Who should be the next NRA leader?

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Name recognition would be good, no, not Alec Baldwin. I’d nominate Tom Selleck
He would be my pick for president.
Anyways. Watch who the news media rails against the MOST, pick them
They just got rid of that one. This position should be the brains of the operation, not the face of it. Someone barely anyone has ever heard of. Or Jerry Jones.
Most of the people listed above would perhaps be a good choice for President of the NRA but not the Executive Director.
What exactly does the Executive director do?
Sincerely asking out of ignorance.

I know LaPierre has been the most prominent face of the NRA for decades but is that really the job?
You're no better than the liberals who engage in identity politics. How about the best person for the job as a start, regardless of their skin color, sex or age?
Here is the thing, the best person for the job, as I understand it, can reach across the political lines to those “Liberals who engage in identity politics”

Guess who can’t, or at minimum will struggle, to do that.

I’m not saying that’s how it should be, but I think it’s where we’re at.
As far as unabashed, uncompromising 2A supporters go, Colion Noir would definitely get my vote. Tom Selleck hadn't occurred to me before, but he would be a good second choice.
You're no better than the liberals who engage in identity politics. How about the best person for the job as a start, regardless of their skin color, sex or age?
I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s the way things are now. I worked really hard at my job and was ignored. A black female who did nothing and has a substantial negative leave balance was promoted. The NRA has to reflect diversity to survive.

I think it’s wrong, Biden stated he was picking a woman of colour for his VP choice and Supreme Court pick before an individual was selected, ignoring at least 75% of viable candidates.
I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s the way things are now. I worked really hard at my job and was ignored. A black female who did nothing and has a substantial negative leave balance was promoted. The NRA has to reflect diversity to survive.

I think it’s wrong, Biden stated he was picking a woman of colour for his VP choice and Supreme Court pick before an individual was selected, ignoring at least 75% of viable candidates.
I almost got this closed by making a comment about whether or not I would base my decision on how a certain individual would make his (or hers) choice...
While I think Selleck would be a good choice he is 78 years old and has a good gig on TV. Why would he want to take this on? I don''t believe members get to make the choice anyway.

I would like to see the most competent person available chosen. Skin color or sex should have no consideration in choice just like it shouldn't in any situation.
What exactly does the Executive director do?
From memory the title is Executive President. Functionally the CEO.
The Elected Board of Directors is the public face of the organization. They are/were meant to be the jury used to determine if policies and practices conformed to the Charter and its Bylaws.

The EP functioned as the person able to sign off on contracts, hire consultants, and the like. With the oversight of the BoD.

This is the "meant to be" at least.

In practice, WLP made his position "elected" in much the same way the Communist Premiere was 'elected." And the publicly elected BoD was no more in charge than the old Presidium was. And, like the old Soviet model, it's flaws ran deep and were institutional. I fear that, much as the present Duma is near as toothless as the Presidium was, so will the NRA governing board & Committees.

Of course, what 'we' want is that it ought operate like a US Corporation does, with a Company President, but also a Board of Directors, with their own Chairman, who supervises and reviews the actions of the President. The model could be what NRA needs, as with it's several, separated, functions, it much resembles a large multiple-company business, which might have several Company Presidents, over which a Corporate Board and its Chairman have oversight.

For my 2¢, the NRA ought be re-chartered in a more suitable place, Ohio, Tennessee, perhaps Wyoming--someplace far from the corruption of DC and the Beltway. And, they ought only have ILA as the outpost "in contact" with "the enemy." Havign them have to leave the Beltway to answer to the Board would let them "touch grass" and get back in touch.

Now, as to potential candidates, I'd nominate Othais, other than Mae would likely clobber me for it. :)
Here is the thing, the best person for the job, as I understand it, can reach across the political lines to those “Liberals who engage in identity politics”
Those Leftists do not care, if anything they would be triggered even more if they saw that Ru Paul or is now the head of the NRA.
The next head of NRA should absolutely not be any sort of celebrity.

The organization needs someone to clean up the financial mess, consolidate their organizational legal issues, rationalize their media empire, and set some basic strategies and objectives that deliver value to the membership. Competence rather than celebrity or name recognition is what is needed. By the nature of the organization and job, the role will have to be paid at a premium to similar roles at other trade associations and membership organizations. But a flat annual of $4 million with an addition $500k in performance based bonuses would garner numerous qualified candidates. The opaque comp scheme currently in play and abuses of the WLP era can be ended quickly.

The NRA needs a back to basics strategy. Clean house without much drama or recrimination; create transparent compensation and budget systems, and get people and programs on clear strategies to deliver value to the membership. A celebrity will not get these things done. NRA will be a platform and stage for them and their brand.
From memory the title is Executive President. Functionally the CEO.
The Elected Board of Directors is the public face of the organization. They are/were meant to be the jury used to determine if policies and practices conformed to the Charter and its Bylaws.

The EP functioned as the person able to sign off on contracts, hire consultants, and the like. With the oversight of the BoD.

This is the "meant to be" at least.

In practice, WLP made his position "elected" in much the same way the Communist Premiere was 'elected." And the publicly elected BoD was no more in charge than the old Presidium was. And, like the old Soviet model, it's flaws ran deep and were institutional. I fear that, much as the present Duma is near as toothless as the Presidium was, so will the NRA governing board & Committees.

