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What has the NRA recently done?

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Jul 9, 2008
I am not a member of the NRA. I really am though on the fence about whether or not to join. I've seen plenty to make me not want to join, and very little to make me want to join.

My dad is a member and has even offered to pay for my membership. Seems like I should just take him up on his offer, but I haven't.

I've read the American Rifleman, and get a good chuckle out of it with an eyeroll. I'm not denying things are "bad", but I really hate the fear mongering that seems to be cornerstone of NRA propaganda. Now I realize they do have an agenda. For me though, trying to get to my emotions isn't going to work.

I like facts. So are there any websites or resources, preferably third party and independent, which show what the NRA has recently done to support the 2nd Amendment??

I've been to their website, but like anything with an agenda, its not the most objective.

So any constructive help in this would greatly be appreciated. You could convince a person to join the NRA
My dad is a member and has even offered to pay for my membership. Seems like I should just take him up on his offer, but I haven't.

It's free and you still won't do it. You are a lost cause. I submit that if you cannot figure out THAT no-brainer, shoe-tying should not be attempted! Tell you what - please don't ever join as long as you live - you would do more harm than good. We don't need your type. :mad:
Free to me, not to him. Unless you're oferring to pay. But thanks for reinforcing everything that I do find wrong with the NRA membership. :rolleyes:

As I said, anyone have anything CONSTRUCTIVE?
I've read the American Rifleman, and get a good chuckle out of it with an eyeroll. I'm not denying things are "bad", but I really hate the fear mongering
I'm not an nra member either but come on. There's very little "fear mongering" and sadly, there doesn't NEED to be much fear mongering because the threats against us are true. How old are you? Are you old enough to remember the last dozen state and federal BANS that have been strapped to our backs? Well I am. I have lived through enough bans, import bans, and administrative gun bans to recognize the TRUTH that we are in a war here against our government. If you choose to ignore that then you are either too young to remember the bans of 1968/1982/1986/1989/1993/1994/1996 or you don't care.

I'd tell you to join Gun Owners of America, but since you call bad news "fear mongering," you REALLY won't like GOA. GOA breaks down the specifics of bills and points out their possible anti gun implications, even more than nra does (as evidenced by nra's recent veterans disarmament bill which has disarmed veterans who merely have a financial steward).

And here I was thinking that people might actually be able to help. People keep saying "Join the NRA! Join the NRA!" but when someone comes along and wants some facts about what they've done recently to make sure that my dues aren't going to waste, I'm met with hostility.

Silly me.

EDIT: So, if someone actually has something useful to say, I'm all ears. But if you don't, then please keep your comments to yourself. They have no bearing in this thread. Thanks
(quote) "I'm not denying things are "bad", but I really hate the fear mongering that seems to be cornerstone of NRA propaganda. Now I realize they do have an agenda."

Sounding vaguely troll-like, ain't it ?
Well, did you try the NRA website? Or how about doing a search of THR? If you've read American Rifleman you should have stumbled across the NRA-ILA articles that talk about what the NRA is up to.

Seriously, go to the NRA-ILA site and you'll find more than you need. However, I'm a little confused about what exactly you want, especially since the very first reply answered your question.
As stated earlier they put up legal challeneges in typically liberal gun grabbing cities. San Francisco and Chicago were the day after the Heller decision. That was recent enough wasn't it. It seems to me the other hostilities have also been met yours. My question is what have you done for RKBA? I joined the NRA and continue to renew my membership as well as TSRA. You really how to check out NRAs website. It is actually pretty informative.
It's free and you still won't do it. You are a lost cause. I submit that if you cannot figure out THAT no-brainer, shoe-tying should not be attempted! Tell you what - please don't ever join as long as you live - you would do more harm than good. We don't need your type.

No reason to be an @$$. The OP is simply asking for specific references to what he NRA has done to support RTKBA. So far now one has provided that.

Its been this way for me too, COMPNOR, I have only been told to join, but have never been given any specific reasons why.
I like facts. So are there any websites or resources, preferably third party and independent, which show what the NRA has recently done to support the 2nd Amendment??

In this case, I'm not interested in the horses mouth. Though I will go take another look. But I wouldn't mind some third-party facts.

And the first post gave me two things. So thats all they're working on?
And here I was thinking that people might actually be able to help. People keep saying "Join the NRA! Join the NRA!" but when someone comes along and wants some facts about what they've done recently to make sure that my dues aren't going to waste, I'm met with hostility.

