humbles me.

[SHAMELESS PLUG] And once again, if you like this stuff we're just kind of slapping together during our lunch breaks, BUY MY BOOK. :) Once again, should be available towards the end of the year. Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia. There are no poodles, but there are werewolves. :)

I'm self publishing because I got kicked to the curb one too many times for getting a variation of: "you are talented, but it is just too long long, and we don't think it is marketable for a first time author." So I will need help from the readers to spread the word. I'm depending on word of mouth from people who like it. I will need people to go bug the manager of their local bookstore about how come they don't carry such an awesome book. :)
I can't wait to reread the whole thing again. I have been glued to this thread since the beginning. The first thing I do in the morning is check this thread for any new stories. I don't know what I will do once the whole thing comes to a CRASHING conclusion.

The suspense is killing me!
'Crawler & Correia

Re: Self Publishing.

<Female Asian Voice>

"Hello Publisher!
My name is Miss Ling, and I have some friends that you should publish their Book - okay?
Good! "

Hey, I figure if not now, it will not be long before some of these Character's and their Reputations precede them in the public light.

"Stop the presses! - Forget about that Senator from NY's book, Miss Ling said we need to get this 'Crawler and Correia" work out ASAP!"


Yeah, one REALLY does not want Miss Ling to make a personal appearance to "ask" this book be published...

Okay one does NOT want Miss Ling to show up at the office for anything she has to "ask" for.

Miss Ling showing up at your office compared to finding Sixty Minutes and crew in your waiting room...

She makes Sixty Minutes look like Bozo come to put on a B-Day party.

"Hello boys and girls..." vs "I'm Miss Ling rat-tat-tat...rat-tat-tat...." :D
"Hello boys and girls..."

:what: :eek: :uhoh:


( Yes, I know Lucy Liu is a bit old to be Ling.... Still, she's got the right attitude, I think. At least in most of the movies I've seen her in. ( The pics I've "borrowed" here are from Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever btw.))

Correia said:
And once again, if you like this stuff we're just kind of slapping together during our lunch breaks, BUY MY BOOK. Once again, should be available towards the end of the year. Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia.

I'm not sure how much success I'll have...but I work at a large public library, and I also happen to work with the people who order all of our books for the entire system (22 branches). Perhaps I can get our system to order multiple copies from you for the public to check out. I know that I've seen us buy plenty of books from private parties/individuals in the past.

I'm going to talk to one of them about your upcoming book. I'll have a chat with my mother-in-law about it this weekend, since she's been working at this library for the past 20 years.

I'll keep you updated on what I can come up with, and if you have any information that may help me with this - please feel free to PM me with it.

By the way, great work Correia and Nightcrawler! I'm loving this story.

Q-Lock, that is awesome! :)

I'm going through Infinity Publishing, the same organization that did THR's own Devonai's book Reckless Faith. From what I understand, they will actually provide free books to libraries also. They just need a request from an official librarian. They also do free copies to anybody who is a bonafide professional book reviewer, or I believe a comp copy to anybody who does purchasing for a bookstore.

I don't have all the details about that, but I will gladly contact you when I have some more information.

Self published books usually don't sell very well, just because there are so many horrible ones out there. But if I can form an army of minions to spread the word, then it can help in my plan for global domination. :D

And yeah, I will have copies at my store and on our shopping cart. I'm also going to do a webpage with the first part of the book available for download to get people's attention. The only way to have any measure of success in self publishing is to self promote, because you don't have a big publisher to do it for you.

I've seen the "SAMPLE" copies, like you mention, come into the system and I do believe that's what has to happen. I'll see if I can talk my way into them sending you, or Infinity Publishing, an official "sample" request.

I'll have more info at the beginning of next week.

Rock on.

Pax is doing a final proofing now, because she has mad English Skillz. I'm going to send Oleg some stuff and he is doing the cover.
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