What would you do?

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one primary and at least one secondary reason. Primary: I was carrying
Pretty good primary reason. Never a good idea to go hand-to-hand while carrying a gun - and most CC holsters don't have that great of retention.

Means, motive, opportunity... the BG doesn't have the motive to shoot you, and his opportunity to do so is diminishing as he's running away. He may or may not have the means to shoot you. I reckon you could run out to see where he went/what car he got into... but it'd probably be a better idea to check the problem at hand - was the greeter injured/in need of medical help? Walmart can stand to lose a few copies of '24'.
A purse is a pretty serious item. It could have house keys, car keys, personal photos, cell phone (also a serious item), credit cards, bank book, check book just for starters.

This amount of personal information and devices in the hands of a criminal could put you in serious danger. Thing is the purse snatcher knows it which is why he is running so hard. So you have to get that one back even at cost.

It is a shame we live in a society with so many lawyers and faceless corporations. Walmart no, Jim's Pawn Shop maybe. But Jim and his employess are normally quite well armed already. If you can put a name and face to the victim the dynamics change a bit.
by muscling past the greeter (read: knocking down)

I'm seeing an awful lot of "don't defend someone else's property" here, coupled with "nobody hurt, don't look."

Sorry, but I'm not built that way. I take my position as an active member of the United States Militia seriously and would, at least, raise "hue and cry." Bum leg, broken back and age would probably prevent me from getting close enough to physically accost the perp, but I'd try to do as I was raised and taught to do.

Sorry, but I'm not built that way. I take my position as an active member of the United States Militia seriously and would, at least, raise "hue and cry."

Let's keep comments like that confined to General Discussion or Legal and Political. They don't belong here. This is the Strategies and Tactics forum. Your personal moral code v. anyone else's isn't on topic here.

Honestly if I was in arms reach, or could get him I would. I'm sick and tired of criminals getting away with so much.
I am armed and will not engage some one if a life is not clearly in danger , and yes it is a personal decision which should be made and considered carefully before hand .
And a company's policies regrading theft and how to minimize it are the moral and legal considerations and problems of the stock holders and the corporate management.
Edmund Burke disagreed:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

The only proof of your moral strength is in what you do when you're not compelled, when you have a choice to act or not act. What choices do you make?

A cop on duty is "just doing his job". A soldier is "just following orders". A lifeguard pulling a drowning person from the surf isn't a hero, because rescuing people in distress is his assignment!

But if you think the moral quality of the world is going down and you choose to do nothing to stop it, are you part of the problem or part of the solution?
It seems to me that the tactics we're discussing need to apply to our strategy, and our strategy needs to be aligned with our desired victory. Victory must mean more than imply survival.

Apologies to the moderator for my post.
And with that, this thread is done.....Let's not waste expensive bandwidth with discussions about moral issues that will never be resolved.

Everyone must make the decision to intervene or not intervene based on his perception of what the actual situation is, how prepared he is, what his individual skill level is, and his own personal moral code. There are no right or wrong answers and I'm not going to waste anymore bandwidth on these circular discussions. Members will confine their discussion to the nuts and bolts or responding and the legal not moral but legal aspects involved. Those are substantive issues that have an answer. The Strategies and Tactics forum is not for the debate of anyone's personal moral code. O'm certain that if you do a google search you will find a place where they love to discuss those issues.

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