White House looking for feedback

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My post:

Gun laws do not deter criminals from using guns. They are willing to commit armed robbery and/or murder, so tacking on a gun charge is like a parking ticket. If by some miracle you were able to remove so-called "assault weapons" from criminals, they would still have access to normal guns (which, contrary to what the media would suggest, are still just as deadly) or other weapons (kitchen knives, gasoline, home-made explosives, etc).

What gun control DOES do is limit the rights of law-abiding citizens. It detracts from the Second Amendment, potentially creates situations where we cannot use a firearm in self defense, and does nothing to prevent the use of guns in crime.

Instead of taking the easy route and applying the bandaid to the papercut that is guns, why not look at the prevailing issues in society instead: our revolving door prison system, poor mental health care, and a need for better social programs for at-risk youth.

I am a gun owner, and I am all about preventing as much violence as possible. Attacking the millions of law-abiding gun owners is not the way to do it. Tackling the problems that plague society is.

I implore the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court to come together, push aside the red herring that is the tool, and look at the core issue. If we preserve the Bill of Rights, and stop fighting each other to instead work together across party lines and tackle the real problem, I'm sure we can come up with some great ideas to reduce violent crime in our society, all without infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Two more bits I would like to add:
1) Gun control hurts small-business accessory manufacturers. This hurts our economy.
2) The gun industry is the ONLY industry where you are treated as guilty-until-proven-innocent. That flies in the face of our justice system.

If he responds with "give me your guns" I'll just tell him the tragic story about how I was out deep-sea fishing...
“Please stop calling normal rifles "Assault Rifles" it is a abstract term and holds no merit. Furthermore both the CDC and the Department of Justice found that the last Assault Weapons ban of 1994 did nothing to stop crime during that period.
The idea that banning certain items will stop someone willing to die to achieve their ends is entirely absurd.”

This is what I sent.
Response sent.

I am a concealed weapons permit holder in California and I strongly oppose any further 2nd Amendment restrictions. I would agree to be restricted by the same measures you would restrict our military and law enforcement, as we hope to protect ourselves from the same evils that they do. Previous gun legislation has done very little to prevent crime, and has greatly increased criminal boldness when the populace is left unarmed. There is no possible way to provide enough police protection to ensure safety, so the best we can do is to provide as many good guys as possible with the ability to prevent and supress violent crime themselves.
If the Barry is looking for "feedback" he may find this interesting-

Feb. 2, 1996 Moses Lake, Wa. Two students and one teacher killed. (3)

Feb. 19, 1997 Bethel, Ak. Principal and one student killed. (2)

Oct. 1, 1997 Pearl, Ms. Two students killed. (2)

Dec. 1, 1997 West Paducah, Ky. Three students killed. (3)

Mar. 24, 1998 Jonesboro, Ar. Four students and one teacher killed. (5)

Apr. 24, 1998 Edinboro, Pa. One teacher, John Gillette, killed. (1)

May 19, 1998 Fayetteville, Tn. One student killed. (1)

May 21, 1998 Springfield, Or. Two students killed. (2)

Apr. 20, 1999 Littleton, Co. Twelve students and one teacher killed. (13)

Nov. 19, 1999 Deming, N.M. One student killed. (1)

Feb. 29, 2000 Mount Morris Township, Mi. One student killed. (1)

Mar. 10, 2000 Savannah, Ga. Two students killed. (2)

May 26, 2000 Lake Worth, Fl. One teacher killed. (1)

Jan. 17, 2001 Baltimore, Md. One student killed. (1)

Mar. 5, 2001 Santee, Ca. Two students killed. (2)

Mar. 30, 2001 Gary, In. One student killed. (1)

Oct. 28, 2002 Tucson, Az. Three professors killed. (3)

Apr. 14, 2003 New Orleans, La. One student killed. (1)

Apr. 24, 2003 Red Lion, Pa. One principal killed. (1)

Sept. 24, 2003 Cold Spring, Mn. Two students killed. (2)

That's a total of 48 people- men, women and mostly children, WHOSE DEATHS WERE NOT PREVENTED by the existence of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

A duplicate of the Federal 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, currently in place on the Connecticut law books, also DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO PREVENT THE SLAUGHTER OF 26 INNOCENTS- meaning that the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban has failed to prevent a total of 74 deaths during its tenure.

