When I die, what will be found in my pockets?

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And the only downside to that lovely p-38; once in a while it will 'pop' open and poke a hole in your pocket. But as noted, it is a little tool beyond compare.

I swear you can open a Sherman tank with one of those things,,,
When I die the only thing in my pockets will be someone elses hands looking for stuff.

Sir, I lost my father this past January 4th. I regret his passing almost daily. I think I have some small understanding of your pain, and share it as well. I hope and pray that you find some solace in the life you shared together. Celebrate that, as often as possible. It does get easier. If you would like, our family will include you and yours in our prayers.

Thank you for your kind words. I am just now getting to where I can look through his things and smile instead of hurt.
Prolly a knife of some kind (SAK), keys, and pics of my family in a wallet. One of those pics is of my father holding my newborn son. My father passed soon after it was taken.

My condolences, TimM.
Folding 3.25" Buck knife (4" limit on campus currently), 9 LED flashlight (VERY bright), Keys (with caribiner hooked on belt loop), wallet, phone.
Leather belt to hold the pants up and a stainless watch on the wrist :D
In a few years when I can get my CCW permit (and finish college) I can then add one of my pistols (most likely one of my 9mms because they're smaller) to the list :)

of course I can OC right now though I'm going to get a more fitting holster tomorrow hopefully.

Right now?
Wallet, keys and Bersa .380CC in my pockets. Insulin pump and PDA phone on my belt.

Wallet, keys, insulin pump in my pockets. PDA phone and XD-40 on my belt.

My wife is also getting me a Benchmade Aparition for Christmas :)
* one forty-five caliber automatic;
* two boxes of ammunition;
* four days' concentrated emergency rations;
* one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills;
* one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible;
* one hundred dollars in rubles;
* one hundred dollars in gold;
* nine packs of chewing gum;
* one issue of prophylactics;
* three lipsticks;
* three pair of nylon stockings.

:)Heeey, a fella could have a good time in Las Vegas with this....
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