Of course, what 'we' want is that it ought operate like a US Corporation does, with a Company President, but also a Board of Directors, with their own Chairman, who supervises and reviews the actions of the President. The model could be what NRA needs, as with it's several, separated, functions, it much resembles a large multiple-company business, which might have several Company Presidents, over which a Corporate Board and its Chairman have oversight.

For my 2¢, the NRA ought be re-chartered in a more suitable place, Ohio, Tennessee, perhaps Wyoming--someplace far from the corruption of DC and the Beltway. And, they ought only have ILA as the outpost "in contact" with "the enemy." Havign them have to leave the Beltway to answer to the Board would let them "touch grass" and get back in touch.

Now, as to potential candidates, I'd nominate Othais, other than Mae would likely clobber me for it. :)
That’s basically what I thought but I wasn’t sure. I just remember his salary being compared to CEO’s of similarly sized organizations.
Those Leftists do not care, if anything they would be triggered even more if they saw that Ru Paul or is now the head of the NRA.
That’s probably true, the problem is the probably.

However, I am told gun ownership among Dems is growing fairly rapidly, if that’s true I want them to feel welcome which is unlikely enough already.
Don, Jr.! He and other members of the family visited the OGCA show at least once. He knows something about guns, he hunts, he understands the media, he knows what's at stake and it would continually yank their chain!
He made 5 promises and never attempted to fulfill one that I know of, I will not be forgetting that.
It’s too bad the world is now a more racist place. Race shouldn’t have been mentioned once in this thread but because the nut jobs pulling the strings make everything about race, we do too. 🙄

I don’t mind a celebrity type only if he or she also has credentials and managing talent.
He made 5 promises
You may be thinking of DJT, @drk1 was referring to Don Junior, who is pretty vocal in the 2a community. He's vocal on a number of topics, which is handy as he has a radio show based on talking about many things.

DJT, Jr would be an interesting "public face" to have, but maybe not to be CEO.

Perhaps we need to tap Ted Murphy, interim president of USPSA, or Leighton Oothueisen, the current VP. They have practical shooting experience, and organizational experience. Mind, they may not be perfect candidates, either. But, having practical knowledge of firearms ought be high up on the qualifications for a new CEO.
Here is the thing, the best person for the job, as I understand it, can reach across the political lines to those “Liberals who engage in identity politics”

Guess who can’t, or at minimum will struggle, to do that.

I’m not saying that’s how it should be, but I think it’s where we’re at.
Do you really think most liberals will "reach across party lines" to understand our stance on the second amendment? I seriously doubt most people even have a firm grasp on what the second amendment is about and what it is for, including a lot of "pro-2A" people here.

I believe what the NRA needs to replace Wayne LaPierre with is an extremely well educated, true believer in the Second Amendment who won't COMPROMISE. We've already compromised enough...the second amendment is already compromised enough.

We always seem to "compromise" away from freedom and liberty...
I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s the way things are now.
Sorry to hear about your personal experience, but I don't accept that "status quo" nonsense. Identity politics only divides us further and as long as we're divided, we're weak. That weakness is EXACTLY what the political leadership wants and I won't accept it. I don't accept using identity politics to try to accomplish anything. It's wrong if they use it and it's wrong if we use it.

I absolutely agree with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr....(paraphrased) content of character matters infinitely more than color of the skin, or sex or any other physical factor that can't be controlled.

Principles over appearance, period
They just got rid of that one. This position should be the brains of the operation, not the face of it. Someone barely anyone has ever heard of. Or Jerry Jones.

Right, we already lost for the last 30 years let's get someone else who has 30 years of choking and losing experience to replace him.

As bad as I hate the virtue signaling I agree that there is bound to be a great candidate who isn't old and white.

After the last election though who knows.

I'm old-ish and white btw.
Ted Nugent

Again...a man who claimed to have dodged the draft (he now denies but it was his own interview that started the claims), he had also had several wildlife charges against him he pled to, and admitted sex with underage women many times, and one who is known to.... fire loosely from the lips.... isn't what we need. We don't need more baggage. Wlp had enough to do us for years. With the other side reeling from the epstein stuff let's not pull a trump and make a point to get the spotlight right back on us for the wrong (same) things.

Most of the members in the nra are not going anywhere. Like it or not it's the biggest thorn in the side of all anti gunners. Go over seas and they know the NRA. Not the others. That's how annoying the NRA is to everyone. Lol. What we NEED is someone who provides access to the untapped gun owners who aren't members. More of the same isn't the way to get something different.

Who ever it is will be picked apart from day one. Even someone with few skeletons will be the talking point of BRADY and all the others. Let's at least try to find a candidate who hasn't admitted or been caught doing MULTIPLE misdemeanor and felony. Surely to God with a many gunowners as there are we can get someone with NO BAGGAGE.

I don't care who they get. I pay my dues and forget them. Their magazine is trash and the emails go to spam. In sure I'll be DELIGHTED by the choice though. I'll send my dues regardless of who it is really. If nothing else to keep the other side mad when they read "NRA with 5 million members" blah blah blah .

Last year I read a headline "NRA hemorrhages 1 million members, hits 10 year low". That's NOT what we need. It's cheap enough to join them all, but the NRA is, if nothing else, the big mosquito in their face that distracts them while the others work.
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