ETA: Information cited from this source: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777958.html
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My response, which I'm going to sent a copy of to my senators and my representative:

Dear Mr. President:

I was heartened to hear your earlier comments that we should consider "meaningful" action which would help protect ourselves and our children. Thank you for allowing me the venue and opportunity to comment:

1. I am against any action which would seek to ban any type of gun or gun accessory:

I am disappointed to hear you begin your attached video comment by talking about banning some gun(s) or accessories. These are actions which have been tried before and historically proven to be without value in affecting the issues with which we are confronted. Every restriction you proposed in your attached video comment was, essentially, already in place in Connecticut when this tragedy occurred and, yet, had little or no effect.

2.) I am for addressing the issues of dealing with violent criminals:

Please, sir, consider applying the power of your position to helping make changes in the way we deal with violent criminals, particularly the violent mentally and emotionally ill.

3.) I support providing security for our children:

Please consider supporting those of your governors who are proposing real protection for our kids by arming well-qualified school officials who have the invaluable time advantage over our police of already being on the site of a potential problem.

4.) I oppose any action which serves only to further restrict the rights of law-abiding citizents without affecting the issues involved:

Please reconsider any action which would produce no meaningful improvement but would merely impose more restrictions on the freedoms of law-abiding citizens.

I will support any really meaningful action you can take, Mr. President and will work hard to support those of my elected representatives who do the same.

I will work hard to replace any who support the meaningless erosion of citizen's rights to no useful purpose.

Thank you,

Dr. ____________
My response:

I am a retired Special Agent of the US Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID), and for the past thirteen years, have been Director of Advanced Force Tactics, Inc., a company devoted to providing training in judgmental use-of-force and gunfighting tactics to law enforcement and armed security agencies nationwide.

Like all Americans, I was heartsick to hear of the tragic mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. It is especially poignant to me, because for years I have trained the Fairfield University Department of Public Safety in nearby Fairfield, Connecticut.

As a consequence of this tragedy, there have been calls for a new ban on “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines. That won’t prevent future tragedies like Sandy Hook. There are tens of thousands of these weapons and hundreds of thousands of these magazines in the hands of law-abiding Americans, and these are the very types of weapons that our forefathers envisioned our having when they ratified the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

The ONLY effective way to stop an active shooter bent on killing is IMMEDIATE armed response. It is a truism that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. That was never truer than at Sandy Hook. Some propose allowing teachers and school staff to carry concealed weapons in schools, if they have concealed weapons permits. This might well stop an active shooter, or, if made known, dissuade a potential shooter from even attempting a mass murder. But allowing teachers to carry their concealed weapons would open the possibility that unauthorized persons could gain access to the weapons if left in a purse, briefcase, or desk drawer. Moreover, the responding teacher would be at a severe disadvantage in using a pocket pistol to confront a gunman with a high-powered semi-automatic rifle or shotgun, possibly wearing body armor. Finally, there would be a severe risk that a teacher attempting to intervene in an active shooting incident would be shot on sight by responding law enforcement officers.

Based on my training and experience training law enforcement agencies all over the country, I believe there is a better solution to effective immediate armed response while minimizing the risk to the armed responder. A fellow law enforcement trainer has accurately called active school shooters “monsters.” Every school building in the country has fire extinguishers to enable teachers and staff to fight fires, should they occur. I believe that schools should also have “monster extinguishers” strategically located throughout the campus – a securely locked container holding an easy-to-use rifle, such as an M-1 Carbine or AR-15, plus an armored and distinctively marked “raid jacket” that would instantly identify the responder to law enforcement responders and provide some modicum of protection from the shooter. Specially trained volunteer teachers and staff members would have keys to these containers, and would be able to respond instantly with effective lethal force to terminate the threat. The rifle is much easier to shoot accurately in an emergency than a handgun, and would penetrate all but the most cumbersome body armor.

Hopefully, Congress resists the temptation to infringe on our Second Amendment rights, and will consider this proposal as an effective substitute. I will be happy to work with Congressional staff in developing a bill to accomplish this, and/or to testify as an expert witness to any hearings held on proposed laws aimed at preventing future tragedies.