Did you see my post? Those two legal challenges only happened in the last couple months.

ETA: There's plenty more they did if you dig back in time a little. They're also very active on the local level, not just national. And there's more to them than lobbying, too. They run lots of gun safety and competition type stuff. My conversion from anti-gun to pro-gun was due in no small part by working on their pistol qualification program. They also donate money to help build ranges and buy equipment for shooting clubs. The Purdue Rifle/Pistol club has a few guns that were purchased with NRA grants that we never could have afforded ourselves. Bringing new shooters into the community and sustaining those already there does as much for the preservation of gun rights as lobbying.
they didn't put up a legal challenge in SF... they piggy backed on some one elses...Frankly anyone could have won that law suit... all they had to do was file.
And the first post gave me two things. So thats all they're working on?

That is fallout from the most recent big win for 2a advocates, so it is foremost in our minds. But I do appreciate your snark so, yes they have only worked on those two things, ever.
I used to be a member years ago, but after repeately getting weekly mailings wanting even MORE money and their "compromise on any issue" attitude, I wouldn't be one of their members even if the membership was FREE. GOA is supported by Ron Paul and they have a "no compromise" way of approaching the anti-gun BS traitors. Remember the GCA '68 and the 10 round mag law. Now ask yourself if you want to belong to the nra.
You have got to be kidding! If you lived in PA. you would see that without the NRA we would be buried in gun restrictions but instead we have some of the least restrictive gun laws in the nation. My CCW allows me to carry anywhere except federal property and courthouses.
No gun restrictions or mag capacity issues. All of this is a result of having more NRA mmbers per capita than any other state. They wield a lot of politcal and monetary power. I hate to be snide but where have you been during all the gun issues the last 20 years. Everywhere its the NRA said this , did this, opposed this, financed this.
They are the only choice you have. Its not fear, its fact
and it requires diligence.
When Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia (that's his name, really) signed illegal ( in violation of state preemption) gun laws that the District Attorney publically refused to enfore it was an NRA court action that stopped this idiot.

That alone is worth it.

NRA Life Member and proud of it.
I was a member of the NRA (thanks to my father) when i was younger (much younger).
I've long since let that membership go, and for the time being have no urge to renew.

While I believe the NRA is good at what they do - I feel they're too short sighted, and their tactics promote knee-jerk reactions at the worst possible times. I've seen too many opportunities to further the pro-gun movement blown because of fired up rhetoric and mindlessly emotional rally-cries.

It is said the NRA is the 800lb gorilla. My problem with that, is that's ALL they are. I mean, think about it. If you're walking through the woods, and an 800 pound gorilla jumps out and is about to attack you, what do you do? Do you try to reason and negotiate and see the gorilla's point of view?
Of course not - you draw down and prepare to fire.

I view the NRA in roughly the same light as I view the Brady crowd. Lots of emotional pleas, lots of "energizing" rhetoric, too short-sited and blind to actually accomplish anything.
When Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia (that's his name, really) signed illegal ( in violation of state preemption) gun laws that the District Attorney publically refused to enfore it was an NRA court action that stopped this idiot.

That alone is worth it.

NRA Life Member and proud of it.

First, if the district attorney refused to enforce it - what exactly was stopped?
Second, in a situation like that - all it would really require is a simple law-suit. I doubt it even cost them that much money. When even the DA says the law is on your side, we're not talking major landmark victory....

It's great they're there to do things like that - and pony up some money (lord knows they get enough of it..) to prevent some poor sap from having to do it on his own, but it seems like this has been their sole purpose for some time now.

I have yet to see them in the last many years really accomplish a whole heck of a lot in terms of turning the tide of anti 2nd mentality in Washington.
Maybe I just haven't been paying that close of attention, but where were they in '93 and '94?
Like I said you dont live where i do or you dont care.
1 guy here said they are too soft , another said they are too hard. Well goldilocks...mine is just right
One thing that I know that they do is they contribute to candidates running for office that have shown a dedication to the preservations of the second amendment. That seems like something good.
I didn't say they were too hard - they're not. They get nothing done.
They're blowhards who talk a big game, but only win skirmishes and harassing firefights.
When it comes time for an all out battle, they're largely useless.
Again - '93, '94? where were they? In the meantime - what do they do? Get people fired up, talk a big game, and ask for lots of money.
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