Will prices be higher on November 5th?

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Well I am going to get my AR-15 stuff ordered "just in case" but the landscape is not the same as it was in the early 1990s, crime control does not sell as much as people saw that community policing and jobs killed off a LOT of crime. People are still worried more about terrorists then crime.

but I am still going to buy the hardware that I can afford.

Though I would love to see the AK part kits be allowed to be imported again (thought it was great policy, take a weapon that otherwise would be on the black market and get a legal law abiding US citizen to get a autoloading rifle. A Win-win but it is not seen that way :banghead:)
TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It

the last AWB barely passed in a time of anti-gun prominence. When it did, exactly how many people got voted out of office again?

I bet that there will be an AWB re-introduced by our favorite Ms. McCarthy or what have you, but I doubt that there will be enough cosignors to push it forward for a vote. If it does make it for a vote, I bet that it would probably get defeated. Things have changed in four years.

As for prices, well...prices are going up regardless. Gas, food, metal, and even water and other utilities are up.

I really do wish that significant troop reduction comes within the next year or two. We have been taking our time in training the new police forces - something we should have started doing five years ago.
Aw...come on...
The prices are NOT rising...
The number of dollars required to purchase anything IS increasing exponentially, but the value of what we are buying is NOT going up.
The value of and confidence in the dollar is decreasing.

It is driving me absolutely crazy that we have two candidates running for the highest office that are poised to continue the spending that is killing the confidence in our currency.
The one side will increase the spending on welfare and keep the war drums beating, while the other will simply keep the war drums going and limit the welfare spending.
Either way the dollar is being over printed to afford some clueless politician a means to self gratify.

If we want the "Prices" to go down, we need to get people educated on what's actually going on, and correct the problem.

At the rate we are going, availability of ammo and guns is the least of our problems.

We need to restore our currency to it's glory in order to get food, gas and ammo prices back to an acceptable level.
One way we do that is by NOT sending our money offshore.
(there's a lot more to it than that simple example, but you are all intelligent people here, so I am sure you can all get the point)
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one other quick point. I DID put my AR on layaway at my favorite store the last week of October, 2004, just in case. That way the price was set, and that way when W got re-elected anyway, i could spend the extra on accessories :)
Kentucky Dave called it. It's not about whether one candidate supports guns or wants to melt them all down. We've got serious issues with the dollar and nobody's paying attention. (how many banks has the gvt. taken over in the last month? Anyone?)

It reminds me of when I went house shopping in '03 and saw the incredibly lax lending standards, 20% yoy appreciation and 40+ offers A DAY on a 1200sf, $600K 'fixer'. I knew things were fishy then but everybody just knew that "real estate never goes down"... (I decided to keep renting btw- one of the 'Crazy ones' who missed the boat I guess.)

Ok so I'm off topic, but let me say that you'll need something to hunt your food with soon if we don't shore up the dollar. I'd recommend something reloadable in the varmint class because the big game isn't going to support our population long...

I've never been the Chicken Little type, and maybe it's not as bad as I think. But let's just hope whoever winds up as the CIC figures it out post haste, huh?
I buy ammo weekly. Extra money, I buy a few mags, and have a couple of new pices in lay away. Seeing as how I am in school full time, that is the way I have to do it.
Obama will have FAR more pressing concerns as a newly elected President (Iraq, Iran, economy, etc) than making it a talking point to take our guns away.

I wish you would have said that he'll have far better things to distract us from Iraq, Iran and the economy than taking our guns away.
Obama is not going to spend his precious political capital on gun-related issues. Fear may drive prices up, but not policies. He's interested in four big items: health care, energy, the economy, and Iraq/Afghanistan. There's no need for him to get bogged down in what is really - I hate to say it - something of a fringe issue when he's got much bigger fish to fry.
crime control does not sell as much as people saw that community policing and jobs killed off a LOT of crime.
crime was reduced not by community policing or jobs, but by locking criminals up for longe periods of time.

swifter and surer punishment is what deters crime.
Of course prices will be higher. But I think it will probably be more due to natural economics than fear of Obama. The minimum wage increase that went into effect, plus further increases are a key factor. Since employing people costs more, businesses are going to be forced to recoup that loss through higher prices. Factor in demand for metals to make ammo, plus increased demand for ammo itself, the price of ammo has little choice but to trend upwards.
It's the CONGRESS, people

What you can and need to do, is spend our time making sure the senators and representatives are who we need.

That little nugget is exactly right. I'm not crazy about either of the two main candidates, and I kinda wonder how we got stuck with both of them as the best our parties could come up with. :barf::barf:

But whichever one wins, they can't do permanent damage without the collusion of Congress, so THAT is where my campaign contributions are going this year, to get as many conservative representatives elected as possible. I have two reasons for focusing on the House:

1. districts are smaller than states, so each dollar contributed and voter influenced makes a bigger proportional difference on election day
2. house members are up for re-election every two years, and so can be kept on a much shorter leash of voter accountability
Revolving Cylinder

Quote: This is another example of an American that forgot that his fellow countrymen are still fighting in Afghanistan on his behalf..

Please don't tell my cousin fighting over there that I forgot about him. He might think that the letters were just a scam.

I went out of my way to say "Iraq" and I meant it. I stand by what I say, lets check back in a year and find out, shall we?
Watch for a spike in ammunition sales, if California passes the proposed registration requirement.

Yes, especially in bulk quantities. Handgun ammo, anyway. Might not be a huge spike in shotgun or rifle ammo orders, though I could see people stocking up on rifle ammo also, just because they got into ordering it.
I think Obama has a lot of other wacko ideas he'll be pushing before he gets to gun control.
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