Wesley Clark and AWB on Geraldo

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Jun 1, 2008
North Alabama
Did anybody else catch Geraldo interviewing that hack Wesley Clark last night? He was spouting the Eric Holder position, that Mexico's drug and violence problems were caused by "Assault Rifles" being purchased in the US and then swimming to Mexico. You would think that a (Ret) General from the US Army would know the difference between an assault rifle and a semi-auto rifle. No, I take that back....he DOES know the difference but is using the hot button word to incite action.

They ended up calling for a new AWB...Holder and O'Bama (happy St. Patrick's Day, Mr. Prez!) must be tickled (code) pink. All they have to do is sit back and let the press get the job done, then say they must acquiesce to overwhelming demand.

It's coming, I tell ya.
I'm not surprised by anything Wesley Clark says, he's a politician now. (see his comments on physics, livestock flatulence, Karl Rove, etc...)

I sincerely thank him and all others for their service and sacrifices. But I don't think a number of his ideas are a bit off.
Geraldo is a JOKE. Wesley "Poindexter" Clark will say anything that suits him in the moment, citing the AWB affects machine guns. If he doesn't know better, he shouldn't be spouting off his "opinions". If it does, then he's LYING.

Geraldo "agrees with him, no one needs an AK-47 machine gun for deer hunting"...

What happened to "fair and balanced?"

Clark (the hero of Waco if anyone forgets) is a Clinton toadie from way back who once said that if anyone "wants to play with assault rifles they should join the Army."
Didn't Wesley Clark almost start WWIII by ordering French and British troops to attack a Russian troop installation during the Kosovo conflict when he was in charge of NATO command?
And we all know the Second Amendment is about deer hunting.

Oh yeah... the right to keep and bear sporterized, single-shot, break barrel muskets... right?


Anyway, I doubt anyone really considers Geraldo to be a legitimate journalist. He has been a C- rate afternoon filler for like 20 years now.

'No one needs an assault rifle to hunt'. I've been seeing and hearing this argument with disturbing frequency lately. Since when did 'hunting' become the benchmark application that determines the type of weapon that can be owned by a law abiding citizen in a free country??? 'Hunting' is certainly not the primary reason upon which our Founding Fathers structured the 2nd Amendment. IMHO, the 2nd Amendment is the insurance policy that protects the other 9 Amendments; which is possibly why it's #2 on the list. :) Our Founding Fathers had just finished fighting a war against a tyrannical government when the Bill of Rights was penned. Would it not be logical, therefore, to assume that their primary focus was to provide the People with the means to protect themselves against a tyrannical government?
'No one needs an assault rifle to hunt'. I've been seeing and hearing this argument with disturbing frequency lately. Since when did 'hunting' become the benchmark application that determines the type of weapon that can be owned by a law abiding citizen in a free country??? 'Hunting' is certainly not the primary reason upon which our Founding Fathers structured the 2nd Amendment. IMHO, the 2nd Amendment is the insurance policy that protects the other 9 Amendments; which is possibly why it's #2 on the list. :) Our Founding Fathers had just finished fighting a war against a tyrannical government when the Bill of Rights was penned. Would it not be logical, therefore, to assume that their primary focus was to provide the People with the means to protect themselves against a tyrannical government?

Thus the desire of politicians to limit what the peons may own and render them incapable of putting up any kind of serious resistance.
Geraldo Rivera is an idiot, and Clark a liar.

I attribute no more meaning to the lies and babble of either than I do to the ravings of a wino, standing barefoot in a pool of his own urine (the singular memory from my one trip to Philadelphia).
Didn't Wesley Clark almost start WWIII by ordering French and British troops to attack a Russian troop installation during the Kosovo conflict when he was in charge of NATO command?
He wanted to send troops to stop some Russian movement. A British General, I believe, refused to follow the order (thank God). Clark's competence was/is in question. As for his AWB comment, not surprised, he is definitely a politician.
Jungo2 said:
'No one needs an assault rifle to hunt'. I've been seeing and hearing this argument with disturbing frequency lately. Since when did 'hunting' become the benchmark application that determines the type of weapon that can be owned by a law abiding citizen in a free country??? 'Hunting' is certainly not the primary reason upon which our Founding Fathers structured the 2nd Amendment. IMHO, the 2nd Amendment is the insurance policy that protects the other 9 Amendments; which is possibly why it's #2 on the list. :) Our Founding Fathers had just finished fighting a war against a tyrannical government when the Bill of Rights was penned. Would it not be logical, therefore, to assume that their primary focus was to provide the People with the means to protect themselves against a tyrannical government?

That drives me crazy too. How often does 'need' drive the buying actions of most Americans.:fire:

I pick something in their life to ban. You don't need such a fast/big/expensive car to get back and forth, lets ban that. It's not protected by the Constitution, causes more death, and destroys the environment.

Anyone that is going to preach to me about needs better be a hunter gatherer living without modern conveniences.
HK G3: "Didn't Wesley Clark almost start WWIII by ordering French and British troops to attack a Russian troop installation during the Kosovo conflict when he was in charge of NATO command?"

Yes, and as commented above, the Brit refused. It wouldn't actually have started WWIII, but U.S. Russian relations would have been so irreparably strained that post-Kosovo NATO enlargement and later U.S. military action in old Soviet stomping grounds would have been difficult, perhaps impossible had we shot it out with the Russians in Serbia. Keep in mind Russia gave Serbian terrorists a blank check in 1914, escalating a war which brought down their own empire and their society.

Wesley Clark is retired. Also retarded. I respect the rank, not necessarily the man. In this case, the man now holds no rank. He is an arrogant, ignorant, opinionated, dangerously idiotic political hack, and I sympathize with the men forced to serve under him long ago.
Didn't Wesley Clark almost start WWIII by ordering French and British troops to attack a Russian troop installation during the Kosovo conflict when he was in charge of NATO command?

You know, G3, I had forgotten about that. You're absolutely correct. What a freaking Nimrod!!
The fact is that the "hunting argument" is off the table after Heller. It's all about an individual's right to protect themselves. The antis think that because we have a new president, that they can rewrite the gun laws in the face of the supreme court ruling. "Say it enough times and eventually it will be true;" that kind of BS.
I'm not surprised by anything Wesley Clark says, he's a politician now.
Wesley Clark was always a politician -- I knew him when I was in the Army.

When he declared in '04 that he was running for President, did you hear the thunder of combat boots as all the other retired generals came running to support him?

I didn't, either.;)
You would think that a (Ret) General from the US Army would know the difference between an assault rifle and a semi-auto rifle. No, I take that back....he DOES know the difference but is using the hot button word to incite action.

Clark is in the anti gun groups back pocket. I spent 24 years in the Army and was very lucky to never have had a idiot like Clark in charge of my unit. The worst General I ever had was Jumping Joe Stilwell
He wanted to send troops to stop some Russian movement. A British General, I believe, refused to follow the order (thank God). Clark's competence was/is in question.

Not exactly but close.


Keep in mind that the Russians don't respond well to be pushed around. If was trying this with say Uzbekistan that would be one thing but Mother Russia? Could have been a real disaster.
I saw that Also! That Guy Through the Words "Full Auto" around Pretty Loosely. G. Rivera sated a Reinstitution of the AWB also.
Wesley Clark is a politician who doesn't hold any office. Geraldo Rivera is a poor excuse for a journalist who would still be in prison for releasing classified information in 2003 if I had anything to say about it. That makes this thread politics and not any more on topic then it was when it was started in legal: http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=435772
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