What age for first time shooting a gun?

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I shot my first .22LR at Boy Scout camp when I was about 12. Same with my son, he was in the Young Marines, maybe about 12 or 13. He shot his first 9mm pistol at Police Explorers/Cadet Police Academy at 14 and did pretty well. As far as age, I think every kid is different and you really need to be able to judge their maturity level.
By summer camp at 10, rifle target shooting was important. By that time I had several years under my belt with a .17 pump air rifle and .22CB caps shot in the basement with a bolt action target rifle too heavy for me to lift, but resting on a ladder and shot into a target that spun down the lead into a coffee can. Dad/son bonding along with my brother.

It ain’t about learning to shoot a gun. Maturity matters. Willingness to learn and practice matters. Growing respect for weapons early matters. Earning treatment as an “adult” matters.
Be careful if you plan on starting your son with the .410. I have an older .410 single shot as well and let my daughter shoot it last summer when she was 9 and she refuses to shoot it again. She says it kicks even though I had light 2.5" loads in it. She has no problems with .22's, and even has shot my Marlin 1894c with light .38's in it and likes it.

From the looks of things this boy will outgrow me by the age of 10 but if he hasn't the Henry .22 is plan B. I would like to start with a single shot and the Henry makes it a pain loading just one in the tube. Ten years should be plenty of time to add to the collection at least.
Introduce them to guns as early as possible. Then they will not view guns as a piece of metal magically possessed by Satan that will shoot people all by itself. They will see it for what it is: a tool.

My only bit of advice is that if you have a child shoot a gun load only one round into it for the very first shot. They may flinch and drop the gun for the very first shot because they are not familiar with the noise and recoil.

Within a few minutes they will be firing multiple shots no problem.
My son turns 6 in a few days and as he gets older I am pondering what age to take him to shoot his first 22. I was 8 when I got my first 22 rifle. I had shot a 22 prior to that but am not sure just what age I was.

How old were you when you shot your first gun? How old was your youngster when you let them shoot their first gun? What rifle and handgun did you or your child use?

This question pertains to firearms, not BB guns or pellet guns.

I think i was like 8 shooting a .22 as a starter
Been thinking about this a little more. I did not come from a family that hunted or used guns. There were a few around but they were never shot. As a result, I started extremely late, which was only a hinderance. I agree with those that are saying maturity should dictate the starting age.

I think a kid should be started as early as their maturity level will allow for safety. The longer you shout the more your skills will develop.

My nephew is finally mature enough that I think he would be ok. He's 11 now and up until a year ago I'd have said no. Unfortunately his parents are afraid of guns, which means he'll probably never get the chance to shoot with his uncle until he's an adult. But I'm not likely to have kids at this point, so I'll take it.

My niece in the other hand, I wouldn't trust with a butter knife.
I did some shooting between 7 & 13 only because my brother was 5 years older. Dad was in WW1 & 2 & he did not like guns. When I was 13 I took a streetcar downtown with a letter I typed giving me permission to purchase a gun. A savage 22 over 410. That was the first of many.
All my kids were 7 years old when I took them to the range. At first the rangemaster did not like the idea but we helped him clean the range & everything became OK.
Kids still enjoy shooting today & all have carry permit.
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