Which guns can lead to your "Man Card" getting pulled?

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Did you guys cry when Bubba died in Forrest Gump's arms? I may have let a lone tear trickle down my chiseled face. I pretty much lost it when Forrest was crying over Jenny's grave though.
So no one here ever watched "the Man Show" and thought it was funny?

Jokes are jokes. There is no deeper meaning. What's the point in becoming a community of people wiht similar interests if we can't grow comfortable around each other?

Going through life without being able to laugh at yourself and participate in a little good-natured ribbing is no way to go at all.
I watched Willow on DVD last night but I didn't cry. It was kind of sad though when those crazy dogs tore apart the midwife though. That little gnome village was cute too.
I don't swagger around with my man parts hanging out but I'm not ashamed of having em' either. There are MANY folks in this country who would have husbands and fathers neutered. I ain't buying it. Damn sure not apologizing for being a man.
The emotion I felt on 9/11 was rage.
I'm buying the Grandaughters Crickets for Christmas (Not X-mas) this year. Blued with walnut stocks. They ain't toys.
I've lost friends, a wife and fellow Marines. If I feel the need to cry, I'll do it alone. I don't need a slobber-fest.
I think the man card thing is funny, but I know we all have our own sense of humor. I'd say a giant biker in club leathers on a moped is neutral (We'll let his fellow bikers deal with him on that one). A straight guy wearing a pink sweater on said moped is a man card violation.
I need a man card ruling on the Liberian rebels from the OP. Does wearing bright wigs, dresses, etc, while doing battle with AK's and RPG's add, or subtract, from ones man card? These guys are a bit of a cunundrum for me on the man card thing. Part of me wants to revoke, and part wants to add credits to thier man card. :)

Sorry, couldnt dig up any of the better pics of them in wedding dresses, multi-colored wigs and cocktail dresses, etc.
I'll ride anything with a motor and/or wheels, shoot anything that goes bang and hits the target, and listen to anything I like.

The shame is in:
-Falling off the moped - and crying,
-Missing the target with the .25 or Ladysmith,
-Getting emotional over Elton John or his songs in any way.

Oddly enough, the Ladysmith is one of the few handguns smaller than a .44 mag that I shoot better than my kid sister.
I'll play

Carrying a gun, in any configuration is ok, so long as its not a smaller caliber "to only wound them" or a larger gun "so it will scare someone" people who do this need some man classes

While we all wear ear protection any man who's not (say just pulled up to the range) and covers/exclamies ow my ears!

Crying is ok- IF you are eithier drunk, alone, or drunk with people you are close with AND something tragic just happened A man is NEVER allowed to cry while there is work to do ie having to shoot your horse crying is ok alone afterwards but a man MUST finish the job
I need a man card ruling on the Liberian rebels from the OP. Does wearing bright wigs, dresses, etc, while doing battle with AK's and RPG's add, or subtract, from ones man card? These guys are a bit of a cunundrum for me on the man card thing. Part of me wants to revoke, and part wants to add credits to thier man card.

That's a tough one. I'm going to say it comes down to intent. If they're wearing the dresses and wigs with the intent to mock their enemy before killing them, then perhaps it's O.K.

Previous similar rulings are what allowed the Kilt to bypass the "Men Shall Not Wear Skirts Act" of 1573.
If you are not shooting a 10mm in a pistol, then you man card should be examined for fraudulent markings.
Lots of people on this board lack a sense of humor. I have enough for at least three people, and I will share.
Huh. I guess I'm deprived. Nobody never issued me no "Man Card". Dunno what it is.

But I learned to ride when I was about six, and took up shooting at about that same age. I figured out that if I told the truth that I didn't have to ever really remember what I'd said.

Voted, got married, raised a kid who's quite self-sufficient, and I don't need any help in dealing with retirement.

And if I paint a Raven pink, the important thing is that you do not stand where I intend to shoot.

:D, Art
If the gun is reliable, effective, and you're accurate with it, does what you need it to do.. then why remove anybody's "card." When I see somebody at the range with a $175 Hi-Point jamming on them, I just think they perhaps don't yet know what's good, or they're broke and wanted to spend some time shooting... The only reason to remove a card is if somebody isn't being safe or responsible, or has somebody else fire a gun they know is beyond their safe range... such as having a 110LB girl fire a 44 Single Action when she's never fired a gun. Otherwise.. I couldn't care less..
such as having a 110LB girl fire a 44 Single Action when she's never fired a gun. Otherwise.. I couldn't care less..

That's cause for pulling someone's Man Card. If your idea of entertainment is abusing women, then you're not a man.

If your idea of entertainment is abusing other men, then join the Marine Corps as a machinegunner and EARN your Man Card!

A lot of people seem to want to enjoy the merits of their respective sex but forget all about the responsibilities that come along with it.

i guess if you cried over Bubba´s death in Forrest Gump
AND you bring a pink AR to the range - that should be enough
to get ya mancard revoked.

An Elton John CD or two won´t hurt, either.

(funny ****, this :D)
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