What Should NRA Do Now ?

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They should remind Americans that what happened in Boston and Watertown WILL happen again, and they should have the capability to defend themselves.
In time of peace prepare for war.
Indeed, it's precisely what the Other Team has done from Day One--mobilizing whether overt or covert followed by a Pearl Harbor strike is part and parcel of how they roll, usually hidden behind a smokescreen of ersatz "negotiations". Just ask anybody who lived in 1930s "Grossdeutschland"...

Make no mistake, folks, we are up against people whose ONLY rule is "The Ends Justifies The Means"--and while I'm not advocating sinking to that level, we need to fight a heck of a lot harder and dirtier than we have been. And more important, we need to elect Congresscritters like Ted Cruz who will actually FIGHT, not patty-cake players like Mike Hopeless here in WA, or Turncoat Toomey in the Senate or King Peter the Mediocre in the House.
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