You really think the Obama crowd at the White House wants feedback from PRO-SECOND AMENDMENT citizens.
If they wanted the opinion of us, what would be the point? What do WE want? I want MY voice to heard. I want them to know that an AWB isn't a solution. I want them to hear that message.
My response to the WH.gov
As an elected school board official and parent and grandparent, I urge you to look at the mental health and school safety issues and realize that the GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.
Blaming guns is lazy leadership and nothing more than crisis exploitation to further an agenda that will do nothing to reduce violence.
Remember last Friday, 320,000,000 responsible gun owners didn't shoot anybody.
Very well stated. By the way:

1927 Bath, MI. 44 dead by explosives
1964 Cologne, Germany 10 dead in school by homemade flamethrower and spear
1995 Oklahoma City 168 dead by explosives
1995 Tokyo 13 dead, 50 injured, 1000 affected, by sarin gas attack in subway
2001 Osaka, Japan 8 children dead, 13 others and 2 teachers wounded all stabbed
2001 NYC, 3000 dead initially by box cutters, then by crashed airliners into World Trade Center
2003 Daegu, South Korea 198 dead, 147 injured by fire set to a train
2004 London 4 dead, 2 wounded by stabbing spree
2004 Deltona, FL 6 dead by baseball bats
2006 Berlin, Germany 41 wounded by knife attack
2008 Sitka, Alaska 4 dead by a kitchen knife
England-since 2003 100 crimes committed using swords, including six dead--after guns outlawed
There are many more. This is a partial modern list. MANY of these, rather than being caused by guns, might have been stopped or reduced by a legally armed citizen, but most happened in countries or US locations where guns were forbidden. Evil and insane people will find a way to kill. Armed citizens can stop them, given the chance.
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I think that y'all would be well served to send a copy to your CongressCritters as well. After all, they're the ones with re-election aspirations.....
I posted something short. I doubt it'll ever be read by anyone. And if it ever is something short probably has a better chance of being read in it's entirety.

Has anyone thought of anything really catchy? An updated version of "Guns don't kill people, people kill people," maybe?

Maybe someone could make some nice banner ads for posting on various websites.

"Gun control is a failed social experiment." is something that I came up with, it's okay, not great.
Sent them something. Worth a shot I guess.

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I responded:
Banning certain firearms and accessories based on their looks, action or size is counter-productive. Both in practicality and politically. Instead, you should work towards protecting the areas where you now forbid people to defend themselves and children. One of the teachers in Newtown reportedly spoke with the killer. In that time, she might have been able to stop him, had she not been forbidden to have the means with which to do so.

I also copied the link and request to a forum I moderate.

Thanks for the link. Here was my response:

Mr. President:

I am the father of a 1 year old daughter. I am a gun owner. I have never committed a crime with my guns, nor have I ever been inclined to. Those who wish to use firearms in their criminal activity will do so with a 1-shot weapon, or a semi-automatic weapon. The argument against certain guns is absolutely ridiculous. Just because a gun is a "military style" weapon doesn't mean it's any more deadly than a "hunting style" weapon, or a single shot weapon. It's just scarier looking to those who know nothing about guns. All guns are deadly in the wrong hands...whether criminal or negligent...regardless of size, shape, or caliber.

Please do not use the tragedy in Newtown to mindlessly ban weapons, when that will in fact do nothing to stop the senseless tragedies we are enduring as a nation. If we just ban weapons, we will endure more tragedies. This will all happen again. We need to do something meaningful, not symbolic.

Mr. President, many Americans are law abiding gun owners. Do not make us into criminals for doing nothing wrong, other than owning a weapon now deemed "scary" by a hysterical public.

Chicago currently has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. It's law abiding citizens are denied the ability to carry a weapon in any way (for now). For quite some time, there was no way of owning a handgun. It is a litmus test of extreme gun laws and 1000's are dying there of gun violence. Outright gun bans do NOT work!

I am under no delusion that the answer to gun problems is more guns. There is a deeper problem in America than guns. Getting rid of guns makes as much as sense as banning cars because people drink and drive. The car didn't make the person do something wrong, the person is to blame for their actions. Did we fight drunk drivers by banning cars? No! MADD changed the social stigma of drinking and driving as acceptable or something to tolerate, to utterly despicable and socially unacceptable.

That is the direction we need from you, Mr. President! Change the mind of the American citizen for the better, regarding guns and gun violence! Change the dialogue and make a difference, not by outright bans that only harm law abiding citizens - by making Americans nation-wide say to their family and children that gun violence is unacceptable, that you don't go on shooting rampages, that if you have a problem the answer isn't to pick up a weapon and start shooting.

I thank you for your time. I pray every day for you and your family, and ask God to guide you and this great nation to a shining future of prosperity and peace.

God Bless and Merry Christmas.
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